Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted by popularity)
Recipes: Hershey's Baking Chocolate Hershey Chocolate Corporation 152 downloads
Asparagus, its culture for home use and for market F. M. Hexamer 152 downloads
La vera cuciniera genovese (Italian) Emanuele Rossi 152 downloads
A Manual of Toy Dogs: How to breed, rear, and feed them Mrs. Leslie Williams 152 downloads
La nouvelle cuisinière bourgeoise: Plaisirs de la table et soucis du ménage (French) Franc-Nohain 152 downloads
My Crochet Sampler Miss Lambert 151 downloads
How We Are Fed: A Geographical Reader James Franklin Chamberlain 151 downloads
The Pig: Breeding, Rearing, and Marketing Sanders Spencer 151 downloads
Making Fermented Pickles Edwin LeFevre 151 downloads
Lamb Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the Farm H. Russell Cross, E. Curtis Green, William R. Jones, R. L. West, and Anthony Kotula 151 downloads
The Stock-Feeder's Manual Sir Charles Alexander Cameron 150 downloads
Half-A-Dozen Housekeepers: A Story for Girls in Half-A-Dozen Chapters Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 150 downloads
Dr A. Oetkers Grundlehren der Kochkunst (German) August Oetker 150 downloads
Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV, testo di lingua non mai fin qui stampato (Italian) 150 downloads
Commentario de le piu notabili, & mostruose cose d'Italia, & di altri luoghi di lingua aramea in Italiana tradotto, nelquale si impara, & prendesi estremo piacere (Italian) Ortensio Landi 150 downloads
Better Meals for Less Money Marietta McPherson Greenough 150 downloads
La maniere d'amolir les os, et de faire cuire toutes sortes de viandes en fort peu de temps, & à peu de frais. (French) Denis Papin 149 downloads
The Curry Cook's Assistant Daniel Santiagoe 149 downloads
Table traits, with something on them Dr. Doran 149 downloads
The Feasts of Autolycus: The Diary of a Greedy Woman Elizabeth Robins Pennell 149 downloads
The Book of Alfalfa: History, Cultivation and Merits F. D. Coburn 147 downloads
The Art of Living in Australia Philip E. Muskett 147 downloads
A queens delight : or, The art of preserving, conserving and candying. As also, a right knowledge of making perfumes, and distilling the most excellent waters. Anonymous 147 downloads
The Tomato Paul Work 147 downloads
Condiments, Spices and Flavors Mary Elizabeth Green 147 downloads