Adelt-Duc, Mina
See: Wettstein-Adelt, Minna, 1869-1908?
Alpha of the plough
See: Gardiner, A. G. (Alfred George), 1865-1946
- Cotton, Its Progress from the Field to the Needle
Being a brief sketch of the culture of the plant, its picking, cleaning, packing, shipment, and manufacture (English) (as Author)
- Four Years in the Underbrush: Adventures as a Working Woman in New York (English) (as Author)
- John Chinaman on the Rand (English) (as Author)
- Society for Superseding the Necessity of Climbing Boys, by Encouraging a New Method of Sweeping Chimneys: Twenty-First Report, May 1, 1837 (English) (as Author)
- Weather, Crops, and Markets. Vol. 2, No. 6 (English) (as Author)
A.W. Faber (Firm)
See: Faber-Castell (Firm)
Bradley, Harriett
See: Fitt, Harriett Bradley, 1892-1980
Bulley, Agnes Amy
See: Brooke, A. A. (Agnes Amy), 1852-1939
Bureau international du travail
See: International Labour Office
Crayon, Christopher
See: Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing), 1820-1898
Da Silva, José Ferreira
See: Silva, José Ferreira da, active 1801-1804
De Milly, Nicolas-Christiern de Thy, comte
See: Milly, Nicolas-Christiern de Thy, comte de, 1728-1784
Den Brand, J. van
See: Brand, J. van den, -1921
De Thy, Nicolas-Christiern, comte de Milly
See: Milly, Nicolas-Christiern de Thy, comte de, 1728-1784
Ferreira da Silva, José
See: Silva, José Ferreira da, active 1801-1804
Ferreira França, Clemente
See: França, Clemente Ferreira
Gan, Gan
See: Huan, Kuan, active 1st century B.C.
Gasson, Herbert N. (Herbert Newton)
See: Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869-1951
Gëre, P.
See: Göhre, Paul, 1864-1928
Harris, Mary
See: Jones, Mother, 1837-1930
Healey, Caroline Wells
See: Dall, Caroline Wells Healey, 1822-1912
Huan, Cigong
See: Huan, Kuan, active 1st century B.C.
- 鹽鐵論 (Chinese) (as Author)
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh
See: Hutchins, B. L., 1858-1935
John, Gabriel
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Jones, Mary Harris
See: Jones, Mother, 1837-1930
See: Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919
Kan, Kan
See: Huan, Kuan, active 1st century B.C.
Levine, Louis
See: Lorwin, Lewis L. (Lewis Levitzki), 1883-1970
Levitzki, Louis
See: Lorwin, Lewis L. (Lewis Levitzki), 1883-1970
MacDonald, Ramsay
See: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937
MacMurchy, Marjory
See: Willison, Marjory MacMurchy, Lady, -1938
Moreton, Andrew
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Mother Jones
See: Jones, Mother, 1837-1930
Nathan, Annie
See: Meyer, Annie Nathan, 1867-1951
Newdigate prizeman
See: Mallock, W. H. (William Hurrell), 1849-1923
Passfield, Beatrice Potter Webb, Baroness
See: Webb, Beatrice, 1858-1943
Passfield, Sidney James Webb, Baron
See: Webb, Sidney, 1859-1947
Pattison, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady Dilke
See: Dilke, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady, 1840-1904
Perkins, Charlotte Anna
See: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935
Potter, Beatrice
See: Webb, Beatrice, 1858-1943
Priddy, Al
See: Brown, Frederic Kenyon, 1882-1970
Reeves, Maud Pember
See: Pember Reeves, Mrs., 1865-1953
Stetson, Charlotte Perkins
See: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935
Strong, Emilia Francis, Lady Dilke
See: Dilke, Emilia Francis Strong, Lady, 1840-1904
Teixeira Bastos, Francisco José
See: Bastos, Teixeira, 1857-1902
Thy, Nicolas-Christiern de, comte de Milly
See: Milly, Nicolas-Christiern de Thy, comte de, 1728-1784
Tramerye, Pierre l'Espagnol de la
See: L'Espagnol de la Tramerye, Pierre Paul Ernest, 1899-
United States President (1901-1909)
See: Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
United States President (1909-1913)
See: Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
United States President (1923-1929)
See: Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933
Van den Brand, J.
See: Brand, J. van den, -1921
Vorst, John Van, Mrs.
See: Van Vorst, John, Mrs., 1873-1928
Vorst, Marie van
See: Van Vorst, Marie, 1867-1936
Ward, Julia
See: Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910
Weeks, Helen C. (Helen Campbell)
See: Campbell, Helen, 1839-1918
Wheaton, Campbell
See: Campbell, Helen, 1839-1918
Williams, Owen Alfred
See: Williams, Alfred, 1877-1930
Кропоткин, Пётр Алексеевич
See: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz, 1842-1921
See: Huan, Kuan, active 1st century B.C.