Books about United States -- Description and travel (sorted by popularity)
As We Are and As We May Be Walter Besant 105 downloads
American Notes Charles Dickens 105 downloads
My Impressions of America Margot Asquith 105 downloads
My Diary: North and South (vol. 2 of 2) Sir William Howard Russell 101 downloads
The Uprising of a Great People comte de Agénor Gasparin 98 downloads
The Truth About America Edward Money 95 downloads
A Trip to the Rockies B. R. Corwin 94 downloads
With Poor Immigrants to America Stephen Graham 92 downloads
An Englishman's travels in America : his observations of life and manners in the free and slave states John Benwell 91 downloads
Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christopherus Bärenhäuter. Erstes Bändchen. (German) Charles Sealsfield 84 downloads
Travels in the United States of America William Priest 81 downloads
Transatlantische Reiseskizzen und Christophorus Bärenhäuter. Zweites Bändchen. (German) Charles Sealsfield 81 downloads
Saddle and Mocassin Francis Francis 74 downloads
American Scenes, and Christian Slavery Ebenezer Davies 73 downloads
Hesperothen; Notes from the West, Vol. 1 (of 2) Sir William Howard Russell 71 downloads