*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 65364 *** Pies MADE WITH PET EVAPORATED MILK CONTENTS Apple 11 Apple Crumb 13 Banana Cream 7 Butterscotch Chiffon 10 Butterscotch Cream 15 Caramel Custard 12 Cherry Pie Supreme 8 Chocolate Chiffon 11 Chocolate Cream 6 Chocolate Icebox 13 Coconut Cream 7 Coconut Custard 9 Creamy Peach 6 Cream Pies, made with packaged mixes 5 Eggnog 9 Frozen Grape Ripple 11 Graham Cracker Crust 4 Lemon Chiffon 12 Lemon Cream 6 Lime Chiffon 12 Maple-Nut Chiffon 7 Meringue 5 Pastry 4 Pecan 15 Pineapple-Cheese 14 Plain Custard 12 Pumpkin 10 Royal Mince 9 Strawberry Chiffon 8 Strawberry Marshmallow 14 Sweet Potato or Squash 10 Tips on Making Fluffy Meringue 5 Tips on Baking Perfect Pastry 4 To Make Tender, Flaky Pastry 3 Whipped Topping 15 The recipes in this book demonstrate the basic principles of making all types of pies successfully. In addition, some of the recipes show how the use of Pet Evaporated Milk helps make better cream, custard, and chiffon pies—at lower cost. Since Pet Milk is homogenized milk concentrated to double richness, it is an ideal ingredient for these pies. It takes the place of whipping cream in chiffon pies, is used as milk in the other types—and, in all cases, combines rich flavor, creamy texture, with increased milk nourishment. In some recipes, too, double-rich Pet Milk takes the place of butter. In others, it replaces the eggs usually called for ... with perfect results. No other form of milk can guarantee such delicious results when used as an ingredient in pies. Yet Pet Milk costs less generally than any other form of whole milk. [Illustration: “PET” is the registered trademark of Pet Milk Company] TO MAKE TENDER FLAKY PASTRY ❶ Measure all ingredients accurately. a. Flour should be sifted before measuring; then spoon lightly into cup and level off with straight edge of knife. Be careful not to pack flour down by shaking or tapping cup. b. To measure shortening accurately, pack into measuring cup and level off with straight edge of knife. ❷ Cut in half of shortening until mixture looks like coarse meal. This gives _tenderness_ to the crust. Cut in remaining shortening until it is the size of large peas. This gives _flakiness_ to the crust. [Illustration: 2.] ❸ Sprinkle water (a tablespoon at a time) over mixture. Mix lightly with fork until flour is moistened. Use only enough water to make all of flour mixture stick together when gently pressed with fork, and “clean the sides” as it moves around the bowl. Shape dough into a smooth ball. ❹ Sprinkle flour over board or pastry cloth, using only enough to prevent dough from sticking. Roll with quick, light strokes, working outward from the center to the edge, keeping crust as round as possible. Without turning dough, roll out pastry completely on one side to ⅛ inch thickness. If edges tear, overlap, then roll lightly over the mended spot to seal. Invert pie pan on dough and cut 1½ inches from rim around pan. This insures enough dough to fit into pan without stretching. [Illustration: 4.] ❺ Fold the dough in half and lift carefully into the pan. Smooth bottom with finger tips; lift edge and ease in sides. Stretching causes crust to shrink during baking. Trim so that dough extends about ½ inch beyond edge of pan. Fold extra dough under until even with pan rim. To flute, press dough between thumb and forefinger of one hand and forefinger of the other. [Illustration: 5.] [Illustration: 5.] ❻ If you use a pastry mix, follow directions on package. Break the mix up slightly if it has become packed in container. Follow tips (see next page) when rolling out and placing crust into pie pan. TIPS ON BAKING PERFECT PASTRY Choose pie pans of oven proof glass for a well-baked, browned undercrust. Shiny metal does not bake the undercrust as well because it reflects the heat. Aluminum pans with satiny finish also give good results. For a baked pastry shell: [Illustration: a.] a. Pierce all over with fork to permit air to escape and prevent blisters. b. Cool thoroughly before pouring in desired filling. c. Bake on shelf slightly above center in 425 (hot) oven 12 minutes, or until brown. For two crust pies: a. Cut several slashes in top crust to let steam escape or top crust will puff up leaving a hollow space underneath. b. Fold edge of upper pastry under lower edge before fluting to keep juices from boiling out. Use a 450 (extremely hot) oven for the first 10 to 15 minutes to brown the crust and then turn temperature down to 325-350 (moderate) for remainder of cooking time. PASTRY ONE CRUST TWO CRUST PIE PIE Sift together into bowl sifted all-purpose 1 cup 2 cups flour salt ½ teaspoon 1 teaspoon Work into flour with fork shortening ⅓ cup ⅔ cup or pastry blender ½ of When mixture has appearance of coarse meal, add the remaining shortening and cut until mixture is size of large peas. Stir in gradually, a water 2 ¼ cup tablespoon at a time tablespoons Roll on lightly floured board to about ⅛-inch thickness. Fit loosely into 9-inch pan. Fold extra pastry under and pinch with fingers to flute edge. Proceed as directed in desired pie recipe. GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST Mix together 1¼ cups fine graham cracker crumbs[1] ⅓ cup melted butter or margarine Press firmly with back of spoon in bottom and on sides of 9-inch pie pan. Chill until needed. [1]Sixteen 2½-inch crackers will make 1¼ cups crumbs. TIPS ON MAKING FLUFFY MERINGUE 1. Use large fresh eggs and let the egg whites warm to room temperature before beating them. 2. Spread meringue on pie filling to edges of crust. Then the meringue won’t pull away from the crust as it bakes. 3. Bake meringue at 400 on center rack of oven for 7 to 8 minutes. 4. Meringue should be cooled slowly. A draft causes meringues to shrivel and form little beads of syrup on top. 5. Meringue will not stick to knife, if knife is dipped into water before cutting pie. MERINGUE (See tips above) Turn on oven and set at 400 (hot). 8-INCH PIE 9-INCH PIE Beat until stiff but not dry 2 egg whites 3 egg whites Beat in gradually 4 tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons sugar Spread on top of desired pie filling. Bake on center rack of oven for 7 to 8 minutes at 400 or until light brown. Cool thoroughly before serving. CREAM PIES (Made with packaged mixes which are not the “instant” kind) Chocolate Cream Mix in a saucepan 1 pkg. chocolate pudding powder (not the “instant” kind) 2 egg yolks Stir in gradually until 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk smooth a mixture of 1 cup water Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture comes to a boil and is thickened, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and cool thoroughly. Put into a cold 8-inch baked pastry shell using pie crust mix (follow directions on package, to make crust). Spread with Meringue (see above). Bake as directed. Cool thoroughly. Cut with wet knife. Butterscotch Cream: Follow Chocolate Cream Pie recipe using butterscotch pudding instead of chocolate. Coconut Cream: Follow Chocolate Cream Pie recipe using coconut cream pudding powder instead of chocolate. Banana Cream: Follow Chocolate Cream Pie recipe using vanilla pudding instead of chocolate. Put 1 cup sliced bananas into bottom of a cold 8-inch baked pastry shell. Cover with cooled pudding and spread with Meringue (see above). CREAMY PEACH Put into ice tray of refrigerator ⅔ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Drain well and save juice from 2½ cups canned cling peach slices Save 12 peach slices to decorate top of pie. Cut rest of slices into small pieces. Soften in small dish 1½ teaspoons unflavored gelatin in ¼ cup juice off peaches Set in pan of hot water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Mix until smooth, then add 3-oz. package white cream cheese dissolved gelatin. (6 tablespoons) ¼ cup sugar ½ teaspoon almond flavoring Put ice cold milk into a cold bowl and whip with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed until fluffy. Add and whip until stiff 2 tablespoons lemon juice Beat in cheese mixture about ¼ at a time. When smooth fold in cut-up peaches. Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Decorate top with sliced peaches and maraschino cherries. Chill at least 3 hours. CHOCOLATE CREAM Mix thoroughly in a saucepan ¾ cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 6 tablespoons cocoa ½ teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks Stir in gradually until smooth a 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of 1 cup water Cook and stir over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in 1½ teaspoons vanilla Cover and cool thoroughly. Put into a cold 9-inch baked pastry shell. Spread with Meringue (page 5). Bake as directed. Cool thoroughly before cutting with wet knife. LEMON CREAM Mix thoroughly in a saucepan ¾ cup sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 3 egg yolks Stir in gradually until smooth a ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of ¾ cup water Cook and stir over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in gradually ⅓ cup lemon juice Cover and cool thoroughly. Put into cold 9-inch baked pastry shell. Spread with Meringue (page 5). Bake as directed. Cool thoroughly before cutting with wet knife. BANANA CREAM Mix thoroughly in a saucepan ⅔ cup sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch ¼ teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks Stir in gradually until smooth a 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of 1 cup water Cook and stir over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla Cover and cool thoroughly. Put in the bottom of a cold 9-inch 1½ cups sliced, ripe bananas baked pastry shell Cover bananas with cooled custard. Spread with Meringue (page 5). Bake as directed. Cool thoroughly before cutting with wet knife. MAPLE-NUT CHIFFON Soften in small pan 1½ teaspoons unflavored gelatin in 3 tablespoons cold water Set in pan of hot water and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in slowly a mixture of ⅓ cup sugar 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk ¾ teaspoon maple flavoring Chill until almost firm. Meanwhile, melt in skillet 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Add and stir over medium heat ½ cup finely cut nuts until light brown Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Whip chilled milk mixture with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until light and fluffy. Fold in nuts. Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill 3 hours. Keep chilled until served. COCONUT CREAM Mix thoroughly in a saucepan ½ cup sugar 3 tablespoons cornstarch ¼ teaspoon salt 1 cup shredded coconut 3 egg yolks Stir in gradually until smooth a 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of 1 cup water Cook and stir over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in 1½ teaspoons vanilla Cover and cool thoroughly. Put into cold 9-inch baked pastry shell. Spread with Meringue (page 5). Sprinkle over top ½ cup shredded coconut Bake as directed for Meringue (page 5). Cool thoroughly before cutting with wet knife. STRAWBERRY CHIFFON Put into ice tray of refrigerator ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around edges. Mash with a fork or pastry blender 2 cups fresh strawberries[2] Add to berries and mix well ⅓ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Let stand until needed. Mix and stir until dissolved 1 package lemon gelatin 1¼ cups boiling water Cool to room temperature, then add strawberry mixture. Chill until thick, but not firm. Put ice cold milk into a cold bowl and whip with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until stiff. Fold in chilled gelatin mixture. Put into chilled 9-inch Graham cracker crust (page 4). Chill 3 hours. Keep chilled until ready to serve. [2]Frozen strawberries can be used. Drain the berries and use the juice in place of part of the water. Omit the sugar. Use 1½ cups of drained berries. CHERRY PIE SUPREME Put into ice tray of refrigerator ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around edges. Mix together in a saucepan 3 tablespoons cornstarch ¾ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon cinnamon (can omit) Drain and save juice from 2 cups canned, sour, pitted cherries (No. 2 can) If necessary, add enough water to cherry juice to make 1 cup. Stir gradually into cornstarch mixture. Cook and stir over medium heat until very thick, about 7 minutes. Cool thoroughly. Mix until smooth 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 tablespoon lemon juice few grains salt 1 cup powdered sugar Whip ice cold milk with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Beat in powdered sugar mixture about ¼ at a time. Do not overbeat. Add drained cherries to cooled cornstarch mixture and then take out 18 cherries to decorate top of pie. Put filling into cold 9-inch baked pastry shell. Put whipped mixture around edge of pie. Decorate with cherries. Chill about an hour before serving. EGGNOG Put into ice tray of refrigerator ⅔ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Soften in a small bowl 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in ¼ cup cold water Mix in top of double boiler 2 well-beaten eggs ½ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Stir in gradually until smooth a ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of ¼ cup water Place over boiling water. Cook and stir until mixture thickens slightly or about 3 minutes. Add softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in 2 teaspoons vanilla Chill until thick, but not firm. Put ice cold milk into a cold bowl and whip with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until stiff. Fold in chilled gelatin mixture. Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Sprinkle top with nutmeg if desired. Chill at least 3 hours. ROYAL MINCE Turn on oven and set at 450 (extremely hot). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry. Mix in a bowl 2 eggs ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk 2 tablespoons molasses ¼ cup sugar 2¼ cups moist mincemeat, ready-mixed, bulk, or canned Pour into pastry-lined pan. Bake on center rack of oven 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 (moderate) and bake 30 minutes longer, or until firm. Serve warm or cold. COCONUT CUSTARD Turn on oven and set at 350 (moderate). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry. Beat until thick and lemon colored 2 eggs Beat in gradually a mixture of 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Add and beat hard ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk 2 tablespoons soft butter or margarine 2¼ teaspoons lemon juice Fold in 1½ cups chopped coconut (4-oz. can) Pour into pastry-lined pan. Bake on oven rack slightly below center until browned on top, or about 40 minutes. Cool before serving. PUMPKIN Turn on oven and set at 375 (high moderate). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry. Mix in a bowl ¾ cup brown sugar, lightly packed 1 tablespoon flour ½ teaspoon salt 2¼ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice Add and stir until smooth 1½ cups cooked or canned pumpkin 1½ cups Pet Evaporated Milk 1 slightly beaten egg Pour into pastry-lined pan. Bake on center rack of oven 45 minutes, or until firm. Cool before cutting. Serve with Whipped Topping (page 15). Sweet Potato or Squash: Substitute sieved, cooked or canned sweet potatoes or mashed, cooked winter squash for the pumpkin in the Pumpkin Pie Recipe. If you use sweet potatoes, reduce sugar to ½ cup and add 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine. BUTTERSCOTCH CHIFFON Put into ice tray of refrigerator ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Soften in a small bowl 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in ¼ cup cold water Put into a saucepan 1½ pkgs. butterscotch pudding powder (not the “instant” kind) ⅓ cup brown sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Stir in gradually until smooth a ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of 1½ cups water Cook and stir until mixture comes to a boil and is thickened, about 5 minutes. Add softened gelatin and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Chill until cold but not firm. Put ice cold milk into a cold bowl and whip with cold rotary beater at high speed, until fluffy. Add and whip until stiff 2 teaspoons lemon juice Beat in cold pudding. Put into prepared chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill 3 hours. Keep chilled until served. APPLE Turn on oven and set at 450 (extremely hot). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry (two crust pie, page 4). Put into large bowl 6 cups pared apples, thinly sliced Add a mixture of 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon salt With spoon, turn apples gently over to coat with mixture. Arrange apples in pastry-lined pan. Cover with pastry. (See tips on pastry, page 4.) Bake on oven rack slightly above center 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 325 (low moderate) and bake about 50 minutes longer, or until apples are tender and pastry is brown. FROZEN GRAPE RIPPLE Put into ice tray of refrigerator ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around edges. Mix in small bowl 2 egg yolks ⅔ cup sugar ½ teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 tablespoons lemon juice Put ice cold milk into a cold bowl with 2 egg whites Whip with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Add and whip until stiff 3 tablespoons lemon juice Beat in egg yolk mixture. Fold in with spoon or spatula to make a 3 tablespoons frozen grape rippled effect juice concentrate (thawed) Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Freeze until firm. CHOCOLATE CHIFFON Soften in a small bowl 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in ¼ cup cold water Mix well in a saucepan ⅓ cup cocoa ½ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Add and mix well 2 egg yolks Stir in gradually until smooth a 1¼ cups Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of ¾ cup water Cook and stir over low heat until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. Add softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat. Chill until thick, but not firm. Then fold in 2 stiffly beaten egg whites 1½ teaspoons vanilla Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill at least 3 hours. PLAIN CUSTARD Turn on oven and set at 350 (moderate). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry. Mix in a bowl ½ cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch ⅛ teaspoon salt Add and beat until well blended 3 eggs 1½ teaspoons vanilla Stir in gradually until smooth a 1½ cups Pet Evaporated Milk mixture of 1 cup water Pour into pastry-lined pan. Bake on oven rack slightly below center about 55 minutes, or until knife inserted near edge of custard comes out clean. Cool thoroughly before cutting. Caramel Custard: Make filling for Custard Pie. Sprinkle over bottom of unbaked pastry a mixture of ½ cup brown sugar and ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon. Pour custard mixture over top of sugar in pastry-lined pan. Bake as directed above for Custard Pie. LIME CHIFFON Put into ice tray of refrigerator ⅔ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Mix well in a saucepan 6 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon flour Add and mix well 2 eggs Stir in gradually until smooth ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk ½ cup water 2 tablespoons grated lime rind ¼ teaspoon salt Cook over low heat until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes, stirring all the time. Remove from heat. Add and stir until dissolved 1 package lime gelatin ¼ cup lime juice Chill until thick, but not firm. Put ice cold milk into cold bowl and whip with cold rotary beater, or electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Add and whip until stiff 2 tablespoons lime juice Slowly beat in gelatin mixture. Put into chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill at least 3 hours. Lemon Chiffon: Substitute lemon gelatin, lemon juice and lemon rind for the lime ingredients. APPLE CRUMB Turn on oven and set at 375 (high moderate). Mix in a 2-quart mixing bowl ½ cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch ⅛ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon cinnamon Stir in a mixture of ½ cup Pet Evaporated Milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice Add and mix well 4 cups sliced, pared apples Pour into 9-inch pie pan lined with unbaked pastry, made with pie crust mix or from Pastry recipe (page 4). Bake on rack near center of oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, put into a small bowl ⅔ cup brown sugar ½ cup sifted, all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons butter or margarine Blend with fork or pastry blender until mixture has the appearance of fine corn meal. At end of 30-minute baking period sprinkle brown sugar mixture on top of pie. Bake pie 20 minutes longer, or until crumb topping is brown. Serve warm or cold. CHOCOLATE ICEBOX Put into ice tray of refrigerator ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Put into a heavy quart saucepan ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk ⅓ cup cocoa 24 marshmallows, cut into pieces Cook over very low heat, stirring all the time, until marshmallows are melted. Remove from heat and add 1½ teaspoons vanilla Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Put ice cold milk into a cold quart bowl. Whip with a cold rotary beater by hand, or with electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Fold into chilled chocolate mixture. Put into chilled 9-in. Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill until firm, about 3 hours. Keep chilled until ready to serve. To garnish, cut 4 marshmallows into thirds. Place pieces around edge of pie. STRAWBERRY MARSHMALLOW Put into ice tray of refrigerator ⅔ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Chill milk until ice crystals begin to form around the edges. Put into a quart saucepan 32 marshmallows ⅓ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Cook and stir over low heat until marshmallows are just melted. Remove from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind ¼ cup lemon juice ¼ cup water Chill until slightly thicker than unbeaten egg whites. Put cold milk into a cold quart bowl. Whip with cold rotary beater by hand, or with electric beater at high Speed, until stiff. Fold into marshmallow mixture. Fold in 1 quart sliced, fresh strawberries Pour into chilled 9-in. Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Chill until firm, about 3 hours. PINEAPPLE-CHEESE Soften in a small bowl 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in ¼ cup cold water Mix together in a saucepan ¼ cup sugar 2 slightly beaten egg yolks 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 tablespoons lemon juice ½ cup drained, crushed pineapple (9-oz. can) ⅓ cup Pet Evaporated Milk Cook over low heat until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes, stirring all the time. Add softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat. Stir in 1 cup cottage cheese, pressed through sieve Chill until mixture is thick, but not firm. Beat until stiff, but not dry 2 egg whites Beat in gradually ½ cup sugar ⅛ teaspoon salt Beat in pineapple-cheese mixture. Put into prepared chilled 9-inch Graham Cracker Crust (page 4). Sprinkle with 3 tablespoons graham cracker crumbs Chill at least 3 hours. PECAN Turn on oven and set at 375 (high moderate). Line a 9-inch pie pan with unbaked pastry. Put into bowl ¼ cup soft butter or margarine Add gradually, mixing until ¾ cup sugar light and fluffy Beat in one at a time 3 eggs Add 1 cup dark corn syrup ¾ cup Pet Evaporated Milk 2 tablespoons flour ½ teaspoon salt ¾ teaspoon vanilla 1 cup finely cut pecans Mix thoroughly. Pour into pastry-lined pan. Bake on center rack of oven 50 minutes, or until firm. Cool before serving. BUTTERSCOTCH CREAM Mix thoroughly in a saucepan 1 cup brown sugar, lightly packed 3 tablespoons cornstarch ¼ teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks Stir in gradually until 1 cup Pet Evaporated Milk smooth a mixture of 1 cup water Add 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Cook and stir over low heat until thickened, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in ¾ teaspoon vanilla Cover and cool thoroughly. Put into cold 9-inch baked pastry shell. Spread with Meringue (page 5). Bake as directed. Cool thoroughly before cutting with a wet knife. WHIPPED TOPPING Chill in ice tray until ⅓ cup Pet Evaporated Milk almost frozen around edges Then put into small cold 4 teaspoons granulated sugar bowl with Whip with cold rotary beater by hand, or with electric beater at high speed, until fluffy. Add and whip until stiff ½ teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 teaspoons lemon Juice Serve as a topping on fruit, fruit shortcakes, plain cake, puddings, or other desserts. Makes 1 cup. Home Economics Department PET MILK COMPANY Arcade Building St. Louis, Missouri 1160 Litho in U.S.A. [Illustration: Wraparound cover] Transcriber’s Notes —Silently corrected a few typos. —Retained publication information from the printed edition: this eBook is public-domain in the country of publication. —In the text versions only, text in italics is delimited by _underscores_. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 65364 ***