Devoted to the Profitable Culture of Flowers and Vegetables.
Vick Publishing Co.
Fifty Cents Per Year.
Volume 17, No. 5.
New Series.
are only the beginning. Lungs are weakened next, the body becomes emaciated, and then the dreaded Consumption Germ appears.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites, overcomes Coughs and Colds, strengthens the Lungs, and supplies vital energy. Physicians, the world over, endorse it.
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Death to High Prices!
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THE TILTON S. M. CO., 275 Wabash Av., Chicago, Ill.
AGENTS $10 a day at home selling LIGHTNING PLATER and plating Jewelry, Watches, Tableware, Bicycles, etc. Plates finest jewelry good as new, and on all kinds of metal with gold, silver or nickel. No experience. Anyone can plate the first effort. Goods need plating at every house. Outfits complete. Different sizes, all warranted. Wholesale to agents $5 up. Big profits, good seller. Circulars free.
H. F. Delno & Co. Dept. No. 6, Columbus, O.
Cures and Prevents Rheumatism, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Catarrh and Asthma. Useful in Malaria and Fevers, Cleanses the Teeth and Promotes the Appetite. Sweetens the Breath, Cures Tobacco Habit. Endorsed by the Medical Faculty. Send for 10, 15 or 25 cent package. Be convinced.
Silver, Stamps or Postal Note.
Geo. R. Halm, 140 W. 29th St., New York
Montbretias for Spring Planting.
An order of plants belonging to the Iris family, are natives of Africa, and their general appearance is that of the gladiolus, 18 inches high. Bloom profusely from July to October, throwing out spike after spike of beautiful blossoms. Hardy south of the Ohio; North, lift in fall and keep in dry sand.
Crocosmiflora. This is a hybrid variety, having scarlet flowers about one and one half inch in length, borne numerously in a long panicle standing well up above the foliage, considered hardy.
Pottsii. Flowers bright yellow, flashed on the outside with brick-red; very ornamental and hardy.
Rosea. Flowers rose colored. Mixed. All colors.
Named varieties 5c. each; 6 for 25c.; 12 for 40c. Mixed 5c. each 6 for 20c.; 12. for 35c.
To all who want good sensible Collections for the Flower and Vegetable Garden we can recommend either of the following. All of the seeds contained in them are our regular sized packages, and first class in every respect. They give to our customers a good assortment, best adapted to produce a continued succession of the most useful kinds throughout the year.
Several thousand of our Collections are sold annually, and to the same people, which shows that they are perfectly satisfactory.
of Vegetables and Flowers.
Contains 112 pages 8 × 10½ inches, with descriptions that describe, not mislead; instructions that instruct, not exaggerate.
The cover is charming in harmonious blending of water color prints in green and white, with a gold background,—a dream of beauty. 32 pages of Novelties printed in 8 different colors. All the leading novelties and the best of the old varieties. These hard times you cannot afford to run any risk. Buy Honest Goods where you will receive Full Measure. It is not necessary to advertise that Vick’s seeds grow, this is known the world over, and also that the harvest pays. A very little spent for proper seed will save grocer’s and doctor’s bills. Many concede Vick’s Floral Guide the handsomest catalogue for 1894. If you love a fine garden send address now, with 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order.
JAMES VICK’S SONS, Rochester. N. Y.
Times had been hard, harder than common this past year, and it seemed to Mabel Ray as though there was little bright to look forward to, and less to encourage her in trying to do right, trying to be the Christian she wanted to be some years ago. She had married Harry Ray three years previous; he was a thriving young merchant, but the past year it had seemed to the young wife as if he had grown taciturn and almost fretful if she wanted money for any little thing which she deemed necessary. Only this morning he had refused her money for the fur cape that she really needed so much, especially if they were going to her folks for New Year’s day. She had always had what she wanted when at home, and if Harry begrudged her the necessities of life, why, she almost believed she had better go back to that home, for she was an only daughter and was idolized by her parents. She sat and thought, and thought, of her wrongs until the tears came, and then, after having a good cry, she went into the conservatory and began picking flowers for the church decoration in which site was to take part. There was to be a concert and recitations and such entertainments, and the funds were to go to help the needy ones in the parish. For there were many who needed, many men were out of work, and their families were destitute indeed. Mabel was always ready for work of this kind, it relieved the tedium of the days when Harry was at the store, and then, be it known to you, although Mabel would have blushed had she realized it herself, she liked the notices in the city personals about the charming and philanthropic Mrs. Ray who took such a prominent part in every good work.
Her time was her own; there were no little ones for her to care for; her household was managed by a competent housekeeper who looked well to the domestic arrangements; so, altogether, Mrs. Ray rather needed something to give her an idea of usefulness. She was selfish, I am sorry to say, but when you think that she was an only child, reared in luxury, with everything she desired procured for her, it is no wonder that she learned to think that what she wanted was the first thing to be considered.
Harry Ray really loved his wife, but he was bearing a heavy burden of financial care, and then, besides, he did not possess the means that Mabel’s father had. He would do anything, sacrifice anything for her, but she seemed thoughtless about his sacrifices, and did not realize that perhaps she too had a duty to perform.
She came home from decorating the church that afternoon in better spirits, but was almost vexed when Harry assured her it would be impossible for him to attend the Charity function with her that evening. “Wrap yourself up well, Mabel,” Harry said thoughtfully, “and let the coachman await you.” He looked almost wistfully at her bright young beauty and longed for a word of sympathy and help from her, but none came. He looked worn and worried, and a thoughtful wife would have noticed this long before, but Mabel had not been taught to notice others in that way.
So Harry went to his work in his office, and Mabel, dressed richly, went to the Charity function, where she expected to sing. The evening passed pleasantly to Mabel, for she loved a brilliant scene and the compliments she always received.
The next day she was one of a committee to dispense the various gifts among the poor. She rose early for her, and with several others she visited such haunts of misery as she had never dreamed of. Poverty had always been a rather pleasant thing in her mind where people were always holding some sort of meetings to relieve it, and where kind hearted women were taking chicken broth or cups of jelly to others who lay in bed; she never really thought that perhaps it would be pleasanter to make one’s own chicken broth or furnish one’s own jelly, or that perhaps the one who lay in bed might do something besides just simply lie there; she did not realize the tragedy of many of those lives where poverty binds and sickness holds with chains invincible beyond all human aiding.
There was more wretchedness depicted in the squalid homes she visited than she had ever dreamed of, there was not only poverty but there was dirt, and there was suffering, and she began to wonder if there were not other things needed by the poor besides chicken broth and jelly; she thought soap would not be misplaced, and that clothes would find lodgement, she was sure flowers would be welcomed by some, and she went home with her heart really aroused from its selfish stupor. Harry did not come home to tea, and it was so late before he did come that being very wearied she retired, and soon fell asleep. But here, even, she was not free, she seemed to be in the midst of a white-robed throng who went about ministering to the needs of others, and when she spoke to them they only said “Even Christ pleased not Himself,” and winged their way on their errands of mercy, and then she seemed transported to the sunny fields where flowers bloomed and birds sang their sweetest carols; there were certain ones gathering the flowers and when she spoke to them they said “Even Christ pleased not Himself.”
And then she was transported to the city and into the haunts of misery and she saw a wan-faced woman going into a poor hovel with a blossom in her hand that she had picked from where it had fallen from some fair lady’s bouquet. She placed it carefully in a pitcher with a broken spout and turned the fairest side of the flower toward a sick one lying upon a pallet of straw, and when she looked a halo seemed to surround the flower and a voice said “Even Christ pleased not Himself.” And suddenly she seemed to be in her husband’s office, and there sat Harry, his face was haggard, and there were tense lines about his mouth, and he seemed trying in vain to make the accounts tally in the ledger before him, and ruin and disaster embodied seemed looking in upon him as he worked, and finally he laid down his pen, saying “I can do no more—if it were not for Mabel.”
Then she was in her own beautiful home and everything seemed going on strangely; the flowers in the conservatory had withered and died because they lived to please themselves, and so it seemed with everything in the house; the housekeeper was keeping house to please herself, the cook was not going to serve the dinner because it did not please her to do so, and so it
[66] went, and she reached her room and there she found herself in ease and luxury, taking no thought for others, and seeking only how she might please herself; and then there seemed to be the roaring of a fire and she saw the house and all therein consumed, but she saw the woman who had carried the broken flower to the sick child coming to help her, and then Harry took her in his arms, and she knew that these were safe because they had not lived to please themselves.
After awhile she woke and hearing a step upon the stairs she slipped on a warm dressing gown and went out softly to meet Harry. He was surprised and there was that anxious look upon his face that she had seen in her dream. She drew him into the parlor and seated him in an easy chair, and then smoothed the wrinkles from his brow and begged him to tell her of his troubles. So the husband and wife conferred together, and both bearing the burden it grew lighter, and after a time it passed away. Mabel seemed different thereafter, her dream was so realistic that her very heart seemed changed, and upon its tablets were written in indelible letters, “Even Christ pleased not Himself.” She did not care to figure in charity functions where she would be praised of men, but she sought out the needy and tried faithfully to aid them. Her aid was given so unostentatiously, and with such humility and earnest sympathy, that the poor soon learned to love her, and her flowers bloomed not in vain, for they bloomed for the sick and sinning, for the poor and needy, and I trow that in sowing good seeds upon earth she will reap a heavenly harvest that will surprise her. For she has learned the sweetness of the words “Even Christ pleased not Himself.”
There is no topic in natural history so interesting as the architecture of birds; in the building of their nests they are exceedingly ingenious. We may well learn a lesson from the patience, diligence and perseverance which they display. Just as men are skilled in different mechanical employments, so we find in the bird tribe miners, masons, carpenters, weavers, basket-makers and tailors.
The humming bird constructs its nest of the finest silky down, and of cotton, or if these are not available, some other similar material. The inside is lined in the most delicate manner with soft substances; the outside is covered with moss, usually the color of the bough or twig to which the nest is attached, thus giving it the appearance of an excrescence. The delicacy and ingenuity of workmanship and skill could hardly be excelled by human art.
The humming bird is the “fairy of the feathered race”—the smallest and most beautiful—and they are found almost all over this continent. Most of them, however, dwell in the far South, where flowers are ever in bloom, and summer reigns all the year round. One species alone visits our chill Northern States—the humming bird with the ruby throat. It comes to us in July and is very shy; its stay is very short, for toward the first of September it departs to a warmer climate.
It is only in tropical countries that the several species of humming bird are seen in their abundance and variety. The islands between Florida and the main land of South America literally swarm with them. In the wild and uncultivated parts they inhabit the magnificent forests overhung with rare plants, whose blossoms vie in beauty with the jewel-like brilliancy of these animate gems of the air. In the cultivated portions of the country they abound in the gardens and seem to delight in society.
Lovely and full of nervous energy, these winged gems are constantly in the air, darting from one object to another, and displaying their gorgeous colors in the sunlight. When on a long journey, as during migration, they pass through the air in long undulations, raising themselves to a considerable height and then falling so as to form a curve. When feeding on a flower they keep themselves poised in one position as steadily as if suspended on a bough—making a humming sound with the rapid motion of their wings.
In disposition these little creatures are bold and pugnacious. In defending their nests they will attack birds five times their size and drive them off. When angry, their motions are very violent and their flight as swift as an arrow. Often the eye is incapable of following them, and their shrill, piercing note alone announces their presence.
Among the most dazzling of this brilliant tribe is the bar-tailed humming bird of Brazil. The tail is forked at the base, and consists of five feathers, graduated one above another, at almost equal distances. Their color is of the richest flame; the upper part of the body is golden green, and the under part emerald.
There are more than a hundred kinds of these birds, and all are noted for their surpassing beauty. What a beautiful conception in the author of nature were these exquisite little creatures! It is as if the flowers had taken wings, and life, and intelligence, to share in the sports of animal life.
The nest of the golden-crested wren, a most beautiful bird found in England and other parts of Europe, is a fine example of weaving. It is made of moss and lichen, and lined with feathers; it has a very small entrance at the top and the interior of the nest is also small, bearing no proportion to the size of the structure. The weaving of this nest is a work of great labor and assiduity, and compared with the bulk of the bird, it is of large dimensions.
The nest is suspended from the under surface of a fir branch, thickly clothed with foliage, by which it is almost entirely concealed and partly protected from the rain. Thus, beneath a natural canopy, this little bird rears her brood, whose cradle swings to and fro with every breeze. The eggs are from seven to ten in number, and of a pale brown color.
A naturalist who watched a nest containing eight small birds with a powerful opera glass, observed that the parent birds came to the nest with food every two minutes, or upon an average thirty-six times in an hour; and this continued full sixteen hours a day, which, if equally
[67] divided between the brood, each would receive seventy-two feeds, the whole amounting to five hundred and seventy-six!
The woodpeckers are carpenters; they not only bore holes in trees in search of food, but they also chisel out deep holes in which to deposit their eggs and rear their young. They generally build their nest in May, selecting an old apple tree in the orchard; the boring is first done by the male, who pecks out a circular hole; as the work progresses, he is occasionally relieved by the female. They both work with great diligence, and as the hole deepens they carry out the chips, sometimes taking them some distance to prevent discovery or suspicion. The nest usually requires a week to build, and when the female is quite satisfied she deposits her eggs, generally six in number and of a pure white color.
A bird called the grosbeak builds a nest shaped like an inverted bottle with a long neck, through which it passes up to a snug little chamber above. The nest is skillfully constructed of soft vegetable substances, sewed together in a wonderful manner, and suspended from a twig of a bush.
The social weaver is found in the south of Africa. Hundreds of these birds, in one community, join to form a structure of interwoven grass containing various apartments, all covered by a sloping roof impenetrable to the heaviest rain, and increased year after year as the population of the little community may require.
A traveler, returned from a journey through South Africa, writes: “A tree with an enormous nest of these birds was quite near where our party camped for the night. I dispatched a few men with a wagon to bring it to the camp that I might open the hive and examine the nest in its minutest parts. When it arrived I cut it to pieces with a hatchet, and saw that the chief portion of the structure consisted of grass, without any mixture, but so compact and firmly woven together as to be impenetrable to the rain. This is a canopy under which each bird builds its particular nest; the canopy projects a little, which serves to let the water run off when it rains. The nest contained three hundred and twenty nests, and it was calculated that the number of birds would exceed six hundred in this one nest alone.”
The bottle-nested sparrow is a basket maker; it is found in India and is a very intelligent bird. It resembles our native sparrow in some particulars, but its color is brown and yellow. It associates in large communities and builds its nests on palm trees. It is formed in a very ingenious way, by long grasses woven together into the shape of a bottle, and it is then suspended at the extremity of a branch, in order to secure the eggs and young birds from numerous enemies, such as serpents, monkeys and other animals which infest that part of the world.
These nests excel in the neatness and delicacy of their workmanship. They contain several apartments intended for different purposes; in one the female deposits her eggs; in another is stored the food which the male gathers for his mate during her maternal duties, and a third is the sleeping apartment for the male bird.
The sand martin is a most curious member of the swallow tribe. It appears in the spring a week or two before the common swallow, and it is fond of skimming swiftly over the surface of the water. This bird makes a hole in a sand bank, sometimes two feet deep, at the extremity of which it constructs a loose nest of fine grass and feathers, in which it rears its young brood. The beak of the sand martin is like a sharp little awl, very hard, and tapering, suddenly to a point.
The tailor bird is not the least interesting of the bird family; it has a curious bill which it uses like a needle, and it forms its nest by sewing the materials together instead of weaving.
“The tailor bird,” says Darwin, “will not build its nest to the extremity of a tender twig, but makes one more advance to safety by fixing it to the leaf itself. It picks up a dead leaf and sews it to the side of a living one, its slender bill serving as a needle, and its thread some fine fibers; the lining consists of feathers, gossamer and down; its eggs are white; the color of the bird light yellow; its length three inches; its weight three-sixteenths of an ounce; so that the materials of the nest and the weight of the bird are not likely to draw down a habitation so slightly suspended.”
The different methods of nest building evidently result from the peculiarities of the birds themselves combined with their surroundings. Will these styles of architecture be changed or further developed?
Henry Coyle.
“Only the Scars Remain,”
Says Henry Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who certifies as follows:
“Among the many testimonials which I see in regard to certain medicines performing cures, cleansing the blood, etc., none impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became running sores. Our family physician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old
Mother urged me
to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the Scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer’s Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleasure in telling what good it did for me.”
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you.
These lines were suggested by a spathe of the skunk cabbage sent me by my brother, W. S. Ripley, of Wakefield, Mass., who mentioned in his letter to me when the specimen was sent that he stopped “to watch the bees go in at the aperture on one side of the spathe, and listened to their loud humming inside, as they laid on their load of pollen.” In Thoreau’s “Early Spring in Massachusetts,” page 172, in writing of this plant he says: “All along under that bank I heard the hum of honey bees in the air, attracted by this flower. Especially the hum of one within a spathe sounds deep and loud.”
I do not know of any class of plants that have attracted so much attention or have been so much admired during the past season as the new large flowering French cannas. And for effectiveness on lawns in large beds or masses, or as single specimens in the mixed border, nothing can be more tropical and impressive. They are really plants for everybody as they are entirely free from insect pests, and require but little care and attention to grow them to perfection. They succeed well in all kinds of weather, wet or dry, and are not injured in the least by the severe storms of wind and rain that we so often experience during the summer season.
They bloom without intermission from June until they are destroyed by frost; the spikes of large flowers somewhat resemble gladiolus but are really more effective and showy as their brilliant colors show so grandly against their tropical foliage. Most, if not all, of the varieties grow on an average about three feet in height, and the flowers range in color from deep crimson to pure yellow, including all the intermediate shades, many being so beautifully marked that they are frequently compared to orchid flowers.
To grow these cannas to perfection as well as to enable them to properly develop themselves, they should be given a very deep heavily enriched soil, and as soon as hot, dry weather sets in mulched to the depth of at least two inches with good stable manure, and if the opportunity offers, water copiously during seasons of drought. With this treatment a single tuber will make a clump three or four feet in diameter in a single season; this will give one some idea of the immense amount of foliage and flowers a single specimen will produce.
The plants should not be planted outside until the weather becomes warm and settled, which in this vicinity is about the tenth of May, and as soon as the foliage has been destroyed by the frost it should be cut off, and the tubers dug and stored underneath the greenhouse stage, or in some other situation, where a temperature of 55° is maintained, until the time arrives for planting them outside again.
Or the plants can be lifted on the approach of cold weather, divided, potted up, and grown on for decorative purposes in either the greenhouse or window garden. This is a very safe way to winter over the large flowering cannas or any other variety of which one’s stock is limited.
When grown as pot plants for winter decoration the cannas should be given a compost consisting of two-thirds turfy loam, one-third well decayed manure and a good sprinkling of bone dust, mix well and use the compost rough. The plants should be given as light and sunny a situation as possible and a temperature of 55° to 60°. They should also be freely watered both overhead and at the roots, and as soon as the pots become well filled with roots a little liquid ammonia can be given occasionally or else they must be shifted into larger pots.
Propagation is effected by a careful division of the clumps, and where the plants are to be kept in a state of rest the operation should be performed when they are being planted out in May. In dividing leave two or three eyes or shoots to each plant.
Of the many varieties now listed in catalogues the following are the most desirable and distinct:
Alphonse Bouvier is the grandest deep red variety known, both truss and flowers being very large, and the plant makes a most luxuriant growth of deep red foliage. In color the flowers are of a rich velvety red.
Capt. P. de Suzzini has handsome light green foliage and is the most beautiful of all the spotted varieties. Its flowers are of a rich shade of canary yellow beautifully spotted and dashed with red.
Francois Crozy has bright green foliage and very large flowers which are of a bright orange bordered with a narrow edge of gold—a very rare and desirable color in cannas.
Madame Crozy grows about three and a half feet in height and has broad bright green foliage. The flowers, which are produced in massive spikes, are of a bright crimson scarlet beautifully bordered with gold. The plant commences to bloom when about one foot in height.
Nellie Bowden, in all respects this is identical with Madame Crozy except in the color of its flowers which are of a rich golden yellow. One of the most distinct and beautiful of cannas.
Paul Marquant has dark green foliage and very large handsome flowers of a bright salmon scarlet. A very showy variety.
Star of 1891 is so well and favorably known as to require no description. It is the best of all for pot culture, as it is of dwarf growth and very free-flowering. The flowers are of a bright orange scarlet occasionally edged with yellow.
Floral Park, N. Y.
Chas. E. Parnell.
It makes all the difference between nice thrifty plants or scraggly looking ones whether we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest a floral magazine. In walking on the street, the appearance of the windows or front yards tells you whether the postman leaves a floral weekly or monthly. Six weeks ago I saw a row of empty pots right in the sun, and often an old man was poking up the soil with his penknife to see if his bulbs had started. You see he didn’t read up about hyacinths, but potted them and put them right in the sun. I can imagine his saying to his wife, “It’s money thrown away to buy bulbs; they probably are too old to grow and I’ve been cheated.” So the poor seedsman gets the blame, and not his own ignorance. Here is a window with leggy looking geraniums in it, just a few leaves on top of the long stems. Now a little reading in a floral magazine would have shown her, after blooming all summer, the place for them is the cellar. Ah! here is a window that shows intelligence. The hyacinths and jonquils are showing their buds, moved to the window from the dark corners where they have been for weeks forming vigorous roots. Here are primroses in bloom, and oxalis, and a scarlet nasturtium makes the room bright on a cloudy day, and in a corner I can see the Palm Latania. She takes the magazines and knows what are good winter plants for amateurs.
In summer one can pick out the magazine lawns and gardens. Here is one where the man has two shapely maple trees in front, and has pruned his “Jac” rose so that it is loaded with blossoms, and in a circular bed he has put a caladium in the center, and this shows off the gladiolus in every shade around it. But the next front yard is enough to set one’s teeth on edge. Actually, here is a large square bed with a tall candidum lily in each corner and, inside, petunias, zinnias, asters and marigolds in one blaze of color. The whole effect is like a crazy quilt thrown over an old fashioned four-posted bedstead. One sees the roses eaten of worms and bugs, or planted by the sunflowers and looking ashamed at their surroundings; whereas the magazines tell us again and again that roses need to be watched continually and sprayed to keep off the insects, and to plant by themselves. Now for the moral. Let us all show, and lend our florals, and urge the people to subscribe.
Anna Lyman.
They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs, Regulating the Secretions, restoring long lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human frame. These Facts are admitted by thousands, in all classes of Society. Largest Sale in the World.
Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating.
Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a Box. New York Depot, 365 Canal St.
When a tradesman can indulge in a suburban home or a summer cottage it will often happen that he will desire to keep a family horse. If he doesn’t want a horse he will often want a cow or chickens. In the accompanying sketch A is a site provided for one or other of these animals, and it is designedly given a prominent position that its architecture may receive treatment in consonance with that of the residence, that it may be in unison with the surroundings, and that it may supplant the useless and ugly pavilions frequently seen.
The approach to the house is direct and convenient for all points, unless the architect is perverse enough to put the coal cellar on the opposite side.
The boundary hedge is of Norway spruce with room enough to grow and room enough to get between it and the fence to clip it. I saw a hedge on paper recently—between two groups of shrubbery—which was not allowed room to stand on end.
There is a small vegetable garden, 13, with a border around it for blackberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries and such like, and at the end, 14, either a few fruit trees or flowering shrubs. The porches, both back and front, are but a single step above the roadway. The rooms may or may not be another step above them, depending somewhat upon the character of the subsoil, etc. I have not arranged any special drying ground, for cedar poles may be set up in the center of any of the round beds, 1 to 8, and clothed with Japanese ivy, Euonymus radicans, climbing hydrangeas and so on, and have wires between them.
Now these beds may be further filled with either bedding plants or select herbaceous plants. I will assume that it is a summer cottage, and I would then plant the ground as follows, which would result in a very different how d’ye do from that usually seen in such places: 1, Begonia Evansiana; 2, Funkia grandiflora; 3, Echinacea purpurea; 4, Aconitum Napellus variegata; 5, Lobelia cardinalis; 6, Sedum Sieboldii; 7, Veronica longifolia subsessilis; 8, six distinct varieties of Phlox paniculata. These beds may be varied greatly, but nothing of unreliable character should ever be planted in them. Number 1, for instance, might have a tub of nelumbium in place of the begonia, not that it is greatly better, but for variety and fancy.
Numbers 9, 9, 9, are shrubbery groups composed of the following summer-flowering material, disposed in such manner that all sides may be seen, and mowed around, and giving the longest possible margins for the space occupied. There are but few trees to bloom after July, they are chiefly Rhus semialata Osbeckii and R. glabra; Dimorphanthus Mandschuricus; Koelreuteria paniculata and Clerodendron trichotomum. None of them are large. Of shrubs there are a number, and it is strange that they are so seldom used effectively. Garden shrubbery looks more devoid of color in August here than English shrubbery in midwinter. This should not be with a list such as the following to draw from and utilize. Just fancy what we have—and the great artists we have—and tell me if it should be.
There are the altheas, lots of them; Buddleia Lindleyana; Calluna vulgaris; Clethras in variety; Callicarpa purpurea; x Clematis in variety; Clerodendron viscosum; Desmodiums; Dabœcia polifolia; Daphne cneorum; Erica vagans; Euonymus Sieboldianus; Hydrangea Hortensia varieties; Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora; Hypericum in varieties; Hibiscus roseus, etc.; Indigofera Dosua; Kerria Japonica; Lespedeza bicolor; Leycesteria formosa; Lagerstrœmia Indica; x Lonicera Halleana; x Periploca græca; Polygonum cuspidatum; Potentilla fruticosa; Rubus odoratus; Rhodotypus Kerrioides; Rhus copallina; Rosa rugosa; R. Wichuriana, and several hybrids; Spiræa salicifolia, S. tomentosa, S. Douglassii, and S. Bumalda if it is pruned after flowering in spring; Tamarix Chinensis; x Tecoma radicans; x Tecoma grandiflora; Vitex agnus-castus; Vitex Negundo incisa, and a large number of sub-frutescent plants of large size, which may be substituted for such of the shrubs as are tender north of Philadelphia. Numbers 10 and 11 are prepared borders which may well be planted with Hydrangeas Hortensia, Thomas Hogg, etc., and interspersed with the pink and white varieties of Lilium speciosum. Numbers 12, 12 are plants of Sciadopitys verticillata.
Climbers are marked x. South of Philadelphia Bignonia capreolata, Magnolia grandiflora and evergreen roses may be grown on walls.
Trenton, N. J.
James MacPherson.
My rose bushes are almost as much admired for their beautiful foliage as for their lovely roses. “I never saw such handsome leaves, why they look exactly like wax.” This is an exclamation I am growing quite accustomed to hear from friends, and it is really true; but I think any one who grows roses as house plants may have just as handsome foliage if the proper care is taken of the plants. Once or twice every week (just as is most convenient) I wash every leaf with clean, weak soapsuds, under side as well as upper side. With the small-leaved Polyanthas it is too tiresome to wash each leaflet individually, but the foliage can be sprayed well, and then very carefully and gently a branch of leaves may be wiped at once, and in this manner one can go over quite a number of plants in half an hour. The leaves may be left without wiping, of course, but the foliage is apt to be marred unless it is done, as the soapsuds dries on the leaves in white, unsightly spots. Roses treated in this way will very rarely be troubled with pests of any kind, and such rich waxen green foliage as they will possess is more beautiful than many flowers.
It is something quite remarkable here, where the thermometer falls to 40° and 50° below zero, to see roses blooming outside of a conservatory, But mine have been doing beautifully in the bay window all winter, and small as the plants are they have flowered wonderfully well. At night the plants are moved away from the window to a place where they are secure from frost Queen’s Scarlet seems to make a special effort to surpass itself each time some other rose comes into bloom, and every rose it produces is, I think, more beautiful than its predecessor. It is in every way one of the loveliest of roses, and although lacking in the rich fragrance of many others, it yet possesses a delicate sweetness of its own. The first time that American Beauty bloomed for me it bore two exquisite roses, and the little bush was barely eight inches high, one of the shoots which produced a flower being only four inches out of the soil, and the rich, exquisite sweetness of these large, deep pink roses is surely unsurpassed by any other.
Sometimes when the buds seem very slow about unfolding I take a cup of lukewarm water and gently bending each bud give it a few minutes immersion. This certainly hastens their development and in no way injures them. If I could only have one rose Queen’s Scarlet would be my choice; if I could have others American Beauty would certainly be the next one.
Mrs. S. H. Snider.
Care of Seeds.—The smaller the seeds the less covering required. Fine seeds may be scattered on the moist soil, or at most have a sprinkling of sand over them.
Has a Record of Half a Century.
☞ For Marking Personal and Family Linen.
☞ For Marking Clothing of any Fabric.
It has been in constant and regular use in
Sample bottle mailed on receipt of 25 cts. if you cannot obtain it at druggists or stationers.
A. L. WILLISTON, Northampton, Mass.
In this department we shall be pleased to answer any questions relating to Flowers, Vegetables and Plants, or to publish the experiences of our readers. James Vick.
I see by your September Magazine that you want the experience of anyone that has had good success with Lady Washington geraniums. I had good success with mine. I used as a fertilizer ground oil cake worked into the soil. It was a year-old plant and had five bunches of bloom with five pansy-like flowers in each bloom. They only bloom once a year. I also used the oil cake on an ivy-leaved geranium and its growth was beyond my expectations, for in a year’s time it was eighteen feet long. All plants I have used it on have done exceedingly well.
Mrs. N. G.
Lane, Kansas.
I would like to know what manure that the farm can furnish to use for the bed of Monthly roses, also, must they be pruned or cut back the first year, and what treatment must I give them in the winter here in Kansas? Must I cut off all branches and cover the roots or wrap the branches?
Mrs. M.
Dig into the bed every spring a heavy dressing of well rotted stable manure. Protect the plants in winter with a covering of leaves or branches of evergreens, prune in spring and when needed at other times, so as to get a good growth of new wood.
Will you please tell me through your Magazine how to pronounce ixias.
Also, how to treat the spider lily.
A. E. M.
Casstown, Ohio.
The division of the word as here given, ix-i-a, sufficiently indicates its pronunciation.
The spider lilies, or Pancratiums, are plants growing naturally in marshes or low moist grounds and require plenty of water in their growing and blooming stage—afterwards give less water favoring a season of comparative rest, but do not allow to go wholly dry.
I have a nice fish pond that till recently has been outside of my yard, but finding that the cattle would spoil the banks I am now taking it into my yard enclosure and wish to make it an ornament, which it really is. What kinds of plants are suitable to plant in the water and around it that would make it showy? I have now the Egyptian lotus growing in it.
W. C. L.
Pennsville, Pa.
One great point in making the planting should be to secure plants which are hardy, and another to select those appropriate to the situation. Both of these ends can be secured by using the water and bog plants which flourish in that locality. These might be named, but that would not assist in securing them. The practical way is to look up a number of ponds and streams and visit them every month during spring and summer, and see how many interesting plants may be found. Mark their positions, and in autumn visit the places again and remove such as are wanted and plant them in similar situations about the pond. Willows of different kinds and black ash and poplars and alder trees can furnish shade, and several kinds of shrubs can be used to ornament the banks.
Please send instructions for raising Osage orange hedge.
B. B. R.
Spangle, Wash.
The Osage orange is a native of Texas, and consequently needs warm weather to make its growth. The seed should be planted at the time of corn planting in northern localities. A month previous to sowing place the seed in a dish of water and let it remain covered with water until ready to sow. If kept in water the length of time stated it will germinate in ten or fifteen days after planting. If kept dry and planted in that condition it will start only after six or eight weeks, and very unevenly. When planting time arrives drain off the water and mix the seed with dry sand and sow it thinly in drills in good soil. When the plants are up hoe them and keep them clean or work them with a cultivator, if on a sufficiently large scale. The first season’s growth should make them large enough to set in a hedge. They can remain standing in the seed-bed until spring and then be lifted early to be planted. Cut back the tops and the roots so that each shall be about five inches in length. The ground where the hedge is to stand should be well prepared by deep plowing, and dragging fine and smooth. If plowed up the year before and cultivated with some cleaning crop such as potatoes or carrots it will be all the better fitted. Having stretched a line for the course of the hedge the plants can be dibbled in along it, at a distance of six inches apart, or they can be set in with a spade; another way is to open a trench about six inches deep along the line and set the plants in it, one person placing the plants while another fills in a spadeful of soil against each one; then the soil is firmed with the foot against each plant and afterwards the trench filled. The after culture for the first year is to hoe and keep the ground clean. The spring of the following year before growth starts cut the plants down to within six inches of the old stock. The following year do the same; an annual rise of six inches is sufficient. At the second year’s pruning and afterwards cut the side shoots so that those at the base shall be longest, giving the hedge a broad base narrowing to a line at the top.
I have a large reservoir vase twenty-five inches in diameter for the cemetery. Last summer I had it arranged by one of our home florists and it did not do nicely at all and was not in the least satisfactory. Will you please advise me what plants to use in it this summer? I thought I would put around the edge to droop, ivy geraniums, double petunias and nasturtiums and anything else you may suggest. I have a pink ivy geranium and would like a white one, and thought I would like the petunias of some different colors, perhaps one variegated and some other. The nasturtiums I shall raise from seed, and I suppose I might use a little sweet alyssum and lobelia. What would you recommend for the center plants? Of course I know it is too early to start it yet, but I want it all settled so that I can get it ready as early as possible.
K. A. R.
Waverly, N. Y.
A vase of plants is not adapted to a cemetery unless there is a gardener in charge of the grounds and who will give the necessary daily care. A garden vase of growing plants needs daily attention in watering and through the hottest weather should be supplied twice a day. It is rare that a cemetery has a gardener in attendance. We, therefore, would discourage the use of vases in cemeteries for they are anything but ornamental unless they have constant care. It is far better to set directly in the ground whatever flowering or ornamental plants one chooses to have. There they will thrive with less attention than elsewhere. Of course if they can have the needed care the vases can be filled with such plants as are usually employed for this purpose, and, no doubt, the vase which our inquirer complains of was well filled. It was unsatisfactory, and probably would be so again another season. The best place for the vase is on the lawn near the dwelling. But if it is to be used in the cemetery then we should try to make the best of it, and select such plants as will do fairly well with the occasional attendance they will get, together with the rain which falls upon them from the clouds.
Such a selection of plants is difficult to make. For a center plant perhaps a small sized American aloe would be as appropriate and appear as well as any that might be tried. Possibly a small India rubber plant might be another good one. For filling in the list is a restricted one. The portulaca would be reliable; the ageratum and the petunia would do fairly well, and the Thunbergia and oxalis might be expected to hold their own. The othonna would no doubt do well set around the edge. Perhaps the green and the variegated vinca would suffer meekly, if it was demanded of them, and try to show how brave they are. We fear the nasturtium and geraniums and alyssum and lobelia would scarcely hold their own. In some seasons which we have known in this region, when showers have been frequent all through the summer, a vase of such plants as are ordinarily used would do well, but such seasons are rare. Usually the plants will suffer for lack of water.
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Every year I get a number of carnation plants and I take the best of care of them, as good as I know how. At first they look well, but in a short time they begin to turn yellow at the top and the yellow keeps going down until it gets to the bottom and they are dead. Other plants do well with me. What is the trouble?
Mrs. F. P. W.
Highlandlake, Colo.
Carnations want a cool, moist air, and cannot adapt themselves to the high temperature and dry air of living rooms heated by coal in stoves or furnaces. To raise the plants one should have a conservatory off the living room, or at least an inclosed bay window.
Will you kindly inform me through your “Letter Box” how to treat a Madeira vine so it will produce blossoms? I have a vine four years old, has never done very well until this winter, but the foliage is beautiful and it seems strange that it does not blossom. I have got it in a tin wash basin hung with strings in the window, the sun shines on it from early in the morning until three o’clock in the afternoon. It is trained out each side of basin with strings and measures three feet across, and hangs about one foot from the glass. I have trained it back and forth from the basin to the curtain and it has locked itself through the lace of the curtain. I want to know what I shall do with it in the spring. I shall have to take down the curtain, and will it injure the vine to cut it? I have been told that I ought to clip this winter’s growth in the spring. I should like to know why it does not blossom. Please let me know and confer a favor.
A Constant Reader.
Baldwinsville, N. Y.
The Madeira vine is so easily raised it is not necessary to be particularly careful of a plant which has already fulfilled its mission. The atmospheric and root conditions under house culture are not favorable to the blooming of this plant. If the tubers are placed in a rich, warm soil early in spring the plant will make a great growth and bloom in autumn. When the particular plant in question is to be moved, in the spring, a portion of its top growth can be cut away and then the whole plant slipped out of the pan into the open ground outside.
In the whole West there’s not to be found another such collection of fancy poultry as that of C. C. Shoemaker, Freeport, Ill. He invites correspondence or a visit. It is said that Mr. Shoemaker’s business has trebled itself every year since he began business.
How He Got the Best of Hard Times.
Mrs. Jones wanted an Organ and as Mr. Jones was one of those good husbands he wanted to please his wife, but in this case with the hard times staring him in the face he did not see how he could spare the money. Anyway he thought he would see what he could do with the dealers and agents in his neighboring town, but after looking over their stock he found the cheapest Organ he could get would cost him $65.00, and it didn’t amount to much at that.
This was more than Mr. Jones could afford and he told his wife so. Although a great disappointment to them both, they decided they would have to give up the idea.
A few days after this, Mr. Jones in looking over Vick’s Magazine saw the advertisement of the “Beethoven Piano and Organ Co.,” of Washington, N. J., stating that they sold a first-class Organ for only $27.50, with stool and book. He sent for their catalogue which they send free to all who write.
Mr. Jones now has the organ in his parlor, for which he paid $27.50, and says it is even better than the agents offered him at $65.00.
He beat the hard times by purchasing direct from the factory, thus saving the profits of the dealers and agents.
The Company offers the same good bargains on Pianos.
Is there anything that will kill mildew on cucumber vines in a forcing house without injuring the vines?
A. L. B.
Try sulphide of potash. Dissolve one ounce in four gallons of water and syringe the affected plants with it. It will probably destroy the mildew and not injure the plants.
Can you tell me in your “Letter Box” how to get rid of moles? We are very much annoyed by them and find a trap perfectly worthless.
M. H. C.
Fort Riley, Kans.
The trap is the best known means of destroying moles, but of course it requires vigilance and patience and perseverance in its use, without these the trap is ineffective. Those who have tried poisoned corn say that it will effectually rid a place of moles. Soak the kernels in arsenic water and place them in the runways. Perhaps some of our readers may have some experience to state on this subject.
Several inquiries have been received about the treatment of this plant. Those who are offering it in the trade advise that the roots be wrapped in moss and that the plant be wired upon a piece of bark or wood, that it be placed in the window, and frequently showered or sprayed. We have had no experience with it. The plant is a native of a hot and humid climate and it is somewhat doubtful that it will generally succeed in window culture. Unless the window is a bay, and enclosed with glass on the side of the room which it is off, and, moreover, well heated, it will probably in most cases prove a failure. Its family relationship is with the Spanish gray moss, and the pine apple.
Your answers to correspondents in the “Letter Box” are so helpful that I am led to ask for hints as to the treatment of the night-blooming phyllocactus. I have one that blossomed three or four times, but only a single flower at a time. It seems to spend its strength in sending out long, round stems two or three feet in length. I cut off one of these a few weeks ago and it soon started again at the same spot and is now three feet long. Ought these stems to be cut, and is there any special treatment which will secure blossoms? An answer in your interesting Magazine will much oblige
Mrs. D. F. G.
Norwich, Conn.
It is not advisable to remove the shoots as mentioned, a large and well branched plant is desirable, and in that condition it should be capable of producing more flowers. Give a rich soil with a mixture of sand, and water moderately. Let it have a position where it will have the sun a portion of the day.
In reply to Mrs. J. F. S., in the January Magazine, concerning mammoth freesias, I will say I have had them two years. I do not find the bulb any larger than the ordinary variety but they produce more flowers—I had from three to five clusters from each bulb; they bloom about two weeks earlier and the flowers are a little larger than the others. I like to grow them with the others to have a succession of bloom. I have never failed with freesias, and think Mrs. J. F. S. has made some mistake in their treatment. Plant an inch deep in a rich soil, place them in the dark until they have sprouted, then place next the glass in a south or east window. Keep the pots in deep saucers and fill the latter with hot water every morning. One great secret is to keep their feet warm. Many people do not give them enough water, they require a great deal. If any remains in the saucer from the day before throw it out and give fresh. If water is poured on the soil it should always be warmer than the air. In this way I have an abundance of large perfect flowers, the clusters sometimes remaining perfect for three weeks. As a last word, have good drainage and give plenty of heat and water. I think your Magazine is invaluable.
Mrs. C. H. J.
Crestline, Ohio.
Can you tell us how to prevent having wormy raspberries? For the last two years ours have been worthless from being wormy.
I want to have a bed of violets. Must I use roots or can I get seeds?
How can cauliflower be put away for the winter? We cut ours from the stump, turned the leaves over the heads and packed them closely together, but some of them have spoiled.
Mrs. R. P. F.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
We do not know what insect it is whose larva infests raspberries. If any of our readers can supply the information we trust they will give it.
Purchase the roots of violets, it is not practicable to raise them from seeds.
Cauliflower, like the strawberry, is good enough to be eaten when it is ready. It does not improve by keeping. The heads may be kept in a cool cellar for a considerable time if they are pulled up with some soil adhering to the roots, and set in rows in the cellar with the roots covered with soil. Tie the leaves together or turn them down over the heads.
New York, which has undergone a thorough rebuilding, is now open to the public.
This is altogether the largest hotel property in New York, and, with the present improvements, will have a valuation of nearly two millions of dollars and accommodate over one thousand persons.
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Broadway reach every fashionable store, theater
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and ferry in town.
Every reason why it should
For Dr. Warner’s Coraline Corsets are made in 25 styles—modelled to fit every variety of form.
Wear the one that fits
Devoted to the profitable culture of flowers and vegetables.
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☞ All communications in regard to advertising to Vick Publishing Co., New York office, 38 Times Building, H. P. Hubbard, Manager.
Average monthly circulation 1893, 200,000.
We are constantly receiving applications of people who desire gardeners and florists, and we have decided that hereafter we will publish advertisements of those who desire situations free of charge. Write copy plain and send by the first of the month for insertion in the next month’s Magazine.
A visit a short time since to the famous greenhouses of our townsman, Wm. S. Kimball, where orchids mostly abound, favored us with a view of the rare yellow-flowered calla, Richardia Elliottii. Although we had carefully read the description of this plant we found it really more beautiful than the image we had formed of it. The plant in appearance is much like that of the common calla, Richardia Africana, except that the leaves are spotted all over with white spots. The flower spathe is of good size and form, and of a pure canary yellow color. It will prove to be a grand companion to the common calla and is destined to be widely cultivated. At present the plants are very scarce and expensive and it will be some time before they can be very freely offered.
There has recently been issued a treatise by this title, on grapes and grape culture by Charles Mitzky, of this city. Its main feature is the very full list of hardy grapes cultivated in this country with their description, origin and history as far as known, and numerous illustrations and colored plates. Over eight hundred varieties are described, thus bringing together nearly all that have so far been produced or made public. The work also contains chapters on planting, pruning, cultivating, training, fertilizers, diseases and noxious insects and their remedies, harvesting, storing, marketing and a brief account of wine making, in fact almost everything of interest to the grape-grower is here treated, some of the chapters being contributed by prominent scientists and horticulturists.
The enterprise in getting out the artistic and truly beautiful Floral Guide, and sending it into our homes during the inclement weather of these winter days, when we have time to sit by the fireside and study its pages, enables us, against the time to plant seeds, to know exactly what we would like to have among vegetables and flowers. This beautiful compendium of vegetables and flowers came as a herald of the new year, and as the new year seems always to bring the spring season near, so it naturally fills the mind with the pleasurable anticipations of the task of seed planting.
The plant beds are little squares made of very rich soil, black and friable, with sand intermixed, on the sunny side of the garden palings that have a solid base board, or a wall or house, to afford protection. The rich soil makes a good bottom heat for forcing gentle growth. My old colored mammy, who always saved the garden seeds and gave them out as needed and directed the gardening operations on the plantation, had the plant beds made on each side of the garden gate, one set of little beds for early vegetable plants, the other for flowers. The soil thoroughly pulverized, and the seeds planted thickly, it is surprising how they would spring into life, and the rapidity with which they would grow. Thick planting of seeds is only to be advised when they are intended for transplanting. I have seen the cabbage bed so full of plants that it seemed as if two plants or more had sprung from every seed. Early and late cabbage, the rows labeled, can be planted in the same bed; lettuce, pepper grass, parsley and radishes in another, taking care to sow the radish seed thinly as the plants will not transplant well, and the radishes must be used for the table taken from the place where the seeds are sown. Cabbages grow better when the small plants are transplanted to the large bed where they are to stand for their season’s growth.
After these early vegetable plants have been set out, later on tomato and egg plant seeds can be sown in the same beds. Nothing is gained by forcing these latter, for in my experience certain vegetable and flower seeds do better planted late, as the heat of summer is needed for their development.
The plant bed can be made and planted early in the season. Here in the South many persons plant in “old Christmas,” the first twelve days after New Year, but February or March is better, I believe.
The flowers that do so well in company with these vegetables are sweet alyssum, nemophila, mignonette, snapdragon, candytuft, verbena, sanvitalia and petunias. Japanese pinks and Marguerite carnations, Phlox Drummondii and poppies are better planted where they are to bloom as they do not transplant well. Sweet alyssum and nemophila begin to bloom when about an inch high, and can be transplanted at any stage of growth, even in bloom; they are sweet little flowers that make lovely borders, cute little jars, beautiful hanging baskets, and when planted in the sides of jars that contain large plants, hang over the sides in masses of bloom. The speckled pretty little blue nemophila always makes me think of birds’ nests full of speckled eggs in the cool green grass. Sweet alyssum I love too well to write about; it would sound like exaggeration.
Petunias do well in the early beds, but also flourish and bloom finely if their planting is deferred until the torenia, portulaca, cypress, zinnia, tageta and real midsummer flowers are planted. None of these last do any better for early planting. They will not bloom until their season, summer, no matter how early they are planted. The beautiful fall bloomer, cosmos, may be classed with them. Snapdragons, carnations and verbena do not bloom in early spring from seed, but require an early start to bloom in summer as their growth is not rapid. Sanvitalia, vinca, and a long list of annuals are beautiful and well worth raising. Annuals are cheap, but they subserve a purpose and nothing quite takes their place, and I confess to a liking for flowers which I have raised from seeds. It is easy to exaggerate the beauty of anything that stands in striking contrast to its surroundings, but these plant beds early in the season, green and growing, ahead of everything else, are as pretty as a picture, and the young, crisp, green vegetables are suggestive and appetizing.
If twenty-five years of putting Mr. Vick’s seeds in the ground does not entitle me to render a verdict in their favor as the best to be had, then experience counts for nothing. A sure return for every seed put in the ground is the answer they give to the question “What shall the harvest be?”
Further north, doubtless, cold frames are better for early planting of seeds, but in the South the plants are more healthy and stand transplanting much better for exposure to the moderate cold of the early season in their rich, warm little plant beds.
Mrs. G. T. Drennan.
Lexington, Miss.
March Work.—At this time, the dividing line between winter and spring, finish all the pruning in the open grounds. Grape vines, fruit trees, deciduous hedges, and roses and many other plants will need attention. In this climate sow peas as soon as the ground can be put in order. Start hotbeds, and cold frames. Look after those flower seeds which should be sowed early in the house.
Stylish Gowns of Handsome Color at Small Cost—Diamond Dyes Make Old Clothes Look Like New—Two Useful Books Given Away.
With a few packages of Diamond Dyes wonders can be done in making old dresses, gowns, and suits look like new. Many families have not bought a single new dress, wrap, or suit this winter, yet they dressed well and fashionably, by dyeing their clothes with Diamond Dyes.
Those who buy one package as an experiment, find the dyes so easy to use that they color over gowns, cloaks and suits for the whole family. The Fast Black Diamond Dyes are especially popular, being easy to use and making a rich black that will not fade, crock, or wash out.
This entitles any reader of Vick’s Magazine to one copy of “Successful Home Dyeing,” and “Mats and Rugs; Art and Fancy Work.”
For the home-dyer or rug-maker these books give complete directions with many illustrations. Send above coupon to Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. and both books will be mailed free.
A Remarkable Case of Being Completely Cured of Paralysis After Nearly Three Years of Suffering and Eminent Physicians Had Declared Their Best Efforts Baffled.
Newspaper men as a rule place little credence in patent medicine stories and seldom bother to even read them. This is not to be wondered at when it is taken into consideration how often they are called upon by unscrupulous persons to fabricate and publish stories of remarkable cures and perhaps print a picture of the mythical man or woman supposed to have been cured. That all medicine advertisements are not mere “fakes,” and that all newspaper men are not equally prejudiced is proven by a story published in the Cincinnati Times-Star of a well-known newspaper man whose life was saved by reading an advertisement. So remarkable and interesting is the story that it is here reproduced as published in the Times-Star.
Mr. Charles B. Noble, the well-known litterateur, who has been suffering for nearly three years with paralysis, was upon the street to-day, cheerful and active and the recipient of congratulations from his many friends. There is a bond of unity between all newspaper men, so that Mr. Noble’s case appeals to every member of the craft as well as to every one afflicted as he was. Mr. Noble has spent the last three years in traveling from city to city seeking skilled physicians, to whom he has appealed in vain for relief. Knowing this, a reporter expressed surprise at the remarkable cure, but Mr. Noble, after executing a jig to show that he was as sound as he looked, let the reporter into the secret of his cure.
“It was a hard time I had of it,” said he, “but the last medicine we take is always the one that cures, and I have taken the last. I was paralyzed on March 9, 1890, while in the employ of the David Williams Publishing Company of New York City as their traveling representative from Cincinnati. I found the traveling a great help to me, both in a financial and a literary way, but suddenly stricken down as I was at Somerset, O., 150 miles from Cincinnati, I was incapacitated for both writing and money making. Luckily my literary productions had been remunerative, and I had a snug bank account laid up, but these three years have made a drain on it.
“I sought a score of physicians, going to the best specialists in Cincinnati, Chattanooga and Pittsburg. Twelve Cincinnati doctors, pronounced my case incurable, but I would not give up, and after seeking in vain for relief in Pittsburg and Chattanooga, consulted the best medical talent in Chicago. Up to January 17, 1893, I had spent $2,500 for doctors and medicine and was about to give up in despair when I got hold of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, through reading the advertisements.
“From the first week of using the remedy I made a steady improvement, and on April 12, I put up my cane after using it thirty months. I certainly believe this medicine is all the proprietors claim for it, and that it will do all they say it will. I take pleasure in recommending it to all similarly afflicted. Like many who have tried medicine in vain I was doubtful of its value at first, and only used it when I grew desperate. Now I can not praise it too highly. It has restored me to health and strength and I feel grateful accordingly. Dr. Whittaker pronounced it a hopeless case of locomotor ataxia.
“Yes, I know there are many who will fancy anything you say about my case is an advertisement, but if they want any corroboration, let them address me at the Y. M. C. A. building, and I will cheerfully answer all inquiries if stamps are enclosed.”
Pink Pills, while advertised and handled by the drug trade as a proprietary article, are not considered a patent medicine in the sense that name implies. For many years previous to their general manufacture they were used as a prescription. At first their great restorative powers were not fully recognized and they were chiefly prescribed for impure blood and general weakness. Their remarkable success in such cases, and the fact that there was nothing in the formula that could do any harm, even if they did not do any good, led to their being tried in cases where the skill of the physician and the power of medicine had entirely faded. Their power of restoration seemed to border on the marvelous. They proved to be a never-failing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect of La Grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, and all diseases of the blood such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc.
They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature.
Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or hundred, and the public is cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., or Brockville, Ont. The price at which these Pills are sold makes a course of treatment inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment.
While the practice of growing onions directly from seed is becoming more extended all over the country, still the time will never come probably when the old-time practice of growing the crop from sets will be done away with, especially in the South. With the constantly increasing acreage devoted to this splendid esculent it is quite likely more onion sets will be raised and planted ten years hence than there is at this time. Southern truckers and market gardeners, along with those who only grow simply for home use, will continue to use sets for growing the first crop which is used or marketed in a green or unmatured state. Thousands of acres are yearly planted in the South, putting out the sets anywhere from September to November, both inclusive. Most any “tyro” in gardening can grow a crop of onions from the sets where only failure would result if the seeds were used. There is hardly anything surer than making “sets” grow, whereas it is not always sure that one gets onion seeds that are good and of such a variety as will make a good crop in our Southern climate. So much by way of preface.
The Southern gardeners and truckers depend almost entirely upon the Middle and Northern States for their onion sets, although it is quite practicable for them to raise their own sets if they choose to do it. The Southern trucker it seems as a rule, however, would prefer to have others grow his sets for him. This is all very well when he can buy them at $1.50 to $2.50 a bushel, but oftentimes he has to pay twice this sum for his sets, occasionally three times. There is an advantage in the trucker growing his own sets. He can grow just the variety that better suits our climate, sets of which he cannot always get with any certainty. The several varieties of Italian or Spanish onions are far preferable for the South—kinds like the New Queen, Rocca, Early Nocera and some others, these do much better than the American varieties.
How to raise the Sets.—There are two ways of growing—broadcast or in drills. The latter is to be preferred. For the purpose choose medium land, not very rich in humus or nitrogen, but as clean land as possible. Sowings can be made any time from February 15 to April 15. Plow the soil and harrow it and run a light roller over it. Lay off shallow drills fifteen to twenty inches apart. These shallow drills, not deeper than a quarter of an inch, should be one and a half or two inches wide. Just prior to sowing whiten these drills with landplaster. Using the freshest seed attainable, sow the seeds carefully along the drills at the rate of twelve to fifteen to the square inch. Cover lightly with a rake and then run a garden roller over the drills. If the seeds are good there will be a pretty show of onions in the course of ten days. Cultivate very shallow and just enough to keep down all weeds. Any weeds coming up in the drills must be hand-pulled.
When the small onions later on show signs of maturity go along and pull them and let them lie until well cured. Then take up and spread rather thinly in the coolest, dryest place possible. They can be spread out under any outhouse if safe from poultry, etc. If put in a loft, or where there is much light, spread a slight layer of straw over the sets. Do not wait until the onions die down before pulling, but pull just as soon as the tops show a little yellow. As remarked, these sets will be planted out again in September and October, and as late as November 15.
This is a brief statement of procedure. The directions followed, there will be no good reason for failure if the seeds are good.
S. A. Cook.
Milledgeville, Ga.
Winner’s “Eureka” Instruction books do for you just what a teacher would do. With the Winner Instruction Book for any instrument, you can learn to play any simple, easy piece of music on that instrument as quickly as by employing a teacher once a week.
You do not need to know anything about music, as these books teach all the rudiments, and explain the meaning of all musical terms. They are very simple and FULLY ILLUSTRATED.
Besides the instruction pages, each book contains nearly a hundred well-chosen pieces for that especial instrument. This alone would cost from $2.00 to $3.00 if purchased separately.
They are intended for pupils living at a distance from the music teacher, or those whose means will not enable them to employ one.
In ordering ask for Winner’s “Eureka” Method, and state for what instrument it is wanted. Any one of the volumes will be mailed, postpaid, on receipt of choice.
Oliver Ditson Company,
453-463 Washington St., Boston.
C. H. Ditson & Co., N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co., Phila.
FREE A fine 14k gold plated watch to every reader of this paper. Cut this out and send it to us with your full name and address, and we will send you one of these elegant, richly jeweled, gold finished watches by express for examination, and if you think it is equal in appearance to any $25.00 gold watch pay our sample price, $3.50, and it is yours. We send with the watch our guarantee that you can return it at any time within one year if not satisfactory, and if you sell or cause the sale of six we will give you One Free. Write at once, as we shall send out samples for 60 days only. Address
334 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
FAT FOLKS Reduced 15 lbs. a month; any one can make remedy at home. Miss M. Ainley, Supply, Ark., says: “I lost 60 lbs. and feel splendid.” No starving. No sickness. Particulars (sealed) 2 cts. HALL & CO., “A,” Box 404, St. Louis, Mo.
Until you see the beautiful and fast colors made with “PERFECTION” Dyes. Sample cards showing new colors sent FREE. For 40c. we will send you 6 pkgs. of any colors you wish to try. Single pkg. 10c. Agents wanted. W. Cushing & Co., Box 24, Foxcroft, Me.
To be sure “Major Zero” is in full command; the ground is covered with snow, and the trees like gaunt skeletons stand out in bold relief against the background of sky. But wintry as it seems and is out of doors it is none too early to begin planning for the coming summer campaign. Catalogues from nurserymen, florists and seedsmen are pouring in upon us laden with good things. Some are really beautiful. I’ve been experimenting a little in window gardening, but—woe is me; some varieties have not responded well to my treatment, not from any fault of the plant I am confident, but through my ignorance of its needs.
Different plants require different treatment and temperature, but I find as a rule the majority treat them all alike and wonder why they do not have any “luck” with some kinds. For example, I gave my pet carnations just as much water, and as often, as my geraniums. They began to look sick and I lost three before I found out they did not require much wetting.
I’m thinking seriously of trying the different varieties of some one plant, begonias, perhaps. According to catalogue description they are admirably adapted to house culture. They do not require much sun and are free from insects. Most varieties blossom freely, and even if they did not the foliage is very attractive. Countess Louise Erdody is a curiosity and has a history. It was produced from seed planted in the garden of Count Erdody, a Hungarian, and named in honor of the Countess. During the summer begonias may be grown upon the piazza and a plant stand filled with well rooted specimens would be a beautiful ornament.
Nellie Stedman White.
A Splendid Free Offer.
To every reader of this paper who is sick or ailing, we will send a free trial package of the best remedy in the world for the speedy and permanent cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Sick Headache, Nervous Debility, and Consumption. It costs you nothing to try this wonderful remedy, as we send it free and prepaid. It has cured thousands of the above-named complaints and will cure you. Write to-day. Address
Egyptian Drug Co., 29 Park Row New York.
Awarded Medal at World’s Columbian Exposition.
Why Not Buy a Corset that Fits?
(It costs no more than one that does not.)
Because of its peculiar construction
than any other style of corset.
is that it is MOULDED and not straight stayed. Do you want to know more about it? Ask your dealer for it, or write us for descriptive circular. Sample by mail, postpaid, in Royal Jeans $2.00, or English Sateens $3.00. All popular colors. Workmanship unexcelled. Materials highest quality. Can return and money refunded, after one week’s wear, (white excepted) if not satisfactory. Mention this Magazine.
CORONET CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich.
Newcomb Fly-Shuttle
Rag Carpet
Weaves 100 yards per day. Catalogue free.
C. N. Newcomb,
365 W. St. Davenport, Iowa.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
With the Improved Excelsior Incubator.
Simple, Perfect, Self-Regulating. Thousands in successful operation. Guaranteed to hatch a larger percentage of fertile eggs at less cost than any other Hatcher. Lowest priced first-class Hatcher made.
Circulars free. Send 6c. for Illus. Catalogue.
Geo. H. Stahl, Quincy, Ill.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
NEW CARDS Send 2c. stamp for the LARGEST SAMPLE BOOK of genuine Hidden Name, Silk Fringe, Envelope & Calling Cards ever offered. BUCKEYE CARD CO., Laceyville, Ohio.
Derma-Royale is pure, mild and so harmless that a whole bottle may be drank without the least serious effect.
Nothing will CURE, CLEAR and WHITEN the skin so quickly as
The new discovery for curing cutaneous affections, removing discolorations from the cuticle and bleaching and brightening the complexion.
It is as harmless as dew and so simple a child can use it. It is highly recommended by Physicians and its sure results warrant us in offering $500 REWARD—To assure the public of its merits we agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars cash, for any case of eczema, pimples, blotches, moth-patches, brown spots, liver spots, blackheads, ugly or muddy skin, unnatural redness, freckles, tan or any other cutaneous discolorations or blemishes, (excepting birth-marks, scars, and those of a scrofulous or kindred nature) that Derma-Royale will not quickly remove and cure. We also agree to forfeit Five Hundred Dollars to any person whose skin can be injured in the slightest possible manner, or to anyone whose complexion (no matter in how bad condition it may be), will not be cleared, whitened, improved and beautified by the use of Derma-Royale.
Put up in elegant style in large eight-ounce bottles.
(From U. S. Journal of Medicine.)
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cured more cases than any living Physician; his success is astonishing. We have heard of cases of 20 years’ standing cured by him. He publishes a valuable work on this disease which he sends with a large bottle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may send their P.O. and Express address. We advise anyone wishing a cure to address:
Prof. W. H. PEEKE, F.D., 4 Cedar St., New York
Here’s Your Chance
we sell samples at absolutely manufacturers’ prices. Strictly high grade. All latest improvements. Illustrated circular free. Great opportunity for Agents. AMES & FROST CO. CHICAGO, ILL.
Ceylon Teas delighted all at the World’s Fair. Sample package sent to any part of the United States for six cents, with price-list. Goods sent prepaid. Address:
IMPORTERS TEA CO., 60 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
The Rocker Washer
is warranted to wash 100 PIECES IN ONE HOUR, as clean as can be washed on the washboard. Write for prices and description.
ROCKER WASHER CO., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Liberal inducements to live agents.
The African Kola Plant discovered in Congo, West Africa, is Nature’s Sure Cure for Asthma. Cure Guaranteed or No Pay. Export Office 1164 Broadway, New York. For Large Trial Case, FREE by Mail address KOLA IMPORTING CO., 132 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
For Good Living
Send address, and we mail free our illustrated booklet, “From Ranch to Table,” a write-up of the cattle industry of the great plains, from the “branding of the maverick” to the “round-up” of the prime steer into Rex Brand Beef Extract.
Send us 10c. for catalogue of BRIGGS STAMPING PATTERNS and we will send you, free, an alphabet of 26 letters, ready to stamp. Walker-Johnson Co., Box V. 3, Irvington, N. J.
Sound Discs are invisible, and comfortable. Relieve more cases of
than all devices in the world. H. A. Wales, 638 Ashland Block, Chicago.
SHORTHAND. You can write sentences in an hour by the celebrated non-shading, non-position, connective vowel PERNIN method. Read like print; great brevity. Lessons by MAIL. Trial FREE. Write H. M. Pernin, Author, Detroit, Mich.
Get the Best. New designs for ’94. Lowest prices. Samples 5 cts. Perfect imitation stained glass.
543 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Your Own
Press $3. Circular size $8. Newspaper size $44. Type setting easy, printed directions. Send 2 stamps for catalogue presses, type, cards &c. to factory. KELSEY & CO. Meriden, Conn.
A BEAUTIFUL CRAZY QUILT of 500 sq. inches can be made with our package of 60 splendid Silk and Satin pieces, assorted bright colors, 25c.; 5 packs, $1.00. Silk Plush and Velvet, 40 large pieces, assorted colors, 50c. Emb. silk, 40c. oz. Lemarie’s Silk Mill, Little Ferry, N.J.
WALLPAPER 3 cts. to 50 cts. a roll. Send 8 cts. for 100 fine samples. $1 will buy handsome paper and border for a large room. THOS. J. MYERS, 1206 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Care of Fruit Trees.—Are we guiltless if we always take from the tree and return to it little or nothing? Has man nothing to do, that he may receive and enjoy these luscious and health-giving fruits? Should he merely set the roots of a tree into the soil and then leave it to combat with starvation and neglect, as thousands of trees throughout New England are left to do? Ride through the country and notice the many orchards standing, sod-bound and in wet undrained soil perhaps, with all that can be grown from the soil in the way of hay and pasture taken off and not a pennysworth of fertilizer added to it for the trees. Not a dead limb cut out, to say nothing of those chafing or growing crossways, not an insect destroyed; and the poor tree, how it is trying to do its best while the owner, who has neglected every essential thing on his part for successful results, exclaims, “It don’t pay to raise fruit.” I knew a farmer who plowed his field for corn and planted it, but who never cultivated, plowed or hoed it. He had no corn. Did he deserve any? He said it did not pay to raise corn. I know another farmer who prepared his ground nicely for corn, planted and cared for it intelligently, and received upwards of a hundred bushels of shell corn per acre. He was amply paid for his care and expense. He said it paid him.—Edward Hoyt before the Mass. Hort. Society.
DEAFNESS & HEAD NOISES CURED by Peck’s Invisible Tubular Ear Cushions. Whispers heard. Successful when all remedies fail. Sold only by F. Hiscox, 853 B’way, N.Y. Write for book of proofs FREE
FREE SPRAY PUMP to one person in each place. We mean it. If you mean business and want agency send 10c. We will send a complete pump that will do the work of any $10 spray. A. SPIERS, Box 51 No. Windham, Maine.
“Beautiful Women” for 1894, handsomely illustrated, full of new ideas that are religiously observed by all Society Bells. Intensely interesting. 25 cts. in stamps or silver. 246 West 76th Street, New York.
AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or COMMISSION, to handle the New Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. Agents making $50 per week. MONROE ERASER MF’G CO., X 506 LaCrosse, Wis.
YOUR NAME on 25 Lovely Cards, 2 Rings, 1 Handkerchief, 1 Pen & Holder, 1 Pencil & Eraser, 1 Scarf Pin, 480 Scrap Pictures, Verses, etc. Agent’s Outfit of Cards & Novelties, ALL FOR 10c. GLEN CARD CO, Box D, NORTH HAVEN, CONN.
A WOMAN’S SUCCESS For two years I have made $25 a week at Home. Instructions FREE to lady readers. Send stamp, (No humbug), MRS. J. A. MANNING, Box 12, Anna, Ohio.
Address, UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CO., DEPT. A 74 (Treatise mailed free.) 75 43rd St., Chicago, Ill.
SALESMEN WANTED to sell our goods by samples to the wholesale and retail trade; sell on sight to every business man or firm; liberal salary. Money advanced for advertising and expenses. Permanent position. Address with stamp
KING MF’G CO., A 30, Chicago, Ill.
Instant relief, final cure in a few days, and never returns; no purge; no salve; no suppository. Remedy mailed free. Address J. H. REEVES, Box 3290, New York City, N. Y.
For Beauty and Economy cannot be excelled. Send 10 cents for postage and receive 100 samples Fine Wall Paper, with match borders and ceilings.
Wm. Wallace, 1625 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Send your name and address to Box W 1692, Boston, Mass., for free book, which tells you how to read your own fortune.
FREE MUSIC 157 pieces latest Popular Music and charming Magazine 3 months; all for 10 cents. American Nation Co., Box 1726, Boston, Mass.
The Sensation of the Year
Strictly High Grade.
Warranted One Year.
28-inch size 28 lbs. fitted with Waverley Clincher Tires, made under Gormully & Jeffery’s Patents.
Equal to any High Grade Bicycle made, regardless of price. Full line 24, 26 and 28-inch sizes, Ladies and Gents. Ask for Catalogue “A,” mailed free.
7 Street, Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A.
Toilet Soap
The best, purest and most economical of all soaps?
A great complexion cleanser, makes your skin feel new. We want you to try it. At all dealers, or sample cake by mail 12c.
Makes Sweet Breath, Clean Teeth and Good Digestion. Heartburn and Dyspepsia disappear on its use. Don’t make any mistake, get PRIMLEY’S.
Send five outside wrappers of either California Fruit or California Pepsin Chewing Gum and two 2-cent stamps, and we will send you “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll—Mr. Hyde,” by Robert Louis Stevenson, or any of our other 1700 fine books. Send for list. For 10 cents and two outside wrappers we will mail you one elegant pack of our Souvenir Playing Cards.
J. P. PRIMLEY, Chicago, Ill.
of information valuable to you if you hold mortgage or other investment securities in Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Utah or New Mexico. Address by postal card or letter
Railroad, Farm, Garden, Cemetery, Lawn Fencing. Prices down. Freight paid. Catal’g. free. McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago.
Free to
Why suffer longer, when you can receive free a diagnosis of your troubles by Dr. Wallace S. Springsteen. Send at once for symptom sheet and treatise. You cannot lose anything, therefore send now. Something entirely new in medical treatment,—successful when everything else had failed.
381 Central Ave., Cleveland, O.
Time Tried and Tested and Endorsed the world over as the Best and Cheapest on Earth.
Single Buggy Harness, | 5.95 |
Double Buggy Harness, | 15.70 |
Single Farm Harness, | 17.67 |
Double Farm Harness, | 22.94 |
Top Buggies, | 55.95 |
Road Carts, | 14.90 |
Road Wagons, | 31.75 |
Spring Wagons, | 43.50 |
Farm Wagons (2 horse) | 39.50 |
Fine 160 page Catalogue, free.
Wilber H. Murray Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.
You Dye in
30 minutes
Turkey red on cotton that won’t freeze, boil or wash out. No other will do it. Package to color 2 lbs., by mail, 10 cts.; 6, any color—for wool or cotton, 40c. Big pay Agents. Write quick. Mention this paper. FRENCH DYE CO. Vassar, Mich.
Hatches Chickens by Steam. Absolutely self-regulating. The simplest, most reliable, and cheapest first-class Hatcher in the market. Circulars free. Catalogue 4 cents.
GEO. ERTEL & CO., Quincy, Ill.
Mammoth New Catalogue Almanac
64 large pages, printed in colors. Description of all leading varieties of fowls. Over 50 fine illustrations. Plans for Poultry houses. Remedies for all diseases. Recipe for Poultry Powders. The finest thing out—everybody wants one. Only 10c.
C. C. SHOEMAKER, Freeport, Ill., U.S.A.
LADIES! If you desire a transparent, CLEAR, FRESH complexion, FREE from blotch, blemish, roughness, coarseness, redness, freckles or pimples use DR. CAMPBELL’S SAFE ARSENIC COMPLEXION WAFERS. These wonderful wafers have the effect of enlarging, invigorating, or filling out any shrunken, shrivelled or undeveloped parts. Price, by mail, $1, 6 Boxes, $5. Depot, 218 6th Ave., New York, and all Druggists.
10 CENTS (silver) pays for our handsome PEOPLE’S JOURNAL one year, on trial, and your address in our “AGENTS’ DIRECTORY,” which goes whirling all over the United States to firms who wish to mail FREE, sample papers, magazines, books, pictures, cards etc., with terms, and our patrons receive bushels of mail. Greatest bargain in America. Try it, you will be Pleased.
T. D. Campbell, X 118 Boyleston, Ind.
CARDS Send 2c. stamp for Sample Book of all the FINEST and Latest Style Cards for 1894. We sell GENUINE CARDS NOT TRASH. UNION CARD CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO.
The mesembryanthemum, usually called ice-plant, is one of the most effective border plants. Nothing can be prettier around a small bed than a thick edging of these sparkling rich green plants, and yet I have never seen it used in this manner except in my own garden. The plants grow larger, more robust, coarser perhaps, when used in this way, but they form an unbroken edge of great richness. Sow the seeds in the house and transplant when danger of frost is over; shade for a few days from sun and wind, and do not let the ground dry out about the roots until the plants have started into growth again; after that an occasional watering is all they require. Treated in this fashion they grow riotously and yield a wealth of beautiful, cool looking foliage for bouquets and all kinds of cut flower work, which has the additional merit of keeping fresh a long time even under unfavorable circumstances. One can pick long sprays of this pretty greenery without it being missed from the plants in the least. A low glass dish filled with ice-plant, the sprays drooping over the edges gracefully, and a few pale pink flowers peeping out between the leaves, is an exceedingly pretty center-piece for the dinner table. In putting out the plants set them about ten inches apart.
Mrs. S. H. Snider.
Vick’s Seeds contain the germ of life. They grow, flourish and produce abundantly.
To the Editor—Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. T. A. Slocum, M. C., 183 Pearl St., New York.
when buying a BICYCLE
A. W. GUMP & CO.,
Dayton, Ohio.
$30.00 to $50.00 saved on many new and second-hand Bicycles. Lists free. Over 2,000 in stock. Cash or time.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
100 USEFUL Articles wanted in every family, with full instructions to Agents. How to make an easy living. All postpaid for 10 cents. HOME SUPPLY CO., CLINTONVILLE, CONN.
Handy Cobbler
and Harness Kit
for home use. Great time and money saver. Articles separate cost $6. Price 26 articles, boxed, 20 lbs., $3. No. 2 without extra harness tools, 22 articles, 17 lbs., $2. Catalogue free. Agents wanted. In order give R. R. or Exp. station and name this paper.
KUHN & CO., Moline, Ill
$18.50 | Carriage | for | $9.25. |
$12.00 | ” | ” | $5.95. |
$5.00 | ” | ” | $2.75. |
Anywhere to anyone at Wholesale Prices without paying one cent in advance. We pay freight. Buy from factory. Save dealers’ profits. Large illustrated catalog free. Address Cash Buyers’ Union, 164 West Van Buren Street, B 27, Chicago, Ill.
Mustache, No Pay.
Room 4,
Cor. 5th Ave. & 14th St.,
LACE. Ladies send 5 two-cent stamps for samples of fine imported Laces. We will send free as a premium a piece containing 12 yards of handsome lace for a one year’s subscription to “OUR COUNTRY HOMES MONTHLY MAGAZINE” at $1.00 a year. Write us now. Agents Wanted. We also give as premiums Watches, Jewelry, Books, Albums, etc., etc. Address Publishers Our Country Homes Monthly Magazine, 302 & 304 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
480 Sample styles of New Cards & Premiums for 1894. Agt’s large Sample Book of genuine Hidden Name, Silk Fringe, Envelope, Bevel edge & Fancy shape Calling Cards, all for 2 cents. CROWN CARD CO., CADIZ, OHIO.
Unfermented, CONCENTRATED and Pure
Our mission is solely to supply Nature’s own pure food. It is the mission of the physician, who understands his patient’s needs, to supply the medicine. Our reason for offering this product to the public, to you, is that it is pure. There is need of such an article of grape juice. We have the testimony of hundreds of letters to prove the assertion. Nearly all the bottled juice now on the market contains an antiseptic of some description to prevent fermentation, generally salicylic acid. Why does such juice fail as a food? Simply because the antiseptic principle that preserves the juice in the bottle exerts a similar influence in the stomach, and prevents the natural action that is part of Nature’s plan for assimilating food. Our concentrated juice of the grape is absolutely free from all antiseptics, and is Nature’s best food and strength producer for weak and defective digestive organs.
Invalids will, of course, seek the advice of their physicians as to the proper time or quantity, but well people may partake freely, and know that the certainty of gain far overshadows the possibilities of excess.
The grape cure has been found in many cases to rapidly reorganize and reconstruct the blood current, and to surprise the tissues and excite the nervous system into health. The beverage form of grape juice is an agreeable and wholesome nutrient in a great variety of sicknesses. Its fruit acids, its blood salts and its grape sugar make it a valuable medicine. It affords a nourishing and easily managed food for dyspeptics of many kinds. We seek to supplant alcoholic and fermented drinks by something more wholesome, more satisfying and refreshing—something embodying all the best principles of ripe grapes marred by nothing that would falsely stimulate or excite, and in the new era that is dawning, the life-giving principles of the grape, in their purest condition, will enter every home as a comfort and a blessing, instead of a delusion and a snare.
Its sub-acid taste and easiness of assimilation give it a high value in fevers of every sort. Its concentration, keeping qualities and palatability give it certain advantages over the beverage form. It is agreeably administered in aerated water or hot or cold water.
Two varieties of our concentrated juice suitable for redilution with any aerated, carbonated or pure cold water are bottled under our labels—i.e., Red, Zinfandel, White, Muscatel.
Sold only in pint bottles, the contents of which are equal to one-half gallon of fresh grape juice. Price, 65 cents per bottle. For sale by leading druggists and grocers. Send for descriptive circular.
145 Broadway, New York.
J. S. Twombly, Selling Agent, 27 Commercial St., Boston.
Los Gatos, California.
Norman Barbour, Selling Agent, 77 Warren St., New York.
“My first sowing was early in February, 1892. The plants came into bloom the middle of June, and I had more or less flowers from them all through the following winter and spring. In 1893 I made two sowings, one the beginning of February, and another the end of March, to secure plants for winter flowering. About eighty of these in six-inch pots were plunged out of doors until the middle of November; then removed indoors and placed in light airy position. They have been flowering profusely ever since, and will continue doing so to the end of May.” These statements are made by John Milne in the Journal of Horticulture. Another writer in the same publication says:
“Those who have not yet grown these carnations have missed much. I sowed some seeds at the end of February last year in a mild heat, and the seedlings were potted when large enough, the bulk of them eventually finding their way into pots five and a half inches in diameter. Some few were grown in pots an inch less, but I noted those in the larger pots were much better every way. Small pots do not afford sufficient scope for the roots, as these are freely made, and being very fibrous they absorb a quantity of moisture. A moderately rich compost is essential, the plants requiring a fair amount of stimulative food to enable them to continue longer in flower than they do when in a starved condition. To test these carnations I planted some in the kitchen garden, but I found that those in pots flowered much the best. About ninety per cent. of these carnations come double from seed, which is a great gain, as single flowers are really of little use for decorative purposes. What I admire about them is the large number of self-colored flowers that are produced. The bulk of them are deliciously scented, and all fringed at the edges of the petals. When the weather permitted the plants were assigned a position out of doors where they could obtain all available sunlight, were given plenty of space, and well supplied with water at the roots. Directly the pots in which they were to flower were full of roots, weak liquid manure was supplied to them freely. By the early part of July they commenced to flower, and kept on unceasingly until the early part of November out of doors. Where buttonhole bouquets are in demand these Marguerite carnations afford excellent material for the making of this favorite adornment, and as the carnation is a popular flower for the purpose this new race is doubly valuable.”
Advertisements of gardeners and florists desiring situations will be inserted under this head free.
A FIRST-CLASS GARDENER AND FLORIST, single, 27 years of age of temperate habits, Hollander, but speaking English, with the best of reference, wants a situation as private gardener. Apply to “Hollander,” care Vick Seed House, Rochester, or at Vander Meulen’s Greenhouses, Dunkirk, N. Y.
World’s Fair comes to
At least the President does when he wants fence. Last month his Manager called on our agent and bought 500 rods. It’s now delivered and paid for, at the same price you can buy. Plenty of fences “just as good” were offered at cut rates, but four years’ trial beats a Medal with Hon. Thomas W. Palmer.
Here is something you can make for yourself before another summer comes. This is a flower stand, and the simplest contrivance! Saw off an old cedar tree about two feet below the first branch, then saw it off again about two feet above the first branch. The thicker the branches on this unsightly stump the better for your purpose. The branches must next be chopped off irregularly, leaving some a yard and some half a yard in length. Bury the lower end of the stump about one foot in the ground, and on the end of each branch nail a piece of board about ten inches square to serve as a shelf. These shelves must be firmly nailed so that boxes or pots can be set upright on them. Now paint the whole thing green and you have a pretty flower stand. You will not believe it until you try it, but it is beautiful. Instead of bedding out the plants you wish for winter flowering, try the plan of keeping them on this stand out of doors during the summer, where they will get all the benefit of the sun and dew. On the approach of winter they will only need to be brought indoors, and will be in a much better condition for blooming than if they had been taken up at the risk of breaking half their roots and potted in a hurry.
Prudence Plain.
$12 TO $35 PER WEEK Can be made by working for us. Parties preferred who have a horse and can give their whole time to our business. Even spare time will play splendidly. This announcement is of special interest to farmers and farmers’ sons, and others residing in the rural districts. A few vacancies also in towns and cities.
B. F. Johnson & Co.,
No. 5 South 11th St., Richmond, Va.
$14 Buys our 2 drawer walnut or oak Improved High Arm Singer sewing machine finely finished, nickel plated, adapted to light and heavy work; guaranteed for 10 Years; with Automatic Bobbin Winder, Self-Threading Cylinder Shuttle, Self-Setting Needle and a complete set of Steel Attachments; shipped any where on 30 Day’s Trial. No money required in advance. 75,000 now in use. World’s Fair Medal awarded machine and attachments. Buy from factory and save dealer’s and agent’s profits.
Cut This Out and send to-day for machine or large free catalogue, testimonials and Glimpses of the World’s Fair.
Oxford MFG. CO. 342 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.
Award of Highest Prize at World’s Fair, ratified by verdict of “The Multitude.” Our “Modern Bath” an ornament and source of joy in any home. Send 2 cts for catal’g illust’g 18 styles Tub. Improved Water Heaters, etc.
181 W. South Canal Street,
High Arm Warranted Ten Years.
FREE TRIAL in your own home for 30 days without paying one cent in advance; machine to be returned at our expense if unsatisfactory. We take all risks, pay freight, ship anywhere, to anyone, in any quantity at wholesale prices. $65 Kenwood machine, $24.50; $55 Arlington, $20.50; $45 Arlington, $17.50; $35 High Arm Gem, $12. We sell all makes and styles, from cheapest $7.95 to best “Kenwood,” $24.50. All attachments free. Three Highest World’s Fair Medals awarded. Over 100,000 now in use. Buy direct from factory. Save agents large profits. Catalogue and testimonials free. Write at once. Address (in full) CASH BUYERS’ UNION 158-164 W. Van Buren St., Dept. A 43, Chicago, Ill.
Choice Seed, 25c. packet. Circular free.
T. H. SPAULDING, Orange, N. J.
READER If You Love RARE FLOWERS choice only, address ELLIS BROS., Keene, N. H. It will astonish and please. ☞ FREE
MUSICAL CLOCK & Box Combined. Runs 8 days, keeps perfect time & furnish constantly all the most charming & popular tunes. Plays anything from a simple song to a difficult waltz or operatic selection. To introduce it one in every county or town furnished reliable persons (either sex) who will promise to show it. Send at once to Inventor’s Co., New York City, P. O. Box 2252.
We want all to try our Northern Grown seeds, so for 30 days only we will send the following (well worth $1.00) FREE:
Also a 20-cent coupon and our beautifully illustrated catalogue for 1894. Enclose 6c. for postage, and address O. M. RICHARDSON & CO., Florists, Canton, Maine. Mention this paper.
All about Poultry for a 2c. stamp.
S. M. T. JOHNSON, Box 11, Binghamton, N. Y.
DRUNKENNESS Is a DISEASE. It can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines’ Golden Specific. It can be given without the knowledge of the patient, if desired, in coffee, tea or articles of food. Cures guaranteed. Send for circulars. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. ☞ The Only Cure. Beware of Imitators.
45 Yards High Class Fowls.
THE WORLD’S FAIR Highest Awards, MEDAL and DIPLOMA, on our INCUBATOR and BROODER Combined. If you are interested in Poultry, it will pay you to send 4 cents in stamps for 72 page catalogue, giving valuable points on Poultry Culture. Address
Reliable Incubator Co., Quincy, Ill.
OPIUM Morphine Habit Cured in 10 to 20 days. No pay till cured. DR. J. STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohio.
Teeth White as Snow.
I have a simple and harmless preparation which will make the teeth pearly white. Sample box 15c. or sample and recipe of Tooth Whitening 25c., postal note or stamps.
MATTIE M. CRON, Cromwell, Ind.
AGENTS clear $100 monthly. 100 New Ladies’ Specialties for Old and Young. 64 page Illust’d Catalogue FREE. G. L. Erwin & Co., Chicago, Ill.
LADIES who will do writing for me at their homes will make good wages. Reply with self-addressed stamped envelope.
and have a few hours’ spare time can get work to do at home to occupy their spare time profitably. Address
L. WHITE & CO., 209 State St., Chicago, Ill.
You can now grasp a fortune. A new guide to rapid wealth, with 240 fine engravings, sent free to any person. This is a chance of a lifetime. Write at once. Lynn & Co. 48 Bond St. New York
Send for Free Sample Bottle. Regular size 25c.
Cohn’s, 332 W. 51 St., N. Y.
☞ For 6 two-cent stamps we will send you a brilliant Gem of unusual color and a copy of “The Great Divide,” provided you write you saw this in Vick’s Magazine. Address, “The Great Divide,” Denver, Colo.
EUROPE Holy Land, California, Bermuda, Florida, Mexico, etc. Select parties; best ticketing facilities; choicest ocean berths. Send for “TOURIST GAZETTE.”
H. GAZE & SONS, 113 Broadway, New York.
(Est. 1844.) Official Ticket Agents Chief Trunk Lines.
$150.00 for $5.00; genuine Confederate States greenbacks; in common bluebacks. Terms 4 cts. A. L. NAPLES, Mulberry, Kansas.
GREEN’S Fruit Guide and Catalogue
80 PAGES, 9 COLORS, ILLUSTRATED. Free to all who Apply.
Trees, Plants, Vines, Small Fruits, Roses, Ornamentals
See Green’s Monthly—“Fruit Grower”—Sample Free. 100,000 Readers. 50 cts. a Year. Address GREEN’S NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y.
James Vick’s Sons, SEEDSMEN
Rochester, N. Y.
Danvers Yellow Globe Onion Seed, $1.00 Per Pound, delivered, and other Reliable Seeds in proportion.
Tested and Tried, Proven Good, are all the Seeds and Plants we offer.
Vick’s Seeds have “grown” for over Forty Years, and will continue to do so.
We Pay the postage or express charges, except when noted.
VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE, 1894, 112 pages of Flowers and Vegetables, will be sent for ten cents, which can be deducted from first order.
Only certain kinds of plants are suitable for hanging baskets; such as are of low compact growth, to cover the surface, and such as are of drooping or trailing habit, to hang over the sides, are best for the purpose. For the center use some graceful plant of upright growth. In setting the plants in hanging baskets a layer of moss at least one inch in depth should be spread over the bottom and sides, so that the water may be held and prevented from washing through. To have the plants bloom freely they should be hung where they will be exposed to the sun at least two hours every day, and in dry weather they need copious watering. A good plan is to dip the whole basket in water until it is thoroughly soaked. It can be allowed to drip before being again hung up. Watered in this way the soil retains the moisture much better than when the water is only poured on the plants.
Panicum variegatum is one of the most valuable plants I have tried for baskets or vases. It is a species of grass from New Caledonia, of very graceful habit of growth, with beautiful variegated foliage striped, white, carmine and green. The ivy-leaved geraniums are excellent climbing or trailing plants adapted to hanging baskets. They have a fine, thick, glossy foliage, which of itself would warrant their cultivation, but they also have the charming attraction of possessing beautiful flowers as well as foliage. Any one who once succeeds in getting a good variety started in a basket will never allow their window garden to be without a plant of this kind, as they all bloom with the greatest freedom. Chas. Turner is my favorite variety of the ivy-leaved geraniums.
Nasturtiums are lovely in a “rustic” hanging basket, that is, one made of rough and gnarled roots and limbs of trees. All the varieties of oxalis are pretty grown in earthenware baskets, and wire baskets lined with bright green moss are especially suitable for the different varieties of tradescantia, or “wandering jew.” There is a drooping variety of cactus, Cereus flagelliformis, admirably suited for hanging baskets. I have seen this planted in a large ox horn suspended by chains, and it made a most unique ornament.
Prudence Plain.
The Unemployed in England.—The sufferings of the unemployed in England, if not greater, are at least more vocal than ever, and remarkably various are the remedies proposed. Besides the project already named, Mr. Keir Hardie suggested to Parliament the establishment of an eight hours day and the prohibition of overtime in Government factories, the reclamation of waste lands and foreshores, the reafforesting of the country, and the provision of suitable accommodation for the aged poor. The Daily Chronicle revives an old scheme for reclaiming the Wash, and so adding a “new country” to England. Mr. Chamberlain’s hope is for extended markets for national trade. A conference of vestries, presided over by Lord Onslow, proposed to Mr. Gladstone the formation of light railways, made and worked as in Ireland, to carry away the refuse of London. The gravity of this problem throughout the United Kingdom can hardly be overestimated, and its conditions are not so transient as those in the United States. There is no such “army of unemployed” in Chicago or New York as in London.—From the “Progress of the World,” in the February Review of Reviews.
A clergyman, after years of suffering, from that loathsome disease, Catarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a medicine which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending his name and address to Prof. Lawrence, 88 Warren Street, New York, will receive the means of cure free and postpaid.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
Send $2.00 for a large FUR RUG
5½ feet long by 33 inches wide. Made from selected skins of the Japanese Angolia. Long, soft, silky fur.
The colors are Silvery White, Light Grey and Dark Grey. ☞ We also have a beautiful Glossy Black Fur Rug at $3.00. Same size. Comfortable, luxurious, elegant. For Parlors, Reception Halls, or Bed Rooms. Sent C. O. D. on approval if desired.
94 High Street, Columbus, O.
WORTH $15.00
HILL—He Pays the Express on this American-made Revolver. Full Nickel Plated, Rubber Stock, Center Fire, 32 or 38 Caliber, Five Shot, 8-in. long, rifle barrel 3¼ inch Long fluted cylinder, Low curved hammer which prevents accidental discharge. Weight 16 oz. Cut this out and we will ship by express C. O. D. $4.50, we pay all charges.
W. HILL & Co.,
207 State Street, Chicago.
Warranted. Light Running.
awarded to
Only Medal for
Sewing Machine
Why? Send for catalogue
275 Wabash Ave., Chicago
Owing to the failure, during the recent panic, of a large manufacturer of Fine Cashmere Shawls we were enabled to secure an enormous quantity of Plaid Shawls at a fraction of the cost to manufacture, and propose to give them away absolutely Free as follows: To every person who sends us 25 cents for one year’s subscription to MODERN STORIES, a large 16-page handsomely illustrated story and family paper, containing fascinating stories and a choice piece of sheet music each issue, by authors of worldwide reputation, we will send one shawl absolutely FREE. Remember there are no conditions, our offer is fair, square and absolute. Every person who cuts this ad. out and returns to us with 25 cents for our paper one year gets a shawl FREE. If you want one send now. Address,
MODERN STORIES, 87 Warren St., New York
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
We have for several seasons applied our best efforts towards improving, perfecting, as well as increasing, our stock of the mixture which we introduced last season as “VICK’S INVINCIBLE,” and which we know will please the most exacting. For flowers of lively yet delicate colors, varying from the pearly white to the darkest and richest reds and purples, this “Invincible Mixture” leads because it is the result of culling, season after season, only the choicest and the best from the flowers of the year previous. The many and various colored and shaded blooms cannot fail to give perfect satisfaction.
Price, Vicks’ Incredible Mixed Sweet Peas, per packet 15 cents; two for 25 cents; ounce 50 cents.
JAMES VICK’S SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
Upon our 250 acres of nursery we have every class of hardy Trees and Plants; Fruit, Ornamental, Nut and Flowering. Mary and Henry Ward Beecher Strawberries and Lovett’s Best Blackberry are among the most valuable novelties. In our catalogues named below (which are the most complete, comprehensive and elaborate published by any nursery establishment in the world) all are accurately described and offered at one-half the price of tree agents.
LOVETT’S GUIDE TO FRUIT CULTURE tells all about fruits, their merits and defects; how to plant, prune, cultivate, etc. Richly illustrated. Several colored plates. Price 10c.
LOVETT’S MANUAL OF ORNAMENTAL TREES AND PLANTS is authoritative as well as instructive; a model of excellence in printing and illustration. Gives points and plans for ornamental planting. Price, with colored plates, 15 cents.
Established 40 years. We successfully ship to all parts of the World. All who order either of the above and name this paper will receive an ounce of Flower Seeds free.
Stahl’s Double Acting Excelsior Spraying Outfits prevent Leaf Blight & Wormy Fruit. Insures a heavy yield of all Fruit and Vegetable crops. Thousands in use. Send 6 cts. for catalogue and full treatise on spraying. Circulars free.
WM. STAHL, Quincy, Ill.
Vicks’ Seeds Contain the Germ of Life
You Get the Best only from JAMES VICK’S SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
$120.00 PER MONTH
made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document, giving you all the particulars.
TRUE & CO., Box 1398, Augusta, Maine.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
If so, send for Catalogue of PLANTS & SEEDS, and compare with others before you order. We send a packet of our celebrated “PRIZE” ASTERS Free, with Catalogue, if you mention this paper.
Address, The CALLA GREENHOUSES, Calla, O.
We have the Finest and Cheapest Seeds to be found in the world and we want every reader of this paper to try one of the following collections Free. They would cost you from 75c. to $1.00 purchased elsewhere.
1st FREE OFFER, Vegetables, 1 pkt. each.
2d FREE OFFER, Rare Flowers.
Either of the above collections, (9 packets Vegetable seeds, or 10 packets flower seeds) Mailed Free on following conditions: Send us 10c. for either of above collections, or 20c. for both, and we will mail them to you; also “Book on Summer Gardening,” and include in each lot a check for 10c. This check you can return to us at any time and get 10c. worth of seeds, thus the collection really costs you nothing. (We charge this 10c. to prevent people from sending who have no use for the seeds.) We want you to try our seeds.
☞ Both collections, book, and packet each of the lovely early Carnation Marguerite and profuse blooming Begonia Vernon and a 25c. check for 25c. Book free to seed buyers.
J. J. BELL, Flowers, Broome Co., N. Y.
35 Regular Size Packets, ONLY 50 CENTS.
The great demand for our 50 cent Complete Garden Collections in years past induces us to offer the same again. Many who have tried every collection they have seen advertised, pronounce this the greatest bargain they have ever obtained. Our Seeds are the Best and Cheapest, and we offer these Great Inducements to get Everybody to Try Them. This Great COMPLETE GARDEN Box contains One Packet each,
15 PACKETS Choice Flower Seeds, including such sorts as Cozy’s Canna, Sweet Nicotiana, Etc.
All the above, (best outfit for a complete vegetable and flower garden ever offered)—20 full packets choice vegetables, and 15 packets rare flowers in a box with our new Book on Summer Gardening by mail postpaid for only 50c. Send for it. Address, J. J. BELL, Flowers, Broome Co., N. Y.
Good & Reese’s Roses are on their own roots.
The roses we send are on their own roots, from 10 to 15 inches high, and will bloom freely this summer either in pots or planted in yard. They are hardy, ever bloomers. We send instructions with each order how to plant and care for them. Please examine the below list of 20 choice fragrant monthly roses, and see if you can duplicate them anywhere for an amount so small as $1. They are nearly all new kinds.—We guarantee them to reach you in good condition, and we also guarantee them to be the best dollar’s worth of roses you have ever purchased. THE RAINBOW COLLECTION OF 20 ROSES FOR ONE DOLLAR MUST BE ORDERED COMPLETE.
The List:—Bridesmaid, the best pink rose by far ever introduced. Princess of Wales, amber yellow, deepening to orange. Snowflake, pure white, always in bloom. Princess de Radziwell, lovely coral red. Pearl of the Gardens, deep golden yellow. Beauty of Stapleford, bright rosy crimson. Queen of Fragrance, in clusters of six to ten roses, white edged pink. Rheingold, beautiful shades of saffron and tawn. Sunset, golden amber, resembles an “afterglow.” Dr. Grill, coppery yellow and fawny rose. Duchess Marie Immaculata, an intermingling of bronze, orange, yellow, pink and crimson. Lady Castlereagh, soft rosy crimson and yellow. Papa Gontier, lovely dark red. Star of Gold, the queen of all yellow roses. Waban, a great rose in bloom all the time. Lady Stanley, great garden rose. Viscountesse Wautier, one of the best roses grown. Cleopatra, soft shell pink, lovely. Sappho, fawn suffused with red. Letty Coles, very chaste and beautiful.
This applies to Floral matters as well as to matters culinary.
Ballinger, Texas, Nov. 29.
The Good & Reese Co., Springfield. O. Gentlemen: The 20 ever blooming roses you sent me for $1. arrived yesterday in the most splendid condition, and allow me to say that I was absolutely surprised at the size of the stalks and the amount, length and thriftiness of the roots. I have wondered many times how you could afford to send out such roses for such a small price. Every home in the land should have their yard full of ever blooming roses at this price.
(Judge) C. H. Willingham.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 20, 1893.
The Good & Reese Co., Springfield, O. Gentlemen: I wish to thank you for the excellent assortment of roses contained in your Rainbow Collection. On May 3, I planted them, 19 of them lived. About six of them bloomed in June, since which all have bloomed either monthly or perpetual, true to their color. On Sept. 1, I counted 106 buds and blooms on the 19 roses. They were much admired by my friends and neighbors, and allow me to thank you for furnishing this source of pleasure so cheaply.
Very respectfully,
E. D. Smith.
82 Fifth Avenue.
We will also send our Iron Clad Collection of 12 Hardy Roses, all different colors, $1. Try a set. 20 Chrysanthemums, all prize winners. $1. 16 Geraniums, double and single, flowered and scented, $1. 12 choice Begonias, different kinds, $1. 40 packets choice Flower Seeds, all different kinds, $1. Our handsome, illustrated, 152-page Catalogue, describing above Roses, Plants and all Seeds, mailed for 10c. stamps. Don’t place your order before seeing our prices. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. We have large two year old Roses for immediate effect. Liberal Premiums to club raisers, or how to get your seeds and plants free. We are the LARGEST ROSE GROWERS IN THE WORLD. Our sales of Rose Plants alone last season exceeded a million and a half. When you order Roses, Plants and Seeds, you want the very best. Try us. Address
GOOD & REESE CO., Box 44 Champion City Greenhouses, Springfield, Ohio.
Peach Yellows.—This disease is making considerable trouble in certain parts of the country. It attacks trees about the time they are coming to the age of most prolific bearing to such an extent that in certain portions of the peach-growing regions healthy old trees are unknown. The symptoms of the disease are: Yellowish-green color of leaves; small leaves tinged with red; the new shoots small, wiry, and clustered, especially when growing upon the trunk or larger branches; fruit ripens prematurely, is highly colored, and insipid or bitter to the taste. The sickly yellowish-green foliage may be due to injury or lack of nourishment, but when coupled with the other characters given the presence of the “yellows” can be considered as certain. The only sure way is to dig out and burn every tree as soon as it is seen to be affected. This plan has been followed in Michigan, where, between 1870 and 1880, the disease was very bad. Now hardly a case of “yellows” can be found in many of the peach regions. Constant attention and prompt action have proved successful, in this case, at least.
SELECTED SEEDS 8 pkts. for 25 cents. Sweet Pea, Aster, Pansy, Phlox, Poppy, Petunia, Zinnia, and Marguerite Carnation (or 60 Oxalis Bulbs). G. T. GRAEFF, Box 1576, Philadelphia, Pa.
$5.00 Worth for $1.00!
“The Cream of New Chrysanths.”
Pres. Smith, Maud Dean, Kate Brown, G. W. Childs, Nivens, Mrs. F. L. Ames, Hicks Arnold, Golden Gate.
This set of 8 Gems $1.00; 6 sets $5.00, by mail. Mention this Magazine, and we will give you free 2 Choice Carnations.
McMULLEN & PASFIELD, 20 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Straws show which way the wind blows. Watch them—and be convinced. When you see all sorts of washing powders patterned after Pearline; when you see it imitated in appearance, in name, in everything except merit; when you find three persons using Pearline where two used it a year ago; when you hear it as a household word with the best housekeepers; when you find its former enemies now its staunchest friends;—then you may know the wind is taking you along toward Pearline.
Why not go with it? You are losing money by trying to head the other way; money, and labor, and time and patience.
Go with the rest—use Pearline—and you stop losing, and begin to gain. Millions realize that there is everything to gain and nothing to lose—with Pearline.
Peddlers and some grocers will tell you, “this is as good as” or “the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE—but what a puff for Pearline.
The Innisfallen Greenhouses
Have been favorably known for more than twenty years, and always give satisfaction. In order to increase my business, I make the following
which are marvels of cheapness.
This is a novelty of great merit. The only objection to the old variety is that it sometimes grows tall and scraggly, but the “Little Gem” is of strong and dwarf habit. The foliage which is of a lustrous dark green is in great abundance. The flowers are produced in the greatest profusion, being literally an ever-bloomer, it will bloom freely all summer in the open ground, in September it can be lifted and potted and will continue blooming all winter. The “Little Gem” Calla will continue to grow and bloom for years without ceasing, and the quantity of flowers which a large plant will produce is astonishing, the flowers are snowy white in color, and of good size, it seldom grows higher than fifteen inches. Price for plants that will bloom this season, 30 cents each. For $1.00 I will mail 5 plants to one address.
ONLY $1.00 will buy any one of the collections named below, delivered safely by mail, postpaid, to any address. The collections are all fine, strong plants of the best varieties and are marvels of cheapness. Every plant is plainly labeled, and there are no two varieties alike in the same collection.
FOR $1.00 I will mail FREE 20 Prize-winning Chrysanthemums; 20 fine Single and Double Flowering Geraniums for $1.00; 20 Choice Ever-Blooming Carnations for $1.00; 20 Flowering Begonias for $1.00; 20 Assorted Flowering Plants for $1.00; 20 Fancy Leaved Coleus for $1.00.
For $5.00 you can select any six of the above Collections.
To every one who sends an order from this advertisement and mentions this magazine, we will send FREE a valuable plant.
ORDER NOW and ask for our CATALOGUE of BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS for 1894.
FREE A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM PACKAGE of FLOWER SEEDS. Do YOU read this magazine? Vick’s Magazine says its readers comprise the best people in the land. Everybody knows that’s so. We want to make you our own friend, and are willing to make it worth your while to get acquainted. So, if you will send us 10 cents, for 3 months subscription to Homes and Hearths, we will send you as a present, transportation prepaid, our unequalled Premium Package, containing 200 choice, fresh, guaranteed varieties of flower seeds from largest growers, including Sweet Peas (Boreatton, Grand Blue, Queen of England, Isa Eckford, etc.), also Pansies (Rex, Gold Margined, Snow Queen, etc.), Asters (Jewel, Perfection, Victoria, etc.), and many others. The whole is a perfect wealth of flowers, fit for a royal garden. Homes and Hearths is an attractive 16-page monthly, with lovely original illustrations, splendid and absorbing original stories: special departments for news about dress, FASHIONS and for HOME DECORATION; best selected matter; FIRESIDE FUN; a perfect Mine of pleasure and value. The cash premiums which you will find in it are the most liberal ever made. Address HOMES AND HEARTHS PUB. CO., New York.
Poppies FREE. Send us 10 cents for a sample copy of INGALL’S MAGAZINE and we will send you a “YARD OF POPPIES,” all in their Beautiful Colors—FREE. Address J. F. Ingalls, Lynn, Mass. Box H2
A FINE ROSE And packet of beautiful FLOWER SEEDS, with catalogue, for 10c.
ALFRED F. CONARD, Box 5, 10 West Grove, Pa.
Late President Dingee & Conard Co.
100 Varieties. Also Small Fruits, Trees, &c. Best rooted stock. Genuine, cheap. 2 sample vines mailed for 10c. Descriptive price-list free. LEWIS ROESCH, Fredonia, N. Y.
A Cottage Lot | 69 |
Architects, Curious, | 66 |
Begonias, Perhaps | 74 |
Book Notice— | |
Our Native Grape | 72 |
Calla, A Yellow-Flowered, | 72 |
Cannas, The New French, | 68 |
Don’t Forget the Potatoes | 73 |
Flower Stand, A Pretty, | 77 |
Fruit Trees, Care of, | 75 |
Growing Onion Sets | 73 |
Hanging Baskets | 78 |
Letter Box— | |
Lady Washington and Other Plants | 70 |
Roses in Kansas | 70 |
Ixia—Spider Lily | 70 |
Plants About a Fish Pond | 70 |
Osage Orange Hedge | 70 |
Vase in a Cemetery | 71 |
Carnations in the House | 71 |
Madeira Vine | 71 |
Mildew on Cucumber Vines | 71 |
Moles | 71 |
Pine Apple Air Plant | 71 |
Phyllocactus latifrons | 71 |
Mammoth Freesias | 71 |
Wormy Raspberries—Violets—Storing Cauliflower | 71 |
Mabel Ray’s Lesson | 65 |
March Work | 72 |
Marguerite Carnations | 77 |
Mesembryanthemum | 76 |
Peach Yellows | 80 |
Plant Bed, The, | 72 |
Poetry— | |
March | 65 |
Vick’s Flowers | 68 |
Lines to a Skunk Cabbage | 68 |
Rose Leaves | 69 |
The Difference | 68 |
Unemployed in England, The, | 78 |
Illustrations— | |
Birds Nests | 66, 67 |
Plan of Grounds | 69 |
D. and C.
Will grow anywhere, with a little sunshine, water, and care. You can learn how to grow them, and every other flower of import, from our
New Guide to Rose Culture
for 1894. If you so request, we will send free, this book and a copy of our Floral Magazine, ‘Success with Flowers.’
The Dingee & Conard Company,
West Grove, Pa.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
A BARGAIN Collection of Flower Seeds
19 Choice Annuals (everybody’s favorites), all new fresh seeds, sure to grow and bloom this season. Pansy, 40 colors and markings; Phlox, 10 colors; Verbena, 18 colors; Pinks, 10 colors; Petunia, 10 colors; Asters, 12 colors; Balsam, 8 colors; Mignonette Sweet mixed Sweet Peas, 12 colors and Sweet Alyssum.
FOR 12 CENTS and the name and address of two of your friends who grow flowers, I will send, post-paid, the complete collection, one pkt. each of the ten varieties (enough for any ordinary garden.) This is a BONAFIDE offer, made to introduce my home grown flower seeds to new customers and which I guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded, and the seeds given as a present.
Address, Miss C. H. LIPPINCOTT,
319 and 323 Sixth Street, South, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
FOR TRIAL. I have found that the best way to advertise good Seeds is to give away a sample for trial. If you will send me a 2-cent stamp to pay postage, I will mail free one package, your selection, of either Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Musk or Water Melon, Onion, Parsnip, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Squash, Tomato, Turnip, or of Flower Seeds—Aster, Balsam, Celosia, Carnation, Mignonette, Pansy, Phlox, Poppy, Sweet Peas, Zinnia, or Verbena, and one of my 1894 Catalogues. Under any circumstances do not buy your Seeds until you see it, for I can save you money. Over 200,000 people say my seeds are the cheapest and best. I have earliest vegetables on record. Discount and large prizes to agents. 50 cents worth of Seeds free with $1.00 order. Write to-day. F. B. MILLS, Box 30, Rose Hill, N. Y.
From India and the Isles of the Sea. 5 Glorious Plants, different sorts, post paid, 60c. These will grow and flourish everywhere.
It is child’s-play to make them grow. Send 5c. postage for our great catalogue, (130 pages); or catalogue and one large package of 5 different kinds of Palm seed, free for 20c. postage. 100 packages $10. A child can sell 100 packages in two evenings after school and make $5.00.
is perfectly hardy; will stand any climate; strongest grower—3 to 4 feet in one summer. Fruit Large, sweet, most delicious flavor. Berries do not shell or drop off; most prolific. Picks 25 per cent. more fruit. Full particulars and fine colored plates free.
Nursery Ave. 39, Lake City, Minnesota.
When writing to advertisers, mention Vick’s Magazine.
Guaranteed fresh and reliable. Large pkts. 2 to 5 cts. Direct from Grower. Novelty presents with every order. Catalogue, Free—or with 2 packets Seeds, 5 cents; 35 packets, $1.00. Send to-day.
A. R. AMES, Madison, Wis.
Banquet Strawberry.
Equal to wild berry in flavor. CROSBY PEACH, frost proof. Fruits every year. Colored Plates. Full descriptions. Free Catalogue. All fruits. Write at once. HALE BROS., South Glastonbury, Conn.
CONARD’S SUNSHINE PANSIES and Red, White and Blue SWEET PEAS are the best. 1 pkt. each, 2 for 10c. Large pkts. 2 for 20c., with catalogue. Alfred F. Conard, Box 5, West Grove, Pa., Late Prest, Dingee & Conard Co.
HARD TIMES OFFER—We know that one trial will convince you that we have the BEST as well as the CHEAPEST Seeds to be found anywhere in America, so we will mail you FREE for trial the following 15 Packets of Choice Seeds and two Grand Bulbs;
1 BEAUTIFUL SPOTTED GLADIOLUS BULB, sure to bloom. 1 EXCELSIOR TUBEROSE BULB, Lovely and Fragrant, ☞ BELL’S Show Mixtures are Finest and Rarest Sorts in the World.
☞ All the above 15 Packets Seeds and 2 Bulbs Mailed FREE on the following conditions; (This is to prevent people sending who have no use for them). Send us 25 Cents and we will mail all the above, postpaid, with our “Book on Summer Gardening,” and send you in the box a check for the 25 cents; this check you can return to us and get 25cts. worth of Seeds at any time. So you see the box of Seeds costs you nothing. We have 1200 of the choicest varieties and do this to get your patronage. Book mailed free on application to all seed buyers. Address, J. J. BELL, Flowers, Broome Co., N. Y.
Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1889,
The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age.
Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple.
He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston.
A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it.
If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first.
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed-time. Read the Label. Send for Book.
The “Charmer” Pea
Pleases Everybody Because:—Very Productive; Highest Quality; Fine Flavor; Staying Qualities; Great Merit; Deep Green Color, Large Peas, Closely Packed; Nine in a Pod.
This new variety of large podded, handsome Table Pea, introduced by us, jumped at a bound into instantaneous favor all over the United States.
The plants stand from three and a half feet to four feed high, and bear large, long pods, mostly in pairs, which are packed remarkably close with flattened, greenish-white, wrinkled peas, and these, when cooked, are of the finest flavor and color. The weight of the Pea compared to the pod is much greater than usual, producing more shelled peas than any other variety.
In season it follows Little Gem and comes before Champion of England. Both for the market and family garden this Pea will be found of the highest merit.
Everybody is charmed with this variety, and whether for private use or marketing, a liberal quantity should be planted.
Price, per packet 10 cents; per pint 30 cents; per quart 50 cents.
Vick’s Pea, King of the Dwarfs.
This new seedling, introduced by us, in season follows closely McLean’s Little Gem, coming into market in the space intervening between the early and the late varieties. The vines are sturdy and remarkably vigorous, growing about two inches taller than the Little Gem, and bearing a profusion of pods and Peas in the pod, with all of the principal dwarf varieties, including the American Wonder, we find that the King of the Dwarfs outyields them all by 20 per cent., all planted at the same time, on the same soil, with equal cultivation.
It is a cross between American Wonder and McLean’s Little Gem, and is the most promising of forty different seedlings. In flavor it is unsurpassed.
Price, per packet 15 cents; per pint 75 cents; per quart $1.25.
JAMES VICK’S SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
No bicycle ever made at all approaches them in beauty and style joined to excellence of construction, none so strongly appeals to the experienced rider as meeting every requirement of a perfect mount.
The need of repairs for Columbias will be infrequent under our new system of inspection, which now begins with a scientific analysis of the raw material by a metallurgist, and only ends when thorough tests have been made of the complete machine and all its parts.
1894 Standard Price, $125.00.
Seven newly designed wheels are shown in our 1894 Catalogue which will interest every cyclist. Our agents furnish it free, or we mail it for two two-cent stamps.
BRIGGS PIANOS. Celebrated for their Beautiful Tone, Action, Design, and Great Durability.
Easy Terms. Old instruments taken in exchange. Write for Catalogue and Full Information.
BRIGGS PIANO CO. 621 Albany Street, Boston, Mass