Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted by popularity)
The Golden Rule Cook Book: Six hundred recipes for meatless dishes M. R. L. Sharpe 158 downloads
The ABC of Cooking Adelin Balch Coit 158 downloads
Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division 158 downloads
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs S. T. Rorer 157 downloads
Clayton's Quaker Cook-Book H. J. Clayton 157 downloads
The pudding and pastry book Elizabeth Douglas 157 downloads
Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery Eliza Leslie 157 downloads
The American Flower Garden Directory Robert Buist 157 downloads
The Cauliflower A. A. Crozier 157 downloads
Babies Are Such Fun to Dress: Sizes 6 Months to 4 Years Knit & Crochet American Thread Company 157 downloads
The American Practical Brewer and Tanner Joseph Coppinger 156 downloads
A handbook of invalid cooking : for the use of nurses in training, nurses in private practice, and others who care for the sick Mary A. Boland 156 downloads
Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings H. P. Ryder 156 downloads
Handboek voor den kaasmaker in Nederland (Dutch) Pierre Jean Hollman 156 downloads
Kentucky Rug Yarns Vol. 5: Rugs Ky.) January & Wood Company (Maysville 155 downloads
Ruffled Doilies American Thread Company 155 downloads
The Laurel Health Cookery Evora Bucknum Perkins 155 downloads
Ketchup: Methods of Manufacture; Microscopic Examination K. G. Bitting and A. W. Bitting 154 downloads
Billy in Bunbury Royal Baking Powder Company 154 downloads
Substitutes for Flesh Foods: Vegetarian Cook Book Edwin Giles Fulton 154 downloads
Congress Hotel, Home of a Thousand Homes Irving S. Paull and W. S. Goodnaw 153 downloads
Fifty Salads Thomas J. Murrey 153 downloads
Vaughan's Vegetable Cook Book (4th edition) Anonymous 153 downloads
Butchers', Packers' and Sausage Makers' Red Book (German) George Jacob Sayer 153 downloads
The Country Housewife and Lady's Director in the Management of a House, and the Delights and Profits of a Farm Richard Bradley 152 downloads