Read Before the Meeting of the N. C. Medical Association
June, 1906, Charlotte, N. C.
The subject of this paper might be called "Employment as a means of treating and caring for the insane and other defectives" the colony being the means of finding agreeable and profitable work for the inmates.
To many of you a description of what is meant by the "colony treatment" is needed to fully understand the subject.
As the expression is used in this paper, and as it is generally understood, it means the erection of buildings some distance from the central hospital plant and placing farm working patients there, to be under the control and management of the hospital officers.
Without discussing the origin of the idea, and with no reference to Gheel, it[Pg 2] is sufficient to say it was begun in Germany in the sixties, and that it has slowly found its way into other countries.
Such a colony was established in connection with the Morganton Hospital three years ago, or rather it was ready for occupancy about that time. It took several years of talk to get the idea adopted, and as many more to get the colony built. The plan of conducting it by the hospital authorities was largely experimental, and was made to suit the people of Western North Carolina, but it is, after all, a modification of the original German conception.
The first building was for 30 men with rooms for a man and his family, the man to have general supervision of the place and the wife to cook and do the household work. Afterwards a small cottage was built for the[Pg 3] manager and his family, and his rooms were used for patients and later still another building was erected so that now 75 patients can be accommodated. It would have been much better to have limited the rooms to 30 as first intended. No single colony plant for the insane should much exceed that number. As many colonies as are needed may be had if land is sufficient, the number depending on the size of the hospital, as only a certain proportion of patients, about 25 per cent., can thus be cared for, or at the outside 40 per cent.
The colony buildings, outhouses and surroundings at the Morganton colony were made as near as possible like the farm houses in this section of the State. This was done to give it a home-like appearance, and the management has been such as to make each patient feel at home; they are free to sit on the[Pg 4] porches and the lawn in the summer, in the sitting room before open fires in the winter. They smoke, have games, read or do what pleases them during these hours of recreation. They have their own garden, orchard, vineyard, berry patches, poultry, pigs and cows, which they attend to. Every effort is to make each one feel that these things are his own, he can gather berries, pull the fruit when he wants it or as he pleases. Every one is expected to do something if no more than pick up chips for the cook.
The first party of patients sent to the colony, about 15, were quiet, industrious men who were expected to be the nucleus of the organization. After these became accustomed to their new surroundings, others who were quiet and who had some remnant of mind[Pg 5] left, but who did little or no work were tried. These readily dropped into the ways of those who preceded them and who set the pace. Further experiment was made by sending those who seemed incurably demented, incapable by reason of their weakened minds of doing any kind of work. Most of the last mentioned had been residents of the hospital for years and years in whom the last vestige of hope for any improvement had long vanished. Strange as it may seem to you, as it did to us, acquainted with these men and their disease, they immediately went to work and are to-day profitably employed. They have gained in health and self-confidence, they are happier because they feel there is yet something in life for them.
It may occur to some to ask why these men had not been sent out to work before and given an opportunity. It has been the invariable custom since the hospital opened to try to induce every one to engage in some kind of employment and it had been tried repeatedly with these very men with complete failure. To conjecture why they were willing to work in one place[Pg 6] and not in another might be profitless, it is sufficient to know it is true.
After the work was well under way, it was strange to see the development of the different fancies of the different men. Each one was allowed, so far as possible, to follow his own inclination and to select his own work. One fancied painting and whitewashing and building fires under the heating apparatus. He studied economy in the use of fuel as much as the average head of a family, and is as intelligent in his work as could be expected of any ordinary man. Another patient has become greatly interested in poultry and shows more than ordinary intelligence in following his bent. He reads journals on poultry, and not only builds coops, box nests, etc., but has actually invented several useful contrivances. Another hauls wood to the kitchen in a little[Pg 7] wagon he made himself, and so on almost indefinitely.
A brief report of two cases will partly illustrate what has been done. The following is quoted from a report to the Board last December: "A boy, J. B., 13 years old, came to the hospital in June, 1895. He had a form of insanity (Dementia praecox) which rarely improves; indeed, its tendency is generally to deterioration. This boy was no exception to the rule and he grew worse and worse until hope for any improvement had been given up. Three months ago he was sent to the colony, but it was considered a desperate chance. To the astonishment of everyone he immediately began to improve, and this has steadily gone on until to-day he is a strong, vigorous young fellow of 23, full of hope and energy, whereas when he went there he was dull, indifferent and listless; he never inquired of his home or home people and seemed to care for nothing. Recently he has written home telling of his marvelous improvement and of his joy in life. 'He testified as one risen from[Pg 8] the dead,' after ten years of mental darkness. It is not certain that the improvement will continue; in fact, it is not expected, but even if he improves no more, great good has been accomplished in relieving this young fellow of such suffering as we shudder to think of." Six months after this report was written this young man has gained but little and it is probable he is as well as he will ever be. He enjoys life as much as the average man, taking part and interest in baseball and other amusements we are able to furnish our people. The second case is of a man who was committed to the hospital in November, 1898, this being his second admission. He complained of great discomfort in his head which he described as being unbearable, so much so, that he begged to be killed. His appetite was poor, he was anaemic and greatly run down in[Pg 9] health and evidently was a great sufferer. Every effort to relieve him failed. We were sure if he could be induced to exercise he would improve, but nothing we could do would cause him to take the slightest interest in anything. He was finally forced to go out with the working party, but he would lie on the ground complaining of his head. He was a few months ago sent to the colony along with nine other men almost as bad as he. To the amazement of us all, the man went to work, his health improved, the pain and discomfort disappeared and his face is ruddy and he gives every evidence of health and vigor. He works cheerfully, seems perfectly satisfied, never complaining of any bad feeling and is as comfortable as he can be. These two cases are only two of many as unpromising, who have been greatly relieved and some few cured by the colony treatment.
All this seems so simple and is so obviously the right course that we wonder why it had not long ago been tried.
Two ideas are prominent in this system, the first to find agreeable, healthful employment for the patients and to give them a home.
This working class, while too defective to take up the burden of life, are yet appreciative of their surroundings and of most things that make life happy to the people in the outside world. They require the minimum amount of care and discipline and with this given they conduct themselves as well, indeed, better, than the same number of sane men. Some under this treatment recover that otherwise would not, but the majority must remain under hospital care, this being their refuge and their home. How much need therefore that every effort should be put forth to make it pleasant to these afflicted men.
In general hospitals, in institutions for children, and in reformatories we have a different class to deal with. A large number under one roof is not so[Pg 11] objectionable, but these cases of chronic insanity are not children in whom the desire for a home is small, nor are they malefactors in prison for punishment.
You will pardon a little digression, which, after all, leads to this subject from another and a practical standpoint.
In North Carolina there are not less than 4,000 white insane; of this number 1,500 are in two hospitals, leaving 2,500 uncared for by the State. To properly house all these people means the expenditure of a million dollars, and the annual cost of maintaining them will be $500,000. It is well then to consider carefully how this burden on the taxpayers may be lightened. Without discussing the question of the increase of insanity, there can be no doubt that there is an increased demand to have these persons cared for and properly so. All insane persons are dangerous in[Pg 12] some degree to their neighbors, more so to themselves. Insanity is the cause of many suicides, while sexual crimes, arson, assault, impostures, are often committed by those mentally deranged.
Too often families are ruined by some insane member, the bread winner having to devote his whole time to the control of wife or child, or a crime is committed and every energy and the savings of a lifetime must be devoted to the cost of courts. Whole communities are frequently terrorized by an insane person and the lives of the women and children made miserable.
Only a few recover at once or die, they live on for years not only imbecile and helpless themselves, but a burden on the family and community, a severe drain which must tend to weaken the general welfare of the State.
[Pg 13]There are sufficient reasons for you as physicians, men of standing in your respective communities, not only to make yourselves familiar with the disease in order that you may prescribe intelligently for those suffering from it, but to use your influence, which is great, to see that proper provision is made for them by the public.
Much insanity is caused by alcohol and drugs. This touches you more closely, for you are largely responsible for these habits. You may do something by preventing unwise marriages of those whose heredity is not good.
It should be your special province to recognize dangerous symptoms in time and by prompt action prevent suicides and accidents and to send to the hospitals at once these patients who have infinitely more chances to recover when[Pg 14] placed under the care of competent alienists.
The conclusions we reach are that 2,500 white insane people in North Carolina are uncared for, that a great outlay of money will be required to build for this number and after that the never ending expense of maintaining them begins. If it can be demonstrated that the colony system is the best and the cheapest, it should by all means be adopted.
There is an end to the willingness and even ability of the taxpayers to provide for the defectives in expensive hospitals and asylums, and it is clearly the duty of those who have these matters in hand to use proper economy. What is done by the Legislature will depend on the demand of the people and the wisdom of the Legislators. It will require great deliberation and the wisest action to solve this question.
In North Carolina no more hospitals ought to be built at present, those now in existence should be enlarged if possible.
[Pg 15]Unfortunately at Morganton no more land can be purchased and that institution cannot with advantage be greatly increased in size. The last opportunity to buy land there has been allowed to pass. This is to be deplored for the plan there has been so successful that much was hoped for in the judicious extension of these colonies.
Much more might be said on the general subject of caring for the insane, but time forbids. Perhaps on some future occasion this will be taken up and discussed.
Hospitals for the insane cannot properly care for epileptics or idiots. I use the term idiot in the sense in which it is defined by the North Carolina statutes "a person born deficient or who became deficient before the completion of the twelfth year of age."
Many of these defectives are capable of doing common labor and can be made very nearly self-sustaining if properly managed in such a colony for the insane as has been described. In many of the States where this is tried, it has been successful. In North Carolina, where we have such good climate and where land can be purchased cheaply, more can be done than in other less fortunate communities. I believe in the cotton and truck section of the State such a colony could be nearly self-sustaining, but leaving that out of the question, there can be no doubt it is the best for these people to live outdoor lives with proper employment. I would like also to enlarge on this feature of my paper, but time will not permit.
I trust, gentlemen, that you will become enough interested in these subjects to give them your hearty support. If you do, then the labors of those of us who are immediately responsible, will be greatly lightened and these afflicted fellow citizens will be happier and your State will be a better State.
Since this paper was written my attention was drawn to a statement in a medical journal of the number of insane sent to the hospitals in Massachusetts during the year 1904. It bears so closely on what has been said I repeat it and compare it with our State and hospitals. During that year 2,426 insane persons were admitted into the hospitals of Massachusetts, none of whom had ever before been inmates of any hospital for insane. Adding to these the number of re-admissions,[Pg 16] which could not have been less than 600, we see 3,000 persons sent yearly to the hospitals of that State. Between 7,000 and 8,000 patients are cared for by the public hospitals.
As compared with North Carolina the population of Massachusetts is twice that of the white people of our State. We should have 1,500 white patients sent to our hospitals every year and we ought to have accommodation for 4,000. As it is, less than 400 are admitted and only 1,500 can be cared for in our hospitals. There is some differences, I believe, in the proportion of insane to the population in the two States, but not that much. Massachusetts gives her insane citizens proper care. North Carolina does not.