*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 62720 *** [Illustration: _Cunicularii_ _or_ _The Wise men of Godliman in Consultation_] _They held their Talents most Adroit_ _For any Mystical Exploit_ A _The Dancing Master or Præternatural Anatomist._ B _An Occult Philosopher searching into the Depth of things._ C _The Sooterkin Doctor Astonish’d._ D _The Guilford Rabbet Man Midwife._ E _The Rabbet getter._ F _The Lady in the straw._ G _The Nurse or Rabbet Dresser._ A SHORT NARRATIVE Of an Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbets, Perform’d by Mr. _JOHN HOWARD_ Surgeon at _Guilford_. Published by Mr. _St. Andrè_ Surgeon and Anatomist to his Majesty. The SECOND EDITION. [Illustration] _LONDON_, Printed for JOHN CLARKE, at the _Bible_ under the _Royal-Exchange_. MDCCXXVII. The Account of the Delivery of the eighteenth Rabbet, shall be Published by way of Appendix to this Account. [Illustration] _A Short Narrative of an Extraordinary Delivery_, &c. Whatever may be the Fate of this Account, I think my self indispensably obliged to relate the Facts that I saw, and transacted my self, as also the Reasons which first induced me to enquire into the Truth of such an Extraordinary Event; but I here declare that I take on me no other Part of this Narration, than that in which I was actually concerned. As Mr. _Howard_ himself intends shortly to publish the whole Account, and prove every Circumstance of it, by such Evidences as will put this Matter out of all possibility of Doubt, I must refer to him for several Particulars here omitted. And as it will be impossible to judge impartially of this Fact, till the Evidences abovemention’d are produced, it cannot be doubted but all such Persons as are not governed by Prejudice, or some worse Motive, will suspend their Judgment till these Facts come to their Knowledge by a more certain way, than by flying Reports and Conjectures. The first Intelligence I received of this Matter, was on the 5th Instant, when I saw a very particular[1] Account of a Woman living at _Godlyman_ lately delivered of five Rabbets by Mr. _John Howard_, Surgeon at _Guilford_ in _Surrey_, a Man of known Probity, Character, and Capacity in his Profession, who has practis’d Midwifery for above these thirty Years. This Account was again confirmed by two [2]Letters from the said Mr. _Howard_, the first dated _Nov._ the 6th, 4 a Clock in the Afternoon; the Substance of which is, That from the 4th Instant to the 6th he had deliver’d the Woman of three more Rabbets; that the last of them had leap’d in her Belly, for the space of eighteen Hours, before it dy’d, and that the Moment it was taken away, another was perceiv’d to struggle for Birth. The second is dated _Nov._ the ninth, and is here transcribed _verbatim_, viz. SIR, Since I wrote to you, I have taken or deliver’d the poor Woman of three more Rabbets, all three half grown, one of them a dunn Rabbet; the last leap’d twenty three Hours in the _Uterus_ before it dy’d. As soon as the eleventh Rabbet was taken away, up leap’d the twelfth Rabbet, which is now leaping. If you have any curious Person that is pleased to come Post, may see another leap in her _Uterus_, and shall take it from her if he pleases; which will be a great Satisfaction to the Curious: If she had been with Child, she has but ten Days more to go, so I do not know how many Rabbets may be behind; I have brought the Woman to _Guilford_ for better Convenience. _I am_, SIR, _Your humble Servant_, JOHN HOWARD. _If you send a Person, let him bring a Letter from you._ [1] This Account was taken the 4th Instant at _Guilford_ by Mr. _Davenant_. [2] The Letters were directed to Mr. _Davenant_. These Letters, with others to Persons of Distinction in Town, which all agreed with the above-mentioned, were sufficient to make me desirous of being convinced personally of a Fact of which there was no Instance in Nature. Accordingly on the 15th Instant, I attended the Honourable Mr. _Molyneux_, Secretary to his Royal Highness the Prince of _Wales_, who was inclin’d to enquire into the Truth of this extraordinary Case, and desir’d me to go with him to _Guilford_: We arrived there at about half an hour after two in the Afternoon. We sent to Mr. _Howard_, who came to us immediately, and told us that the Woman was actually in Labour of the fifteenth Rabbet. We had not been at his House long, before the Nurse who attends the Woman came to call Mr. _Howard_ to her, she being then in one of her labour Pains. She was lodged over against Mr. _Howard_’s House, we found her dress’d in her Stays, sitting on the Bed-side with several Women near her. I immediately examined her, and not finding the Parts prepared for her Labour, I waited for the coming on of fresh Pains, which hapned in three or four minutes, at which time I deliver’d her of the entire Trunk, strip’d of its Skin, of a Rabbet of about four Months growth, in which the Heart and Lungs were contained with the Diaphragm entire. I instantly cut off a piece of them, and tried them in Water; they seemed but just specifically lighter than it, and Mr. _Molyneux_ pressing them to the Bottom they rose again very slowly; the Heart was very large, and its _Foramen Ovale_ entirely open; the Lungs were remarkably small, and of a much darker Colour than commonly the Lungs are of such Rabbets, who have breathed for some time. No Person but my self touch’d her, from the first time that I had examined her, to the time of her being deliver’d by me: Her Pains were pretty smart, and lasted for some Minutes; they went off the Moment she was deliver’d, and she seem’d chearful and easy; walked by herself from the Bed-side to the Fire, and sat on a Chair, where I examined her; and found, that in the Course of the _Fallopian Tubes_, there were some Inequalities, but more sensibly on the right side of her Belly; which made me conjecture that the Rabbets were bred in those Tubes, and only came into the _Uterus_, when they gave her those Agitations, which, according to the account of Mr. _Howard_ and of several other Persons, were sensibly felt many Hours before their Exclusion. As there was no Blood nor Water that issued from the _Vagina_, after I had delivered her, I again examined that Part, and found it not in the least inflamed or lacerated. Upon examining her Breasts, I found Milk in one of them, but only a little yellowish _Serum_ in the other. Her Pulse was regular, but somewhat low, her Tongue florid; and upon asking for her Water, those about her answered, she made very little, and that they had not saved any. She informed us, that in the Intervals of her Labour-Pains she was tolerably easy, and had no inclination for any sort of Food but Beef. About two Hours after we had left her, they came again to call Mr. _Howard_, she being at that Time in violent Labour-Pains; but he and my self were gone to see the Mayor, who was then ill. The Nurse that attended her had delivered her, before our return, of the lower Part of a Male Rabbet, which we found totally with the Trunk, which I had before extracted: This was also strip’d of its Skin, and compleatly perfect in all its Parts, but more manifestly so in those of Generation. In the _Rectum_ of this Animal, which remain’d affix’d to the Body, we found five or six Pellets, much of the same Colour and Consistence as the common Dung of a Rabbet, little Bodies, like dried Fragments, being matted together with a mucous Matter. The like was observed in some other Parts of those Rabbets, which had come away before. In the other Bowels there was a dirty colour’d _Mucus_, of the Nature of that which is constantly found in the Bowels of all _fœtus_ Animals, and which in those that void their Excrements in Pellets, is commonly hard and dry; but the Matter in the Guts of the first Animal was of an entire different Kind, Colour and Substance from any of the rest, this being like little Filaments of an Animal Substance. In the Middle of the Gut _Ilium_ of this Creature, I found a very slender, brittle, white Body, of the Length of half an Inch, which in Shape was like a very small Fish-bones. Between six and seven the same Evening we again visited her; we had not been there long, before she fell into violent Labour-Pains, insomuch that four or five Persons cou’d hardly confine her to an Arm-Chair: As soon as the Violence of the first Pain was somewhat abated, I examined her as before, and found the _Vagina_ perfectly clear; and the Orifice of the _Uterus_ so far closed, as not to admit of the little Finger, I constantly stood before her, nor did any Person whatsoever touch her, during that Time. After three or four very strong Pains, that lasted several Minutes, I delivered her of the Skin of the above-said Rabbet, rolled and squeezed up like a Ball, without the least Moisture or Blood about it; upon which she recovered of her Pain. From that Time I did not stir from before her, nor did I withdraw my Hand, but to deliver the Skin to a stander by. About ten Minutes after, as near as I can judge, she again fell into Labour-Pains, though more sudden and short than the former; at which time I again deliver’d her of the Head of the Rabbet, with the Furr on, part of one of the Ears being torn off, also without any Blood or Moisture: And as to these two Deliveries, and particularly as to the Circumstances of the latter, Mr. _Molyneux_ having drawn up an Account of this whole Affair, for his own private Satisfaction; immediately upon our return to _London_, I beg leave to refer, for the Conviction he had of the Truth thereof, to that Account which I have his leave to say, he will communicate to any Gentleman that is desirous to peruse it. After this she soon grew easy, and Mr. _Howard_ gave her a sleeping Draught. About ten in the Evening we saw the Woman for the last Time, she being then in Bed: Having felt her Belly, I found it soft, except those Lumps, which still were in the same Place as before mentioned. Between the Times of visiting the Woman, we examined the several Rabbets, which were all kept separate in distinct Pots, with Spirits of Wine, in the Order that they were brought away. The first Animal did not appear to be a perfect Rabbet, in all its Parts, three of the Feet being like the Paws of a Cat, the Stomach and Intestines like those Parts in the same Animal, as also the Shape and Figure of the _Thorax_; the Lungs and Heart of which were entirely out of their natural Situation, and squeezed out between the upper Ribbs and _Vertebræ_ of the Neck, to which Parts they strongly grew and adhered. The Lungs of this Creature, had they been placed in their natural Cavity, would not have filled above a sixth Part of it: The Bones of this Creature being also different in Substance and Structure, from those of common Rabbets, the Head and one Paw only excepted. All the other thirteen Animals were, in every Particular, like well formed, common, natural Rabbets, from the Size of two Months Growth to four. They were all broken in Pieces, and much in the same Manner. I shall describe these pieces in the Order that Mr. _Howard_ told us they had commonly been brought away. First the four Paws with the Furr on; then the Liver and Intestines; the Trunk and Shoulders in another Part: In three or four Animals the Loyns separated from the _Os Sacrum_; and in the rest, the _Ischium_ and Thighs in one piece, with the Loyns; the Head with its Furr, and lastly the Skin. When all these several Parts were put together in their proper Order, they manifestly made up, and appeared to belong to the above-mentioned Animals: But the _Viscera_ were wanting in four or five of them. One remarkable Circumstance is, that most of these Animals were Females, as far as I could judge. The Heart and Liver of those which we examined, appeared much larger than usual, when compared with the _Lungs_ and _Intestines_ which belonged to them; which on the contrary were extremely small. The _Cœcum_ and _Colon_, which are remarkably large in Rabbets, appeared not to exceed in bigness the other Intestines, and the spiral Structure of the _Cœcum_ was not yet unfolded; the Stomach was in like manner much contracted, and its _Pilorus_ very streight and narrow. I cou’d not discover, in any of the Livers that I examin’d, the _Ductus Venosus_, nor the implantation of the _Umbelical_ Vein in that Organ. I open’d three or four of the Hearts, and found in every one of them the _Foramen Ovale_, and the _Ductus Arteriosus_ fully open, the two Trunks of the Descendant _Cava_ united at the right Auricle of the Heart, agreeable to that Structure which is peculiar to natural Rabbets, and some few other Animals. The Flesh of these Creatures, particularly of that which I extracted, had the smell of Rabbets just killed: and the Substance of their Bones were, in all respects, like the Bones of _Fœtus_ Rabbets; in several of them the _Epiphyses_ were separated from the Bones themselves. All the Heads which I examined had their compleat number of Teeth, four cutt before, and ten Grinders on each side, but they appeared not in the least worn nor stained, as the Teeth of other Rabbets are by Mastication. The Nails of the Paws were most of them exceedingly sharp. The Skins were all produced, being dress’d in Allum; they were of several Colours, as to their Furr, which was considerably long, and in one particularly (which was the fifth Rabbet,) that part which cover’d the Head was curled. The Rabbet which I extracted weigh’d one and twenty ounces _Averdupoize_, making an allowance for one of the Paws not yet come away, and part of the _Viscera_ that were lost. From all these Considerations I was fully convinced, that at the same time that the external Appearance of these Animals was exactly like such Creatures, as must inevitably undergo the Changes that happen to adult Animals, by Food and Air, they carry’d within them the strongest Marks of _Fœtus’s_, even by such parts as cannot exist in an Adult, and without which a _Fœtus_ cannot possibly be supposed to live. This, I think, proves in the strongest Terms possible that these Animals were of a particular kind, and not bred in a natural Way; nor will there be any doubt remaining (even with the least knowing in these matters) when those parts which are subservient to the Circulation of the Blood, and Nourishment between an adult Creature and its _Fœtus_ are brought away; which I am fully satisfied must shortly happen, or, if retained, be the Cause of this Woman’s Death. All these Facts were verify’d before his Majesty, on _Saturday Nov._ the 26th, by the Anatomical Demonstration of the first, the third, fifth, and ninth of these Animals, which were compared with the parts of two natural Rabbets, the one of the Age of four Months, and the other of five Days, Dr. _Steigerthal_ and Dr. _Tessier_ being present. I shall with all convenient speed publish the Anatomy of these Præternatural Rabbets, with their Figures taken from the Life, and compared with the Parts of Rabbets of the same growth, that the differences before mention’d may be fully understood. In the mean while, I shall relate what appeared in the Dissection of two Rabbets, which I performed in the Presence of Mr. _Molyneux_, the very Day that we returned from _Guilford_; the one was of four Months growth, and much of the Size of that which I had taken from the Woman, the other was barely fifteen Days old. The Lungs of the larger were, as nearly as I can judge, twenty times bigger in Capacity than those of the præternatural one, and the Lungs of the smaller were at least eight times the bigness of the fore-mentioned; both these were exceedingly different, in Colour and Confidence, from those of the præternatural Rabbet. The _Foramen Ovale_ of the smaller Rabbet was more than two thirds open, and that in the larger was so far closed, as but just to admit a very small Probe. As to the Stomach and Intestines, the difference was so notoriously great from those we had examined, that even in the sucking Rabbet, the Stomach and _Cœcum_ were at least three times larger than those parts in the præternatural ones. I shall give no other Account of the Woman, than what I think pertinent to this Subject: By the several Questions which I put to her, I was informed, that she was born and bred at _Godlyman_; She seem’d to be of a healthy strong Constitution, of a small size, and fair Complexion; of a very stupid and sullen Temper: She can neither write nor read: She has been married about six Years to one _Joshua Toft_, Junior, a poor Journey-man Clothier at _Godlyman_, by whom she has had three Children. The account she further gave of herself, was, that on the 23d of _April_ last, as she was weeding in a Field, she saw a Rabbet spring up near her, after which she ran, with another Woman that was at work just by her; this set her a longing for Rabbets, being then, as she thought, five Weeks gone with Child; the other Woman perceiving she was uneasy, charged her with longing for the Rabbet they cou’d not catch, but she deny’d it: soon after another Rabbet sprung up near the same place, which she endeavour’d likewise to catch. The same Night she dreamt that she was in a Field with those two Rabbets in her Lap, and awaked with a sick Fit, which lasted till Morning; from that time, for above three Months, she had a constant and strong desire to eat Rabbets, but being very poor and indigent cou’d not procure any. About seventeen Weeks after her longing, she was taken with a Flooding and violent Cholick Pains, which made her to miscarry of a Substance that she said was like a large lump of Flesh. Three Weeks after this, she was again taken with a Flooding, and voided another Substance like the former, but not so large. Notwithstanding these Accidents, she did not perceive her self to grow less, but continued with the Symptoms of a breeding Woman; insomuch that in the beginning of _September_, as she was working in the Hop-Ground, the Milk flow’d profusely from her Breasts; and as she had Children before, she thought she felt very differently from what she used to do. That on the 27th of _September_ last she was taken very ill in the Night, and sent for her Mother in Law, who is a Midwife, and a neighbouring Woman, at which time she voided somewhat, which she took to be the Lights and Guts of a Pig, which her Husband carried to Mr. _Howard_, who some Days afterwards came to her and delivered her of some parts of the Animal first mention’d. After a Fortnight she was Churched, and thought all was over with her. She told me that her Husband had not cohabited with her, from the time of her first Miscarriage; and that after the first Rabbet was brought away, she had one regular Menstrual Evacuation. The Account Mr. _Howard_ gave was, in every material Circumstance, the same with the Woman’s Relation; he said the Guts and Liver (as he thought) of a Rabbet were brought to him, but he never knew or heard of the Woman or her Friends till then, and that at first he took this to be intended as an Imposition upon him: but was at last with much Persuasion prevailed on to go to assist her at _Godlyman_; that he did accordingly deliver her of part of the first Rabbet; that he attended her at _Godlyman_, till she was delivered of the ninth Rabbet; but that it being very inconvenient to attend her there, which made him neglect all his other Business, he had brought her to _Guilford_ for better Conveniency. Mr. _Howard_ further related, that when she was delivered of one Rabbet, another was immediately felt in her Belly, struggling with such Violence, that the Motion thereof cou’d be sensibly felt and seen: That this Motion has sometimes been so strong, as to move the Bed-Clothes, and that it has lasted for twenty and above thirty Hours together. This particular Fact was unanimously agreed on, and attested by most of the People at _Guilford_, who have had the Curiosity to go to see her, and was confirmed to Mr. _Molyneux_ and my self by above ten different Persons, who all seemed to be indifferent in this Matter. Mr. _Howard_ further told me, that, during this Motion, she was always free from Pain, and chearful; but that immediately upon the ceasing of it, she grew sick, and soon began to perceive her Labour-Pains drawing near; that upon her first Pains, the Bones of the Animal were sensibly heard to snap, and break by the violent convulsive Motions of the _Uterus_: This last Circumstance was likewise related by the same Persons that attested the former. He further added, that she had four breakings of Waters in the coming of the Rabbets, although in no great Quantity. On _Wednesday_ the 23d Instant, I set out again for _Guilford_, with Mr. _D’Anteny_, being resolved to bring the Woman to Town, if there was any further prospect of more Rabbets. We arrived there at one in the Afternoon, and we found Mr. _Howard_ standing at his Door, who told us, that she had been delivered of two more Rabbets since I had seen her, and that he hoped all was over, being he did not perceive in the _Uterus_ any Motion as usual. I visited her several times that Day, and proceeded in every respect as before; her Pains, which, when I saw her the first Time, were mixed with intervals of Quiet and Rest, now were constant and fixed on the right Side of her Belly; her Pulse was more irregular; she described her Pain as if very coarse brown Paper was tearing from within her. Toward eight a Clock that Evening she voided a Piece of one of the Membranes of a _Placenta_, rolled up like Parchment; when it was extended, it measured about six Inches over. The next Morning, as I was packing up some of the Rabbets to bring to Town with me, Mr. _Howard_ was sent for over, and Mr. _D’Anteny_, Dr. _Hampe_, and my self attended him. We found her in exquisite Torture, and after seven or eight Minutes, she was again disburthen’d of a Membrane, in Structure, Shape and Size exactly like the former. This was the first part that I saw come from her with some effusion of Blood. She did not seem in the least relieved after this Operation, her Pulse continued irregular, her Tongue white, and her Urine deeply stained with a _Mucus_, and livid _Blood_. Mr. _Ahlers_ having been at _Guilford_, by his Majesty’s Order, (as Mr. _Howard_ told us) to enquire into the Truth of this Fact, was fully convinced of it, as he himself declared, having assisted the greatest part of _Sunday_ the 20th instant, at the Delivery of some of the 16th Rabbet, which he brought to Town with him. But as on this Occasion his Behaviour has been represented here different from what it was at _Guilford_, I cannot better vindicate that Gentleman’s Character, than by subjoyning the following Affidavits, which were taken in the presence of Mr. _D’Anteny_, and Doctor _Hampe_. And that the Truth, so far as it relates to this Point, may be known, I think he is strictly obliged, in Justice to the Publick, forthwith to give an Account of what he saw and transacted there; as I here have done. _London_, Monday _Nov. 28. 1726_. N. ST. ANDRÈ. * * * * * _I have carefully read the above Narrative. Whether the Animals mentioned therein were præternaturally produced in this Woman, or that a Fraud is practicable in this Case, I do not take upon me to say: Gentlemen who are sufficient Judges will determine that Matter upon proper Evidence; I can only certify, That I did draw up a Relation as is above-mentioned, which, in the most material Circumstances of Fact, agrees with this Narrative; and I can further affirm, that I did not perceive the least Circumstance of Fraud in the Conduct of this Affair while I was at GUILFORD._ _Nov. 29. 1726._ S. MOLYNEUX. * * * * * _Guilford_ in Com’ _Surrey_. ss. _John Howard_ of _Guilford_ in the County of _Surrey_ Surgeon, maketh Oath, That on _Sunday_ the twentieth Day of this instant Month of _November_, at or about ten a Clock in the Morning, he this Deponent was called home to a Person who told him his name was _Ahlers_; that he was come to see _Mary Toft_; that he was ordered by his Majesty to attend her till all was over; and that he was Surgeon to his Majesty’s _German_ Houshold. And this Deponent saith, That at that very time the Nurse of the said _Mary Toft_ came to acquaint this Deponent, that the said _Mary Toft_ was in Labour: And thereupon this Deponent carried the said Mr. _Ahlers_ over to her with him, and having touched her in his Presence, desired him to examine her, for that he found all things ready for a Delivery. That Mr. _Ahlers_ did accordingly examine; but this Deponent finding that he did not hasten her Delivery, nor that he proceeded as one who understands Midwifery should do, this Deponent directed him how to proceed in the Extraction, which after some time Mr. _Ahlers_ effected, having brought away the Loins and inferior Parts of a Rabbet, of about three Months Growth. That after this Mr. _Ahlers_ told this Deponent, and all the Persons present, that he was fully satisfied, and convinced of the Truth, and that he could have no Doubts after such Proofs. That at the same time he gave the Woman a Guinea, expressing great Satisfaction, and promising that he would procure her a Pension from his Majesty: That he repeated the same Things to Mr. _Tho. Howard_ in this Deponent’s Presence, nor did he offer any Objections or Doubts to them. That some time after Mr. _Ahlers_ desired to touch the Woman again; but as at the time before he had put her to a great deal of unnecessary Pain, this Deponent desired him to forbear. That some time after Mr. _Ahlers_ said he was not well, and that he must hasten back to _London_. That this Deponent pressed him to stay, that he might assist at the bringing away of the Remainder of the Rabbet, but could not prevail on him; and soon after he accordingly set out for _London_, although it was almost dark. JOHN HOWARD. _Jur. vicesimo quinto die NOVEMBRIS, Anno Reg. Regis GEO. &c. 13. ANNO DOM. 1726. coram_ JOS. BURTT Mayor. JAMES CLIFFTON. * * * * * _Mary Toft_, the Wife of _Joshua Toft_, of _Godlyman_ in the County of _Surrey_, Clothworker, and _Mary Costen_ Nurse to the said _Mary Toft_, severally make Oath, That Mr. _Ahlers_ declared it was wonderful People would not believe a Fact that was so true as this appeared to him, and the said _Mary Toft_ saith, That Mr. _Ahlers_ examined her Breasts, and found Milk in one of them. The Mark of _Mary_ ‡ _Toft_. The Mark of _Mary_ ✕ _Costen_. _Jur. Die & Anno supradict. coram_ JOS. BURTT Mayor. JAMES CLIFFTON. * * * * * _Guilford_ in Com’ _Surrey_. ss. _Elizabeth Helmes_ of _Guilford_ in the County of _Surrey_ Widow, maketh Oath, That on _Sunday_ the twentieth Day of this instant _November_, at about four in the Afternoon, she asked Mr. _Ahlers_, who dined then at her House, bearing the Sign of the _White-Heart_, whether he believed this Account; and that his Answer was, That he fully did believe it. To which this Deponent reply’d; Then I hope, Sir, you will convince a great many Unbelievers when you return to _London_, as some other Gentlemen have already done; to which he said he should, as this Deponent apprehended. ELIZ. HELMES. _Jur. vicesimo quinto die NOVEMBRIS An. Reg. Regis Geo. &c. 13. Anno Domini 1726. coram_ JOS. BURTT Mayor. JAMES CLIFFTON. * * * * * _Olive Sands_, the Wife of _John Sands_ of _Guilford_ in the County of _Surrey_ Sadler, maketh Oath, That she was constantly in the room on _Sunday_ the twentieth instant with Mr. _Ahlers_, from eleven in the Morning to three in the Afternoon. That Mrs. _Helmes_ called him to Dinner, that during the whole time the Woman was in violent Labour, and that he did not leave her in all that time but to go to Dinner. That this Deponent saw Mr. _Ahlers_ examine the Woman’s Breasts, and found Milk in one of them, and that she heard him say he was ordered by his Majesty to attend the said Woman, _Mary Toft_, till it was all over. And further saith, that the said Mr. _Ahlers_ said he would endeavour to get the Woman a Pension from his Majesty, or Words to that effect, on his seeming satisfied of the Misery the Woman underwent. OLIVE SANDS. _Jur. Die & Anno supradict. coram_ JOS. BURTT Mayor. JAMES CLIFFTON. * * * * * _Guilford_ in Com’ _Surrey_. ss. _Thomas Howard_ of _Guilford_ in the County of _Surrey_ Surgeon, maketh Oath, That on _Sunday_ the twentieth Day of this instant Month of _November_, this Deponent went to see the poor miserable Woman _Mary Toft_, about three of the Clock in the Afternoon, where he found in her Chamber one Mr. _Ahlers_, a Surgeon, who told this Deponent he was come to see her the said Woman, and that he was ordered by his Majesty to attend her till ’twas all over. That the said Mr. _Ahlers_ himself, in the aforesaid Chamber, shewed this Deponent the Loins and inferior Parts of a Rabbet, which he told this Deponent HE EXTRACTED HIMSELF OUT OF THE UTERUS. That this Deponent asked him what his Opinion was in this Case, to which he answered, and told this Deponent, HE WAS FULLY CONVINCED AND SATISFIED THAT IT CAME OUT OF THE UTERUS. That then the Deponent asked him, if ’twas possible it could be forced or thrust into the _Uterus_; to which his Answer was, No. That after this Deponent was with him at the _White-Hart Inn_ in _Guilford_, and there Mr. _Ahlers_ repeated part of what he had said before. That this Deponent there pressed him very much to stay all Night, to take away all the rest of the Parts of the aforesaid Rabbet: Upon which he said he had a Giddiness, and a turning round in his Head, with a Pain on his Neck and Shoulders, and a soreness of his Throat, which made him very uneasy, and that he was resolved to go back to _London_. That the said Mr. _Ahlers_ gave the Woman Money, and told her he would procure her a Pension, and so took his leave of her. And this Deponent saith, that the said Mr. _Ahlers_ went from _Guilford_ about five of the Clock in the Afternoon. THO. HOWARD. _Jur. vicesimo septimo die NOVEMBRIS Anno Reg. Regis GEO. &c. 13. Anno Domini, 1726. coram_ JOS. BURTT Mayor. JAMES CLIFFTON. _FINIS._ End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A Short Narrative Of an Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbets, Perform'd by Mr., by Nathanael St André *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 62720 ***