Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
Great Cities of the United States Gertrude Van Duyn Southworth and Stephen Elliott Kramer 154 downloads
My American Diary Clare Sheridan 152 downloads
Studies in the South and West, with Comments on Canada Charles Dudley Warner 152 downloads
It might have been worse : a motor trip from coast to coast Beatrice Larned Massey 152 downloads
Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika: Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. Band 2 (von 3) (German) Erwin Rosen 152 downloads
From Dublin to Chicago: Some Notes on a Tour in America George A. Birmingham 151 downloads
A Journey to America in 1834 Robert Heywood 147 downloads
Wild Sports in the Far West Friedrich Gerstäcker 143 downloads
Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo II (Spanish) Guillermo Prieto 142 downloads
Estudios americanos (primera serie) (Spanish) Martín García Mérou 141 downloads
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 2 Prinz von Maximilian Wied 140 downloads
Last winter in the United States : being table talk collected during a tour through the late Southern Confederation, the Far West, the Rocky Mountains, &c. F. Barham Zincke 140 downloads
Schilderungen des Treibens im Leben und Handel in den Vereinigten Staaten und Havana. (German) Julius Ries 140 downloads
Voyage of the Paper Canoe Nathaniel H. Bishop 140 downloads
Impressions of America During the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. Volume 1 (of 2) Tyrone Power 138 downloads
The British Association's Visit to Montreal, 1884 : Letters Lady Clara Rayleigh 137 downloads
American Scenery, Vol. 1 (of 2) Nathaniel Parker Willis 136 downloads
Faux's Memorable Days in America, 1819-20; and Welby's Visit to North America, 1819-20, part 2 (1820) W. Faux and Adlard Welby 136 downloads
Pedal and Path: Across the Continent Awheel and Afoot George B. Thayer 135 downloads
Marie; ou, l'Esclavage aux Etats-Unis: Tableau de moeurs américaines (French) Gustave de Beaumont 135 downloads
Roving East and Roving West E. V. Lucas 134 downloads
Flint's Letters from America, 1818-1820 active 19th century James Flint 134 downloads
Haw-Ho-Noo; Or, Records of a Tourist Charles Lanman 133 downloads
See America First Orville O. Hiestand and Charles J. Herr 131 downloads
American Scenery, Vol. 2 (of 2) Nathaniel Parker Willis 130 downloads