Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
Von Haparanda bis San Francisco: Reise-Erinnerungen (German) Ernst Wasserzieher 130 downloads
As A Chinaman Saw Us: Passages from His Letters to a Friend at Home 129 downloads
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America S. A. Ferrall 128 downloads
First impressions of the New World on two travellers from the Old, in the autumn of 1858 Isabella Strange Trotter 125 downloads
Une année au désert : Scènes et récits du Far-West américain (French) Auguste Nicaise 124 downloads
A Frenchman in America: Recollections of Men and Things Max O'Rell 120 downloads
Mein Besuch Amerika's im Sommer 1824 (German) Philippe Suchard 118 downloads
Retrospect of Western Travel, Volume 2 (of 2) Harriet Martineau 117 downloads
Por las dos Américas : Notas y reflexiones (Spanish) Enrique Molina 117 downloads
"Chicago to the Sea." Eastern Excursionist William C. Gage 116 downloads
Over Here: Impressions of America by a British officer Hector MacQuarrie 116 downloads
Achenwall's Observations on North America Gottfried Achenwall 116 downloads
Narrative of Richard Lee Mason in the Pioneer West, 1819 Richard Lee Mason 116 downloads
Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile Arthur Jerome Eddy 116 downloads
Canada and the States Sir E. W. Watkin 114 downloads
Uudesta Maailmasta: Hajanaisia matkakuvia Amerikasta (Finnish) friherrinna Alexandra Gripenberg 114 downloads
A Visit to the United States in 1841 Joseph Sturge 114 downloads
Society, Manners and Politics in the United States Michel Chevalier 112 downloads
Estados Unidos (Spanish) Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 111 downloads
Retrospect of Western Travel, Volume 1 (of 2) Harriet Martineau 111 downloads
Seeking Fortune in America F. W. Grey 109 downloads
Nine Thousand Miles on a Pullman Train Milton M. Shaw 109 downloads
America To-day, Observations and Reflections William Archer 109 downloads
Amerikanskt: Som emigrant till Amerika (Swedish) Ester Blenda Nordström 107 downloads
A Flight in Spring J. Harris Knowles 107 downloads