*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 41171 *** [Transcriber's note: Original spelling varieties have not been standardized. Old English-style letters have been marked with braces as in {grinian}. Underscores have been used to indicate _italic_ fonts. A list of volumes and pages in "Notes and Queries" has been added at the end.] NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE. VOL. V.--No. 128. SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1852. Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5_d._ CONTENTS. Page NOTES:-- Unpublished Song by Thomas Otway, by Dr. Rimbault 337 Shakspeare's "We three," by the Rev. Arthur Hussey 338 Cowley's Prose Works 339 Note on Coleridge's Christabel 339 Convertibility of the Words "Grin" and "Gin" 340 Folk Lore:--Game Feathers--Isle of Man Folk Lore 341 Minor Notes:--Epitaph at King Stanley--Monuments of De la Beche Family--Cousinship--Borrowing Days--Monumental Plate at Lewes Castle--Junius and the Quarterly Review--Handwriting 341 QUERIES:-- Dutch Manufactories of Porcelain 343 Salmon Fisheries 343 Thomas Crawford 344 Minor Queries:--The Chronologic Institute--Mother Carey's Chickens--Suwich Priory--Anthony Babington--Sir Isaac Newton, Cicero, and Gravitation--Diotrophes--Grisly --Birthplace of St. Patrick--Motto on Chimney-piece --Curious Bequest--Wilkie's Blind Fiddler--Lode--Ballad quoted by Sir Walter Scott--Ann Stewart, Wife of Christopher Hall--Moveable Organs and Pulpits--Nobleman alluded to by Bishop Berkeley--Chelwoldesbury--Swallows' Nests--Quotation from Arthur Hopton--Group at Prague--Cards prohibited to Apprentices--Cursitor Barons--Phelps's Gloucestershire Collections--Huant Le Puisné--Arms of Roberson 344 MINOR QUERIES ANSWERED:--Winterton--Emblems of a Saint--Quack--Dr. Hieron Mercurialis--The Book of Sports 346 REPLIES:-- Meaning of Groom 347 Ballad of Lord Delaware, by Dr. Rimbault 348 Family Likenesses 349 Earl of Erroll 350 The Bowyer Bible 350 Replies to Minor Queries:--Exeter Controversy--Coleridge's "Friend"--Praying to the Devil--The Word "shunt"--St. Paul's Quotation of Heathen Writers--Rex Lucifer--Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative--Spanish Verses on the Invasion of England--Templars--Story of the Greek referred to by Jeremy Taylor--Emaciated Monumental Effigies--Deaths from Fasting--London Genealogical Society--Martinique--"The Delicate Investigation"--Miserrimus--Cynthia's Dragon-yoke--Cromwell's Skull--Almas-Cliffe--Artificial Memory--Punishment of Boiling to Death--Barnard's Church Music--Portrait of Baskerville--Autograph Music by Handel--Dr. Fell--Fern-seed--Longevity and Rejuvenescency --Indignities on the Bodies of Suicides--Large Families: Twenty-seven Children--The last of the Palæologi 351 MISCELLANEOUS:-- Notes on books, &c. 357 Books and Odd Volumes wanted 358 Notices to Correspondents 358 Advertisements 358 Notes. UNPUBLISHED SONG BY THOMAS OTWAY. In turning over a quantity of miscellaneous papers in MS. (some originals and some copies) of the latter half of the seventeenth century (which chance lately threw in my way), I stumbled upon the following song by the unfortunate author of _Venice Preserved_. It may, possibly, have been printed in one, or more, of the numerous volumes of "miscellany poems" which teemed from the press at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the following century; but in looking over a tolerable assemblage which time has accumulated on my shelves, I have not been able to discover it. The MS. does not appear to be an original, although the handwriting is of the author's period. The punctuation is as I found it:-- "Health breeds care; love, hope and fear; What does love or bus'ness here? While Bacchus merry does appear, Fight on and fear no sinking: Charge it briskly to the brim, Till the flying topsails swim: We owe the great discovery to him Of this new world of drinking. "Grave cabals that states refine, Mingle their debates with wine; _Ceres_ and the god o' th' vine Makes ev'ry great commander. Let sober sots small-beer subdue, The wise and valiant wine does woe; The _Stagyrite_ had the honour to Be drunk with _Alexander_. "Stand to your arms, and now advance, A health to the _English_ King of France; On to the next, a _bon speranze_, By Bacchus and Apollo. Thus in state I lead the van, Fall in your place by your right-hand man; Beat drum! now march! dub a dub, ran dan; He's a Whigg that will not follow. "T. Otway." That poor Otway was a lover of the "juice of the grape," is too well known; and it seems from his biography in Cibber's _Lives of the Poets_, that he was for some time a soldier, and served in Flanders. The half-bacchanalian, half-military character of this song, seems to identify it with the poet. The popular story, that Otway died for want at an ale-house on Tower Hill, is, it is to be hoped, not strictly true. Dennis, the critic (as he is called), tells us that-- "Otway had an intimate friend (one Blackstone), who was shot; the murderer fled towards Dover, and Otway pursued him. In his return he drank water when violently heated, and so got a fever, which was the death of him." This story is creditable to the warmth of Otway's friendship, and I should be glad to meet with any additional authority to give it confirmation. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. SHAKSPEARE'S "WE THREE." In Shakspeare's _Twelfth Night_, a passage occurs upon which some observations may be bestowed in the way of illustration, because, as it is usually printed, no signification seems attributed to it, whereas in reality it is a scrap of satire very appropriate to the character in whose mouth it is placed. In Act II. Sc. 2., the clown, entering to the two drunken knights, Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Ague-cheek, exclaims,-- "How now, my hearts? Did you never see the picture of we three?" Of the innumerable editions of Shakspeare, I have examined only twelve, my own and my neighbours', all which, without exception, present the last two words of the quotation as above, without the slightest difference from the remainder of the sentence; and, when annotations are given, without any explanatory remark save in three instances, which will hereafter be noticed. From this circumstance and this coincidence it may be inferred, that the editors generally did not imagine the words in question to contain any special meaning, but possibly understood them as merely an illiterate blunder for "_us_ three." Any such idea, however, would be a misapprehension. For although the clown is introduced as an allowed fool, and so entitled, it is evident he was designed to represent a person not totally devoid of at least some smattering of learning, as well as to be, what one of his brethren is styled, "a shrewd knave;" as such, being manifestly quite capable of duly appreciating his two knightly patrons. Which knowledge on the part of the clown increases the probability that such an "all licensed" personage should, under the disguise of a jest, insinuate the contempt he really felt, and which the others so richly deserve; for this, it will speedily appear, is the sense now contended for of the passage above cited. Secondly, if the words are to stand as already read, "Did you never see the picture of we three?" intimating no allusion to any idea, hinted at but not expressed, they are simply an inquiry respecting a painting of the knights and the clown, to the existence of which there is not another reference throughout the entire play, neither does the story require or suggest that the notion of any such painting should ever have entered the author's mind. In Theobald's _Shakspeare_, the sentence we are considering is unnoticed, but, as previously stated, that is not the case in three of the twelve editions consulted. In one, a single volume with glossary, &c., by Nicholas Rowe, to the words "we three," a foot note is appended, supplying, as the conclusion of the phrase, "loggerheads be." The same note is similarly given in another copy in nine volumes. The third instance is an edition in two volumes, with explanatory notes at the end, among which we find this respecting _Twelfth Night_:--"_Did you never see the picture of we three?_ an allusion to an old print frequently pasted on alehouse walls, representing _two_, but under which the spectator reads, _We three are asses_;" the name of Malone being added as the authority for this interpretation.[1] Without denying that Malone may have possessed sufficient grounds for his statement, it may be permitted to deliver an opinion, and to subjoin the following remarks as a reason for thinking that Rowe's explanation is the better of the two. In the town of Tonbridge in Kent, south of the bridge over the Medway, on the western side of the street, stands (or did recently) a public-house, the sign of which I have long believed to illustrate the passage before us. When first I observed the sign, from forty-five to fifty years ago, and for long afterwards, one side, if not both, presented _two_ grotesque heads, the painting being not modern, so far as my (rather vivid) recollection serves, with the legend "We _three_ Loggerheads be." The sign having been renovated, the old painting is obliterated: but whatever may have replaced it, _the old name_, the Loggerheads, most probably is still used; and inasmuch as the aspect of the house was venerable when I first remember it, we may, without a violent stretch of imagination, carry back the use of the above-described conceit of the three loggerheads, as an alehouse sign, at least a considerable portion of the period intervening between our time and that of Shakspeare. Whether more examples, besides that at Tonbridge, of this sign may still exist, is unknown, but I do not recollect seeing a second in any part of the kingdom. Possibly others might be discovered, though they cannot be common; and perhaps the suggestion will be admitted, that the above-mentioned little public-house is not altogether unworthy of consideration, as assisting, in however slight a degree, in illustrating the language of our great national dramatist. ARTHUR HUSSEY. Rottingdean. [Footnote 1: [Had our correspondent had the opportunity of consulting Malone's own edition, he would have found that after what is here quoted Malone proceeds: "I believe Shakspeare had in his thoughts a common sign, in which two wooden heads are exhibited, with the inscription under it, '_We three_ Loggerheads be:' the spectator or reader is supposed to make the third." Our correspondent therefore agrees with Malone, and confirms his note.]] COWLEY'S PROSE WORKS. As Cowley's name has been brought before the public in the disquisition on his monument by MR. H. CAMPKIN ("N. & Q." Vol. v., pp. 267-8.), may I be allowed, now that his character and merits are revived, to direct attention to his prose works in preference to his poetical; although, as MR. CAMPKIN remarks, "his beautiful lyrics in praise of a country life will always keep his name before us." Miss Mitford, in her recent publication, _Recollections of a Literary Life_, has done good service to Cowley's character, and her criticisms will doubtless direct attention, as they have done to the septuagenarian who is now writing, to a _re-perusal_ of his prose works. With my school-fellow Charles Lamb, and his sister, Cowley's prose essays were always especial favourites, and were esteemed by them as some of the best specimens of the "well of English undefiled." A tyro in literature could not, I am persuaded, form a better style of composition, than by taking Cowley's prose essays for his model. I consider the prose writings both of Cowley and Dryden master-pieces. "Praised in his day as a great poet, the head of the school of poets called metaphysical, Cowley will now be chiefly known," says Miss Mitford, "by those prose essays, all too short and all too few, which, whether for thought or for expression, have rarely been excelled by any writer in any language. They are eminently distinguished for the grace, the finish, and the clearness which his verse too often wants." "His thoughts," also says Dr. Johnson, "are natural; and his style has a smooth and placid equability, _which has never yet obtained its due commendation_." As the columns of "N. & Q." do not admit of long quotations, I would respectfully direct attention to the beautiful essays, "Of Obscurity," "The Garden," "Of Solitude," and "Of Liberty." Southey and Cobbett, as writers of pure English, are, in my opinion, the only two modern authors who can be compared with Cowley. J. M. G. Worcester. NOTE ON COLERIDGE'S CHRISTABEL. Should the English language ever become after the lapse of years a dead language, it is a curious question, whether the works of our poets and prose writers would present such difficulties to students at that remote period, as the pages of the Greek and Roman authors present to ourselves. Our text, it is to be hoped, would not prove so corrupt as theirs, or afford so much scope to the ingenuity of scholars; but the lax phraseology now in vogue would amply supply its place. As to downright inherent obscurity, I think it is not at all clear that we are a whit behind the ancients. More than one, even of our living poets, would require a Delphin interpretation. As a fair sample of what English poetry is able to offer in the way of difficulty, I would refer to the "conclusion" of Coleridge's unfinished poem of Christabel. The few lines, of which this conclusion consists, form an unquestionably difficult passage. How many persons, and they of no mean abilities, read it over and over again, and, after all, confess they can make nothing of it! How many are there, who have come to regard it in the light of a quaint enigma, and "give it up!" The passage certainly seems to possess one property of the enigma, inasmuch as it requires a key to elucidate it; but, as soon as this is obtained it becomes not only perfectly plain, but, I think, forces an acknowledgment from the reader, that it could hardly have been more clearly or more justly expressed. To say that this conclusion is the most beautiful and the most valuable portion of the poem of Christabel, may appear to savour a little of extravagance; still, I cannot but think that it is, and that the author intended to convey by it far more than is usually contained in the common-place "moral." In support of this opinion I will briefly discuss these two-and-twenty lines. Of the first six lines I will only remark, where shall we find, in the whole range of English poetry, a more exquisite picture than is here contained in this small compass? "A little child, a limber elf, Singing, dancing to itself, A fairy thing with red round cheeks, _That always finds, and never seeks_, Makes such a vision to the sight, As fills a father's eyes with light." The poet then proceeds to unite in a manner true in nature and in fact, yet equally strange and startling, two opposite and contending feelings: "And pleasures flow in so thick and fast Upon his heart, that he at last Must needs express his love's excess, With words of unmeant bitterness." The habit, if it may be so called, alluded to in these lines, must be more or less familiar to most persons as an anomaly in our nature; the habit, I mean, ridiculous as it may appear, of applying evil, though "unmeant" names to children in a transport of affection. This is a trait in the human character which, slight, and faint, and trifling as it may seem, the acute mind of Coleridge has seized, and analysed, and exhibited in its legitimate development. Whether the propensity, thus delicately described, be really innocent in itself, or whether it be only the παρεκβασις, or excess, which the poet held to be the guilty state, it is hardly worth while stopping to inquire; still we cannot avoid his own startling suggestion, "What, if in a world of sin (O sorrow and shame should this be true!) Such giddiness of heart and brain" springs generally from some evil source, implies the existence of some evil principle. Familiar as this habit, this instance of "giddiness of heart and brain," is to most of us, I am not aware that it has ever been expressed in poetry, or even in prose, by any other writer; if so, this passage is a rarity, similar to those four stanzas in Gray's Elegy, beginning, "Yet e'en these bones," &c., of which Dr. Johnson says, "they are to me original; I have never seen the notions in any other place; yet he that reads them here persuades himself that he has always felt them." The author then endeavours to offer some explanation of this phenomenon, and carries out the germ of ill to its full extent, as exemplified in Sir Leoline: "Perhaps 'tis pretty to force together Thoughts so all unlike each other; To mutter and mock a broken charm, To dally with wrong that does no harm; Perhaps 'tis tender too and pretty, _At each wild word to feel within_ _A sweet recoil of love and pity_." It appears to me that the third line in this passage, from its being introduced too early (if I may venture to say so), on this account unnecessarily increases the difficulty; it occurs before the idea has been sufficiently developed; while it belongs rather to the result of this evil leaven than to the explanation of it, with which the poet is here engaged. The "charm" to which he alludes is, of course, the tie that binds us to the object of affection, and which forbids us to speak any but words of love and tenderness. The poet, then, from the aspect of this strange anomaly, as exemplified in Sir Leoline, is forced to the following conclusion: "And what, if in a world of sin (O sorrow and shame should this be true!) Such giddiness of heart and brain Comes seldom save from rage and pain, So talks as it's most used to do." If we turn now to the last two paragraphs of the poem, we find all this illustrated; in these two paragraphs the poet has "Forced together Thoughts so all unlike each other." In the former are enumerated all those memorials which could move the Baron to "love and pity;" in the latter we are told of the "rage and pain" of his heart; and on this strange union the poet soliloquises in the conclusion. A full discussion of this subject would be perhaps unsuited to the pages of "N. & Q.;" for, various as are the subjects to which they are open, ethics can hardly be reckoned one of them. I will conclude, therefore, with the following suggestion, viz. that the delicacy, the acuteness, and the truth evinced in this last scene of Christabel and its conclusion, tell of a deeper mind than has, perhaps, fallen to the lot of any English poet since the days of William Shakspeare. H. C. K. ---- Rectory, Hereford. CONVERTIBILITY OF THE WORDS "GRIN" AND "GIN". Will some more learned readers than your present querist be so good as to tell us how it came to pass that the word _grin_ became changed in our modern Bibles for _gin_ (sometimes spelled _ginn_), with which it would seem there can be no cognation? In the sense of a trap or snare _grin_ occurs in Job xviii. 9., Ps. cxl. 5., and Ps. cxli. 9., in two Bibles which I have, viz., one "printed at London by Robert Barker, printer to the King's most excellent Majestie, 1640," and the other "printed by John Hayes, printer to the University of Cambridge, 1677." In Cruden's _Concordance_, 1737, 1761, and 1769, it is given as _grin_ in these instances; neither in the modern editions of that valuable book have they noticed the word _gin_ as now used in the said three texts which would indicate that it is only within some eighty years, at any rate, that the change was adopted by the king's printer, and Oxford and Cambridge. Singularly enough, in these old editions of 1640 and 1677, while _grin_ is used in Job and Psalms, _gin_ is given in the side-note of Job xl. 24., in the text of Isa. viii. 14., and Amos iii. 5. Now to _grin_ (from the Saxon {grinian}) means, according to philologists, to show the teeth set together; the act of closing the teeth; so that we may suppose an allusion to the barbarous instrument called a _man-trap_, unless the idea is negatived by the side-note Job xl. 24., on the impossibility of boring Behemoth's nose with a _gin_, which would hardly be the word adopted to convey the idea of boring; an awl or gimlet better suiting the conditions of the case. Some commentators read _ring_--this may be illustrated by the ring we see even now frequently in the noses of our bulls. Be this as it may, the reasonable conjecture is, that the same word, conveying the same meaning, is appropriate in all the six places quoted. It is therefore asked, 1. Why, in the sacred volume, a century ago it should have been spelled _grin_ in the three first-mentioned passages, and _gin_ in the three others? and 2. Why it should have been altered in the three first-quoted verses from _grin_ to _gin_? In short, if they are cognate words (which the separate use of them in various editions formerly seems to render doubtful), what advantage resulted from changing the word which more familiarly explains itself by the action of the teeth for a much less forcible term? B. B. FOLK LORE. _Game Feathers._--I do not see that any of your numerous correspondents have mentioned the common belief among the poor in this county (Sussex), that a person cannot die if his bed is stuffed with _game feathers_. A friend of mine a little time back was talking to a labourer on the absurdity of such a belief; but he failed to convince the good man, who, as a _proof_ of the correctness of his belief brought forward the case of a poor man who had lately died after a lingering illness. "Look at poor Muster S----, how hard he were a dying; poor soul, he could not die ony way, till neighbour Puttick found out how it wer,--'Muster S----,' says he, 'ye be lying on geame feathers, mon, surely;' and so he wer. So we took'n out o'bed, and laid'n on the floore, and he _pretty soon died then_!" NEDLAM. _Isle of Man Folk Lore._--A young person from Castletown tells me as follows:-- A woman walking over Barrule met two fairy armies going to battle, which was to begin on the ringing of a bell; she pulled the bell, and in consequence both armies attacked her, and kept her prisoner for three years, when she escaped. A little girl, walking over a bridge, was offered by three little men (one after the other) a farthing, which she persevered in refusing; knowing that, if accepted, she would have been carried off. A labouring man, passing by a house which is said to be haunted by soldiers, saw a soldier from Castletown sitting on a stile; and, on going up to tell him that the bugle had sounded, the soldier vanished into air, and the man saw a ball of fire before him all the way home. A white lady walked through a room one evening when the doors were bolted and barred, and could not be found anywhere; a murder was once committed in a room of this house, and, although the boards have been moved, blood will come again. At Peel, a witch with a basin of water said that the herring fleet would never return; every ship was lost, and she was put in a barrel with spikes, and rolled down the hill, the grass never having grown since; "and I saw the mark all down." Women are turned into hares, and can only be shot with a silver sixpence. A white lady was seen every night after dark; and one night, when all were in bed, a servant heard a knock at the door, put her head out of window, and saw a little doll hop round the house and knock three times; she was so frightened that she could not get her head in, till others pulled her. The house was then suddenly illuminated, and, when quite dark again, the bed-clothes pulled off. The fairies are seen to hop from trees: a man took one home for a doll, and became very ill; but on the advice of a woman, he returned it where found, and then quite recovered. Fairies change children; a woman had one for eighteen years, and could not make it walk or speak. A woman, shearing corn, laid her child down; a man saw a fairy come and change it: the fairy-child screamed, and the woman, going to take it up, was prevented by the man. The fairy seeing that no one touched it, returned the woman's child. People are pulled off horses by black dogs. Three stone coffins were lately dug up, and the place not since haunted. Our woman servant told me that her father (who used to drink), and others, chased a black dog, which kept howling and screaming round the town, up as far as the gallows post; but did not dare to go beyond, and came back as fast as they could. A tradesman told me that lying on a sofa at an inn, a white lady whispered and told him where some money was to be found; he fell off the sofa, was ill for six months, and has been lame ever since. The owner of the house would give him half if he tells; but he will not tell, or the white lady would haunt him. They say that fairies are the fallen angels. A. C. Minor Notes. _Epitaph at King Stanley._--Epitaph engraved on brass let into a large flagstone in King Stanley churchyard, Gloucestershire. Copied 15th July, 1846. "ANN COLLINS, died 11 Sept. 1804, ætatis 49. "'Twas as she tript from cask to cask, In at a bunghole quickly fell, Suffocation was her task, She had no time to say farewell." E. D. _Monuments of De la Beche Family._--Among the interesting communications relating to monuments and trees, I see no mention made of some fine effigies of the De la Beche family, in an old church near which are the largest yew-trees I ever saw, on the edge of the Downs, about four miles above the road which runs from Reading in Berkshire to Wallingford, through Pangbourne and Streatley. I quite forget the name of this remote village, but it is above Basildon Park and Streatley; and a trip there would repay an archæologist for the time and outlay. ÆGROTUS. _Cousinship._--There appear to be various ways of computing relationship. The following is the mode which I have usually adopted, and I should be glad to know whether or not it is strictly correct: James | +----+----+ | | John William | | David George | | Thomas Henry | | Edward Robert In the above pedigree Thomas and Henry are _second_ cousins; Edward and Robert _third_ cousins; and so on. If I am asked what relation Henry is to David, I reply they are _first_ and _second_ cousins; or else I _invert_ the answer, and say that David is Henry's _first_ cousin once removed: on the principle of making the relationship as near as possible by stating the degree of the older ascendant: in other words, I do not say that Henry is David's _second_ cousin once removed. In like manner, David and Robert are _first_ and _third_ cousins; or David is Robert's _first_ cousin twice removed. E. N. _Borrowing Days._--In a communication in "N. & Q." (Vol. v., p. 278.) regarding Sir Alexander Cumming, there occurs the following statement: "The last three days of March are called the 'Borrowing Days' in Scotland, on account of their being generally attended with very blustering weather, which inclines people to say that they would wish to _borrow_ three days from the month of April in exchange for those last three days of the month of March." I remember to have heard, when a child, in the north of Ireland, a far more poetical, if not a more rational, explanation of what is undoubtedly a very common interchange of character between March and April, for a few successive days towards the close of the former, and commencement of the latter, month. "Give me (says March) three days of warmth and sunshine for my poor young lambs whilst they are yet too tender to bear the roughness of my wind and rain, and you shall have them repaid when the wool is grown." An attentive observer of the weather will seldom find the recurrence of this accommodation loan to fail. This day (the 24th) and the two last days have been of a temperature very unusual so early in the year, and I have little doubt that before the 1st of May there will be a _per contrà_ of three successive days of cold and bluster carried to the _credit_ side of April's account with Æolus and Co. MCC. March 24. _Monumental Plate at Lewes Castle._--The following is an exact copy of an inscription in raised characters on a plate now at Lewes Castle:-- HER : LIETH : ANE : BORST R : DAV{G}HTER : AND : HEYR : TO : THOMAS GAYNSLORD : ESQVIER DECEASED : XVIII : OE : IANVARI : 1591 : LEAVIN{G} BEHIND : HER : II : SONES : AND : V : DAV{G}HTERS. The size of the plate is three feet by two feet Can any of the readers of "N. & Q." inform me whence this plate was taken, and what occasioned its removal? A. W. _Junius and the Quarterly Review._--The writer in the _Quarterly Review_ who has attributed the _Letters of Junius_ to Thomas Lyttelton, seems to have overlooked that passage in the _Lyttelton Letters_ in which the writer confesses his deficiency in the _principal_ "rhetorical figure," which at once rendered "the style of Junius" so popular: "_Irony_ is not my talent, and B---- says I have too much impudence to make use of it. It is a fine rhetorical figure; and if there were a chance of attaining the manner in which Junius has employed it, its cultivation will be worth my attention."--_Letter 36._ p. 131. In my researches to "set this question at rest," I have found the _Discoverers of Junius_ invariably inclined to withhold some fact or circumstance, which, if published with the _proofs_, must have overthrown their hypotheses. This may be good policy in an advocate pleading before a jury, or in an orator addressing a popular assembly, where an object may be attained by "making out a good case." On the question of _Junius_ it is not only disingenuous, but highly reprehensible, since it proves that the writer thinks more of gratifying his own vanity, than in satisfying the public. W. CRAMP. _Handwriting._--In my last communication (Vol. v., p. 235.), in consecutive lines, _when_ was printed _where_, and _second_ was printed _record_. This is not wholly the printer's fault: in the common current hands, _n_ and _re_ are much alike; and _n_ and _r_, _s_ and _r_, are like enough to cause mistake. I have more than once got as far as a second proof, containing what might, if it had been printed, have been interpreted as a reflection on the dimensions of the clergy, which was far from my intention; namely, allusion to the area of a circular _rector_, in which the first _r_ should have been _s_. What I want to make a note on, is this: no _current_ hand is taught at schools: the so-called _small_ hand is nothing but the larger hand written smaller. If any one would publish some specimens of current hand, in which all the letters are perfectly distinguishable from each other, he would do good service. And the (?) might go the length of a woodcut (which imitates writing better than copper): for no persons write so badly as writers. The task should not be undertaken by a writing-master: for there are few who will go through thick and thin in their calligraphy. What is wanted is a good _skewer-hand_, in which there are none of those upstrokes and downstrokes which, in former days, used to subject boys to certain other upstrokes and downstrokes, of which it can only be said that the former were more bearable than the latter. M. Queries. DUTCH MANUFACTORIES OF PORCELAIN. What manufactories of _porcelain_ were established in Holland? When, by whom, and at what places were they established, and when did they cease to exist? What marks were used to indicate the different manufactories, and had the manufactures any distinctive character? The mark M. O. L. is frequently found on Dutch porcelain, and occasionally the word Amstel; what is the meaning of these marks, and when were they employed? A stork is also found as a mark on Dutch porcelain, which is said to have been made at the Hague. Is this correct? and if so, what is the history of the manufactory? Was any porcelain made at Arnheim? and if so, what was the distinguishing mark? O. M. [We beg to recommend these Queries to the especial attention of our Dutch contemporary DE NAVORSCHER; and we have little doubt that some of the learned contributors to that Journal will be able to throw light upon what is at present a very obscure portion in any history of manufactures which we possess in this country.--ED.] SALMON FISHERIES. Grievous complaints are now making of the scarcity of salmon, and consequently of the depressed state of the salmon fisheries, both in Scotland and Ireland. As the statistics of the produce of the principal rivers of those countries for some years past are known, it would be curious to contrast their returns in the present century with any accounts which may exist of their produce in former times. For example, the Earl of Strafford wrote, in 1638, that the fishery at Derry produced to the crown that year 240 tons of salmon, which sold at 15_l._ per ton. In 1845 the seven years average of the Foyle (Derry) was 140 tons, and the price ranged at about 100_l._ per ton. Pennant states that as much as 320 tons were taken in the Bann in 1760; and Stanihurst, writing about the year 1584, declares that the fishermen of Lough Neagh, and of the "noble northerne river, the Banne, complain more often for bursting of their nets with the over great take of fish, than for anie want," so that the Irish grievance of that day lay in the very glut of the commodity. The famous "salmon-leap" at Ballyshannon, on the Erne, was formerly very productive. It belonged to the O'Donels, Lords of Tyrconnel. Sir George Carew, in a MS. pedigree of that family, observes that "O'Donell is the best lorde of fishe in Ireland, and exchangeth fishe allwayes with foreign merchants for wyne, by which his call in other countryes the kinge of fishe." In Roman Catholic times our national salmon fisheries were of much value, for they supplied an article of food which was necessary for fast days; there are, accordingly, many ancient acts of parliament in the statute books for the preservation of the salmon, and still more in the Scotch statutes, in one of which, indeed, a jubilee was ordained for the benefit of the finny tribe, by making it penal to take any salmon for the space of three years. Not only did private and religious houses rely upon a supply of salted fish for fast days, and for the winter's consumption, but armies at that time could not be marched or subsisted without them. There is in Rymer an order of Edward II. to provide 3000 dried salmon for this very purpose. All our mouths water at hearing of "kippered salmon," especially at breakfast-time; but it seems from old Izaak Walton's use of the word that the origin of the delicacy is not the very best, for he uses the word as expressive of a "sprat," or spawned cock-salmon, _out of season_, and it is verily to be believed that the dainty is produced by preserving the fish when in a state that it could not be eaten if fresh. Travellers in the colder latitudes of the new and old world, agree in representing the rivers of those countries as literally swarming with noble salmon. The increase of man, and the advances of civilisation, have led to the decrease of salmon in the British Islands, and this fish will probably, in a century or so more, rank among other exterminated animals, as the bustard, &c. Any of your readers would oblige me by reference to authorities in which statements may be found as to the ancient productiveness of the salmon fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland; in fact, to any information or curious details on the subject. H. T. H. Wexford. THOMAS CRAWFURD. Can any of your readers inform me when Mr. Thomas Crawfurd was the Professor of Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh? In a _Scotch Peerage_, by Mr. George Crawfurd, published in 1716, there is a Latin epigram by him on the armorial bearings of the Crawfurds of Kilbirny in Ayrshire, one of whom was created Viscount Garnock by Queen Anne, in the second year of her reign. The description of the armorial bearings is as follows in the same peerage, under the head Crawfurd, Viscount of Garnock-- "Quarterly 1st and 4th gules, a fess ermine. 2nd and 3rd azure, a Cheveron betwixt three Cross Patées Or, supported by two Grayhounds. Crest, an ermine Argent. Motto, 'Sine labe nota.'" The author then adds,-- "A learned gentleman of this name[2] paraphrased this coat of arms in these fine elegiacs-- "Sanguineum scutum præcingit balteus albens, Quem variant nigræ sed sine labe notæ. Sic labem ut vitet, mustela Armenica strictum In ferrum et structos non timet ire rogos. Martia vis animi, vacuum formidine pectus, Cana fides, nulla labe notatus honos. Hæc Crafurdiacæ gentilia symbola stirpis, Artibus his veteres emicuere patres." [Footnote 2: Mr. Thomas Crawfurd, Professor of Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh.] I subjoin the following translation: "A blood-red scutcheon with a white belt bound, Which black spots chequer, though no stain is found: Thus will the ermine strive a soil to shun, On steel unsheath'd, and 'mid the flames will run: Great strength of mind, a breast that knows not fear, Fair Faith, and honour from all blemish clear: These kindred qualities the Crawfurds own,-- In arts like these of yore their sires have shone." C. S. T. P. Oxford. Minor Queries. _The Chronologic Institute._--Should not this society, as a preliminary, protest against the architectural anachronisms of these days--the building churches, for instance, in every, any, or no style of architecture? In one parish the priest erects an Early English church, copied from the _Oxford Glossary_; in the next, something very like a conventicle, with no chancel and no chimes, is built by subscription; in another, the architect is a disciple of Ruskin, and tries the Byzantine style, with a tower like St. Mark's of Venice;--a nice Gordian knot for coming chronologists! MORTIMER COLLINS. _Mother Carey's Chickens._--In Hawkesworth's _Voyages_ there occurs the following passage: "The petrels, to which sailors have given the name of Mother Carey's chickens." Who was "Mother Carey;" why was her name given to the petrel; and why have sailors so great an objection to their being killed? W. B. M. Dee Side. _Suwich Priory._--What is known of the Priory of Suwich in Hampshire, of which a handsome seal records the former prosperity? E. A. S. _Anthony Babington._--Can any of your correspondents inform me whether William Kempe's _Dutiful Invective against the moste Haynous Treasons of Ballard and Babington_, &c. &c., has been reprinted in any collection of rare tracts, or otherwise? and also whether his _Censure of a loyall Subiect upon certaine noted Speeches and Behaviour of those 14 notable Traitors_ (Ballard, Babington, &c.), has also been reprinted? I should also be glad of references to any other tracts or ballads referring to Babington and his conspiracy. L. J. _Sir Isaac Newton, Cicero, and Gravitation._--How is it that Sir Isaac Newton has obtained so world-wide a renown for his discovery of the law of gravitation, when the following passage in the _Tusculan Disputations_ proves it to have been well known to Cicero? "Qua omnia delata gravitate medium mundi locum semper expetant."--See lib. v. cap. 24. S. E. B. Trinity College, Oxford. _Diotrophes._--Can any of your readers say, on what authority the Abbé Masscot calls Diotrophes, mentioned in 3 St. John, ver. 9., Bishop of Corinth. The Abbé has left the Roman Church, and joined the branch of Mr. Henry Drummond's Church in France, and is the editor of _Le Recueil Catholique_, to advocate the cause of the new church. The passage to which I refer is in the October Number, p. 208., and is given as a proof of his theory: "L'Apostolat supplanté, absorbé par l'Episcopat;" this first order of ministry in the Christian Church having been in abeyance, till it was revived in the person of Mr. Drummond and the other eleven apostles of that Church! In Mant and D'Oyley's Bible it is said that Diotrophes is unknown; and Grotius and Doddridge entertain different opinions about him, but neither speak of him as being a bishop. ER. _Grisly._--Can any of your readers inform me why a person in a fretful state is said to be _grisly_? the far-famed Guzzle being a pattern of meekness and patience. I am aware that Johnson gives the meaning--_fearfully_, _horribly_; but this does not seem satisfactory. Infants are often said by their nurses to be "very _grisly_." RUBY. _Birthplace of St. Patrick._--Can the disputed question of the birthplace of St. Patrick be settled? Some writers assign Scotland, others England, and others France, as his fatherland. He himself informs us (_Confess. sub init._) that he was born at _Bonavem-Taberniæ_. This locality has been supposed by some writers to be _Kilpatrick_, on the mouth of the Clyde, and by others _Boulogne-sur-Mer_. CEYREP. _Motto on Chimney-piece._--There is a carved oak chimney-piece in my possession, of the time of James I., from a mansion at Newcastle-upon-Tyne occupied as the Turk's Head Inn, and taken down about fifteen years ago. In the central compartment is a shield, but the crest is wanting. The quarterings are three stags' heads, and checky; and as the motto has puzzled wiser heads than mine, I beg leave to produce it. One or two of the letters are doubtful, but there is no omission: "VITATRANOVULAESTOLIM." I should feel much obliged to any one for deciphering the motto, and still more for discovering the original possessor of this interesting piece of antiquity. Another motto, under a coat of arms on some old china, cannot meet with an interpreter: "VE DAL AM DARO." C. T. _Curious Bequest._--In the parish of Eardisland in Herefordshire, I am informed that some charitable person, whose name I could not ascertain, left to certain poor persons, parishioners, the following singular bequest, viz., to each poor person-- 13 bushels of wheat 13 red herrings 13 tennis balls 13 pepper corns 13 pence. This was to be distributed on Maunday Thursday. Can any of your correspondents throw light upon this, or mention similar instances of such singular bequests? H. C. K. _Wilkie's Blind Fiddler._--I should be much obliged if you, or any of your correspondents, could give me some information respecting Sir David Wilkie's picture of "The Blind Fiddler." I believe he painted as many as four, if not more, copies of the original, and that the first picture was finished by him in the year 1807; that in the National Gallery is dated, as I am informed, 1808. What I wish to ascertain is, the real number of the pictures of this subject that Wilkie painted, _with their dates_; and if possible, in whose hands they are at present. H. C. K. ---- Rectory, Hereford. _Lode._--It seems to be a provincial word, according to Forby, and means "an artificial water-course," from A.-S. _lodian_, _haurire_; he also adduces the instance I have named, and also a water-course in Fincham, called in old writings "the Lode ditch." It would be interesting to know if it is used elsewhere than in Norfolk, and it may be Suffolk; but, at all events, I should much like to come at the real meaning. J. N. C. _Ballad quoted by Sir Walter Scott._--Effie Deans, in the _Heart of Mid-Lothian_, sings this stanza of a ballad: "The elfin knight sate on the brae, The broom grows bonnie, the broom grows fair, And by there cam' lilting a lady so gay, And we daurna' gang down to the broom nae mair." There is a traditional ballad, very similar, of which the following is the only stanza preserved: "Ae kings dochter said to anither, Broom blooms bonnie, an' grows sae fair, We'll gae ride like sister and brither, But we'll never gae down to the broom nae mair." Sir Walter Scott delighted in preserving scraps of old ballads; and perhaps the two fragments above quoted may be part and parcel of the same original. Some friend in the "north countrie" may perhaps settle this point. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Ann Stewart, Wife of Christopher Hall._--Can any of your readers inform me, by referring to an old work called _Stewart's History of the Stewarts_, page 156., whether Ann Stewart therein mentioned, who married Christopher Hall, was a descendant of the daughter of Henry VII.? JOHN OF GAUNT. _Moveable Organs and Pulpits._--In looking over a small pamphlet, entitled _The Temple Church, an Account of its Restoration and Repairs_, by William Burge, Esq. (8vo. 1843, Pickering), I met with the following passage, which serves me for a peg on which to hang a Query: "Mr Etty justly observes that 'in St. Peter's at the present day, the organ is a very small one comparatively to the building, and is wheeled about, like the ancient pulpits, to different parts of the church!'"--P. 34. Are movable organs common in Italy or elsewhere? With regard to pulpits, the chapel of King's College, Cambridge, has two at the present time, placed in one of the small chapels on the north side. They are moved into the choir when required. Besides these, the neighbouring church at Grantchester has a large pulpit, which, tradition says, also once belonged to the same noble edifice. Can any of your correspondents mention other examples of churches or chapels so well supplied? W. SPARROW SIMPSON, B.A. _Nobleman alluded to by Bishop Berkeley._--Bishop Berkeley, in his _Minute Philosopher_ (Dialogue II. vol. i.), makes mention of "an English nobleman who in the prime of life professeth a liberal art, and is the first man of his profession in the world." Who was this nobleman? J. M. _Chelwoldesbury._--I shall be glad to have the opinion of your readers on the derivation of the name of a village, which in early records is spelt "Chalwoldesbury," "Chelwardesbury," "Chilwardesbury," "Chedwoldesby," &c. It is partly on the site of a British or Danish encampment, in a good state of preservation. The soil is chalky, and the country for some short distance round may have been open, but more probably the woods closely surrounded the camp. These particulars may assist in arriving at the derivation of the name, now corrupted into Cholesbury. W. H. K. _Swallows' Nests._-- "... That wond'rous stone, which the swallow, Brings from the shore of the sea to restore the sight of its fledglings; Lucky was he who found that stone in the nest of the swallow!" Longfellow's _Evangeline_, Part I. i. May I ask for information respecting the allusion contained in these lines? W. S. T. _Quotation from Arthur Hopton._--Arthur Hopton (_Baculum Geodæticum_, 1610, preface) says: "If this hold, it is time to ... take the globe out of the king Ptolomies hand, and there place a poore Siquis, such as forlorne forreiners use to have in Paul's Church." What does this mean? M. _Group at Prague._--I have in my possession a print representing Mercury in a flying attitude, bearing a female figure in his arms: the latter figure carries a cyathus in her right hand. The inscription at the bottom of the print is-- "IVSSV RVDOLPHI · II · CÆSARIS AVGVSTI, ADRIANVS DE VRIES HAGIENSIS FACIEBAT. PRAGUÆ. OPVS ALTITVDINIS PEDVM OCTO EX ÆRE." I apply to "N. & Q." in hopes that this "Q." may meet the eye of some erudite correspondent, and draw forth a satisfactory "N." Was Prague ever decorated with such a group? If the group in question be not a myth, what is the meaning of it? Who is meant by the first line of the inscription? TECEDE. _Cards prohibited to Apprentices._--When was the prohibition to play at cards or dice first introduced into apprentices' indentures? It occurs in the form of an indenture for an apprentice in _A Book of Presidents_, printed about 1566, and compiled by Thomas Phaer, who describes himself as "Solicitour to the King and Queenes Majesties." EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Cursitor Barons._--Can any of your correspondents guide me to a list of the Cursitor Barons, or refer me to any account of their origin and history? I find no such officer named up to the reign of Henry VIII., beyond which I have not yet inquired; nor does any notice occur of them in Madox's _History of the Exchequer_. EDWARD FOSS. _Phelps's Gloucestershire Collections._--The late John Delafield Phelps, Esq., who died in December, 1842, was well known among the literati as an ardent _bibliophile_, and a great investigator and accumulator of antiquities. He was one of the original members of the Roxburghe Club, established nearly forty years ago, and had devoted a long life to his favourite pursuits. Having been a native of Gloucestershire, he felt a particular interest in everything which regarded that county, and had in his lifetime collected a great mass of materials for the elucidation of its history, antiquities, &c., in every respect. It is understood that an ample catalogue (_raisonné_ perhaps) was printed under his direction for circulation among his particular friends, giving great evidence of his assiduity and talents, and of the value of the collection. Participating to a great extent the interest which actuated Mr. Phelps to ascertain a local knowledge of Gloucestershire, I should feel obliged if any reader of the "N. & Q." could inform me what has become of Mr. Phelps's collection; if it remains entire, and if it be accessible by any recommendation to the present possessor? Δ. (2). _Huant Le Puisné._--I have in my possession a small gold _bonbonnière_ exquisitely enamelled with portraits and landscapes, and bearing the following inscription: "Huant Le puisné pinxit à Berlin." Can any of your readers refer me to a work where I shall find any account of this painter? A. O. O. D. _Arms of Roberson._--What is the meaning of a man, chained hand and foot, placed horizontally beneath the arms of Roberson? R. S. B. Minor Queries Answered. _Winterton._--Information is requested of John [Ralph] Winterton, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, who translated, revised, and published Gerard's _Meditations and Prayers_, Cambridge, 1674, dedicated to John (Dolben), Lord Bishop of Rochester: the second part is called on the title-page the tenth edition. This book measures only four by two inches, and one inch in thickness, and contains 560 pages. E. D. [Ralph Winterton, in 1632, translated the _Considerations of Drexelius upon Eternity_, in the Preface to which he says, "I left the temple of Hippocrates and the Muses, and betook myself into the sanctuary, to learn of David divine arithmetic, which consisteth in the due numbering of the days of this short life, by comparing them with the years of eternity; and so I fell upon translating this book of eternity. And this I found, by daily experience, to be the best hypnoticon that ever I used; for it brought me to my rest better than if had taken diacodion." In 1634 he was nominated Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge; and in 1635 published an edition of the minor Greek poets. The first edition of his translation of Gerard's _Meditations and Prayers_ was published in 1631, and in 1640 he translated Gerard's _Summe of Christian Doctrine_, 8vo. There is a Latin distich by Winterton among the Additional MSS. in the British Museum, No. 5955.] _Emblems of a Saint._--At the sale of the late Mr. Cottingham's Museum of medieval art was sold on the seventh day "a corbel with a figure of a saint with a basket of birds in one hand, in the other a staff." Will you allow me to inquire, through your valuable columns, the name of this saint? BURIENSIS. [Joachim, the Father of Mary, is sometimes represented as holding in his hand a basket with two turtle doves in it.--See _Die Attribute der Heiligen_, &c., Hanover, 1843.] _Quack._--Why are certain members of the medical profession so called? I have seen "in print" that the Egyptian hieroglyphic for a doctor was a _duck_. Does this afford a clue? A. A. D. [Our English _Quack_, or _Quacksalver_ as it was originally written, is from the German _Quacksalber_, or rather the Dutch _Kwaksalver_; which Bilderdijk, in his _Geslachtlijst der Naamwoorden_, states should be more properly _Kwabzalver_ (Iatroliptes), from _Kwab_, a wen, and _zalver_, to salve or anoint.] _Dr. Hieron Mercurialis._--Who was Dr. Hieron Mercurialis, the author of a book having the following title: _Medicina Practica, seu de cognoscendis, discernendis, et curandis, omnibus humani corporis affectibus, earumque causis indagandis_? W. S. [Hieron Mercurialis, an eminent and learned physician, was born at Forli, in Romagna, in 1530. During a sojourn of seven years at Rome, he paid great attention to classical literature and the monuments of antiquity, and composed the learned and elegant work which first rendered him celebrated in the literary world, _De Arte Gymnastica Libr. sex_, printed in 1567. After filling the Professor's chair at Padua for eighteen years, he removed, in 1587, to Bologna, and subsequently to Pisa. He died in his native place in 1606. See Rose's _Biographical Dict._] _The Book of Sports._--This celebrated royal indulgence of Sabbath-breaking was first issued in 1617, and again in 1633. On its first promulgation, Archbishop Abbott forbad the reading of it in the parish church of Croydon; but in 1637 many clergymen were deprived of their livings for not complying with the royal ordinance. In that year, at least, Lawrence Snelling, Rector of Paul's Cray, was for that offence excommunicated and then deprived. In 1643 it was ordered by the Lords and Commons that this book should be burnt by the common hangman in Cheapside and other usual places. The Sheriffs of London and Middlesex were required "to assist effectually" in the execution of the order; and all persons were required forthwith to deliver up all copies to the sheriff. The 10th of May was the day fixed for putting this order into execution. Was it complied with generally? I cannot find that any penalty was attached to disobedience. Is the book now scarce? I presume it is accessible in public libraries. S. S. S. [The earlier editions of _The Book of Sports_ are now scarce, but may be seen in most public libraries. It was reprinted in 1709, with the following title: _The Book of Sports, set forth by James I. and Charles I._, with remarks upon the same in vindication of Charles I. 4to. It was also reprinted in the _Harleian Miscellany_, and in _The Phoenix_, vol. i.] Replies. MEANING OF GROOM. (Vol. v., p. 57.) Several of the recent articles of the "N. & Q." having had relation to the word _groom_, I may be allowed to submit to you a most ludicrous misconception of the duties attributed by our continental neighbours to our court-office of "Groom of the Stole," which struck me some years ago. One of the most laborious, and, from his extensive historical knowledge, one of the most competent editors of French memoirs, is M. F. Barrière, whose introductory discourses have been used so frequently by the writers on French subjects in the _Quarterly Review_, though not always with frank avowal of the obligation. In 1828 he published _Les Mémoires du Comte de Brienne_, a distinguished public man during the minority and early reign of Louis XIV., and there, at p. 372. of the second volume, referring to Brienne's father's _Mémoires_, tome i. p. 407. (Amsterdam, 1719, 8vo.), produces the following singular misapprehension of our habits and language. In 1624 the elder of these noblemen, it seems, was deputed by Louis XIII. to adjust the preparatory arrangements of our Charles I.'s marriage with Henrietta Maria, the French monarch's sister, who, it was stipulated, should be attended equally by French and English ladies. Among the former are named the Duchess of Chevreuse, the Maréchale de Thémines (wife of the Marshal), and Madame de Saint-Georges, who had been the princess's governess and lady of honour,--a title unknown, it is said, at the English court, but for which the Duke of Buckingham, the representative of Charles, proposed as an equivalent, that of Groom of the _Stool_ (sic) "qui revient assez bien à ce qu'on appelerait dans notre langue, le gentilhomme, ou la dame de _la chaise-percée_. Cette charge est très considérable; elle fait jouir de très grands privilèges," &c. A natural expression of surprise follows this portraiture of a high and regular functionary, whose attributes not even majesty could ennoble or strip of indignity. The transposition of the name and duties of Groom of the Stole has caused this most ridiculous blunder--a double one, indeed, for the office does not belong to female majesty, though it may, as of course at present, form part of a royal consort's household. The living editor of De Brienne, who dwells on these "étranges usages de nos voisins d'outremer," tells us, and it is confirmed by De Brienne himself, that this nobleman felt proud and honoured at the familiarity and confidence of Louis XIV., who often conferred with him on state affairs, enthroned "sur sa chaise-percée." The Duchess of Burgundy, mother of Louis XV., it is known, never hesitated to administer to herself a relieving remedy, not to be pronounced by name in English society, in presence of Louis XIV. and his attendant courtiers; so that these violations of decorum, falsely imputed to our court, were of historical truth at Versailles. J. R. (Cork). May not _groom_ be the _literal_ English of the French _écuyer_, and have in the places quoted the same meaning as _esquire_, which is evidently the Anglicised French? W. C. TREVELYAN. Wallington. BALLAD OF LORD DELAWARE. (Vol. ii., pp. 104. 158.; Vol. v., p. 243.) As I have reason to believe that several of your readers are interested in this old ballad, I send you an exact transcript of the oral version contained in Mr. Lyle's (not _Lyte's_, as incorrectly printed in my former communication) now rare little volume. Your correspondent C. W. G. thinks that it relates to some transaction much later than 1622; and possibly he may be right. It may be as well, however, to mention that Mr. J. H. Dixon, who inserted the ballad in his _Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England_ (Percy Society, No. LXII.), thinks otherwise, and, indeed, claims for it an antiquity as high as the reign of Edward III., A.D. 1377. He suggests that for De la Ware we should read De la Mare, and believes Sir Thomas De la Mare, Speaker of the House of Commons, to have been the hero. Mr. Dixon says: "All historians are agreed in representing him as a person using 'great freedom of speech,' and which, indeed, he carried to such an extent as to endanger his personal liberty. As bearing somewhat upon the subject of the ballad, it may be observed that De la Mare was a great advocate of popular rights, and particularly protested against the inhabitants of England being subject to 'purveyance;' asserting that 'if the royal revenue was faithfully administered, there could be no necessity for laying burdens on the people.'" The title of the "Welsh lord, the brave Duke of Devonshire," offers some opposition to Mr. Dixon's hypothesis, as no _Duke_ of Devonshire was created before 1694; but, as Sir Walter Scott observed, upon a friend pointing out an inaccuracy in his "Bonnets of bonnie Dundee," "We cannot always be particular in a ballad." Possibly the name of some other country or place should be substituted for that of "Devonshire." Indeed I remember, some ten years ago, hearing a version of this ballad sung at a village in Staffordshire, where the "minstrel" (for he was a true descendant of the wandering tribe) used _Hereford_ in the place of Devonshire. There is an old ballad in Deloney's _Garland of Good Will_, upon the quarrel between the two Dukes of Hereford and Norfolk, in the reign of Richard II. See Hume's _Hist. of Eng._, chap. xvii., A.D. 1398, for a full account of the transaction. There seems to be some "relationship" between this "combat" and that of the Lord Delaware. At any rate, the following ballad smacks wonderfully (allowing for the march of time, and Mr. Lyle's "smoothing down") of the style of the "ballading silk-weaver," and his cotemporary poetasters. "LORD DELAWARE. "In the Parliament House, a great rout has been there, Betwixt our good King and the Lord Delaware: Says Lord Delaware to his Majesty full soon, Will it please you, my Liege, to grant me a boon? "What's your boon, says the King, now let me understand? It's, give me all the poor men we've starving in this land; And without delay, I'll hie me to Lincolnshire, To sow hemp seed and flax seed, and hang them all there. "For with hempen cord it's better to stop each poor man's breath, Than with famine you should see your subjects starve to death. Up starts a Dutch Lord, who to Delaware did say, Thou deservest to be stabb'd! then he turned himself away: "Thou deservest to be stabb'd, and the dogs have thine ears, For insulting our King in this Parliament of peers; Up sprang a Welsh Lord, the brave Duke of Devonshire, In young Delaware's defence, I'll fight this Dutch Lord, my sire. "For he is in the right, and I'll make it so appear: Him I dare to single combat, for insulting Delaware. A stage was soon erected, and to combat they went, For to kill, or to be kill'd, it was either's full intent. "But the very first flourish, when the heralds gave command, The sword of brave Devonshire bent backward on his hand; In suspense he paused awhile, scann'd his foe before he strake, Then against the King's armour, his bent sword he brake. "Then he sprang from the stage, to a soldier in the ring, Saying, Lend your sword, that to an end this tragedy we bring: Though he's fighting me in armour, while I am fighting bare, Even more than this I'd venture, for young Lord Delaware. "Leaping back on the stage, sword to buckler now resounds, Till he left the Dutch Lord a-bleeding in his wounds: This seeing, cries the King to his guards without delay, Call Devonshire down: take the dead man away! "No, says brave Devonshire, I've fought him as a man, Since he's dead, I will keep the trophies I have won; For he fought me in your armour, while I fought him bare, And the same you must win back, my Liege, if ever you them wear. "God bless the Church of England, may it prosper on each hand, And also every poor man now starving in this land; And while I pray success may crown our King upon his throne, I'll wish that every poor man may long enjoy his own." EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. FAMILY LIKENESSES. (Vol. v., p. 260.) To most persons the discovery by VOKAROS of a family likeness existing between the face on the brass of the Abbess of Elstow, and the portrait of the Marquis of Bristol, after a lapse of three centuries, would probably seem moderately far-fetched; but when this is adduced as "valuable evidence on the disputed point, whether portraits were attempted in sepulchral brasses," a very great demand indeed is made upon our credulity. I have not the means now of referring to the works of Fisher and Rokewode; but I have before me a rubbing of the Elstow brass. Any person tolerably familiar with the subject will at once see that the face of the lady is identical with that which is repeatedly to be found on numerous brass effigies of persons of both sexes at the beginning of the sixteenth century; in fact, it is not very dissimilar to that of the fellow brass of the Abbot at Dorchester, Oxon. If, therefore, we might judge by the likeness, very many brazen-faced gentry of olden time might claim the honour of being ancestors of the noble lord. And so far from its being a disputed point, whether the faces on brasses are attempted likenesses, no one, I think, who has at all studied our monumental brasses, can fail to have come to the conclusion that they were _not_ intended to be portraits. The great proof of this lies in the obvious similarity in the faces of cotemporary figures which have been produced by the same artists, who, probably from their residing in London, and perhaps in a few other places, very rarely had an opportunity of seeing the persons to be commemorated. The instructions forwarded to the engravers would seem to have been confined to the inscription and other details, chiefly the costume, at least if we may judge from the large brasses at Digswell, Herts, and other similar figures. The ready adoption of unaltered palimpsest effigies may also be cited as an additional proof of the likeness being entirely a matter of indifference; and it is not improbable that many brasses were kept ready made, half-length figures of priests for instance; and files of children, all bearing a strong family likeness, may have been engraved, ready to be cut off on the shortest notice, and laid down at so much per foot. The only approach towards a likeness, if it may be termed such, seems to be the distinction between youth and age, and even that was almost wholly neglected in the fifteenth and earlier half of the sixteenth centuries. The foregoing remarks apply chiefly to brasses before the latter end of the sixteenth century; after that period portraits were evidently not unfrequently attempted. Very rare instances, however, before this time, _may_ be found. I may specify the effigy of Nich. Canteys, 1431, Margate, Kent. Mr. Doyle, in his able painting of _Caxton submitting his proof-sheet to Abbot Estney_ (noticed in "N. & Q." No. 54. p. 398.) has taken the likeness of the Abbot from his brass in Westminster Abbey, which is, I suppose, as good a likeness of the original as any other that can be found; but the members of Queen's College, Oxford, have not been so fortunate. Several years ago, while hunting up a likeness of their founder (Robt. Egglesfield, 1340), they stumbled upon an old brass in the College Chapel, from which a painting and engraving was made purporting to be that of the founder. Recent researches have unfortunately fatally dispelled this illusion, as the effigy in question undoubtedly commemorates Dr. Robt. Langton, who deceased 1518. H. H. EARL OF ERROLL. (Vol. v., p. 297.) According to Burke's _Peerage_ for 1850, the present Lord Erroll is "the twenty-second High Constable of Scotland; and as such is, by birth, the first subject in Scotland after the blood-royal, having a right to take place of every hereditary honour, which was granted to his lordship's father on the visit of George IV. to North Britain" (in 1822). In a small treatise, _De Jure Prelationis Nobilium Scotiæ_, printed by the Bannatyne Club in 1827, from a manuscript in the Advocates' Library, with a preface and numerous additions by Sir Alexander Seton, Lord Pitmedden, I find the following remark, under the head of "Comes de Erroll":-- "The Earle of Erroll claims precedency of all the nobilitie of Scotland nixt to the Chancellour, though of ane ancienter creation than himself, be vertue of his office of Constabulary, of the which that precedency is a priviledge; and to instruct that it is a priviledge, he produces a Report of a Commission that was granted be the King under the Great Seal anno 1631, to take tryall of the priviledges of the Constable; which Report, in the second article thereof, bears that the precedency is due to the Constable next to the Chancellor, _but he has never been in possession of it, but only takes place by his antiquity as Earle_." The report here referred to is given in Nisbet's _Heraldry_, vol. ii. p. 67. In the eighth chapter of Sir George Mackenzie's treatise on "Precedency" (p. 534. of the second volume of his works), your correspondent will find some interesting information regarding the ancient office of High Constable. In the course of his remarks the learned author says: "Next to these (_i.e._ the Chancellor, Justice-General, Chamberlain, High Steward, Panetarius, and Buttelarius) are named, in the laws of King Malcolm Canmore (1057-1093), the Constable and Marishal; but now the Constable and Marishal take not place as officers of the Crown, but according to their creation as Earls: the reason thereof I conceive to be, because of old offices did not prefer those who possessed them, but they took place according to their creation; whereas now the Privy Seal precedes all Dukes, and the Secretary takes place before all of his own rank; but the Constable and Marishal, being now the only two officers of the Crown that are heritable in Scotland, continue to possess as they did formerly. But in France, England, and all other places, the Constable and Marishal take place as officers of the Crown; and it seems very strange that these, who ride upon the King's right and left hand when he returns from his Parliaments, and who guard the Parliament itself, and the honours, should have no precedency by their offices; and yet I cannot deny, but that of old other Earls were placed before them; for in the former Charter granted by King Alexander, Malcolm Earl of Fife is placed before them. And I conceive their precedency has not risen of late to the same proportion with others, because, of late, our armies have been commanded by other officers, and so there was little use for the Constable and Marishal." E. N. THE BOWYER BIBLE. (Vol. v., pp. 248. 309.) Seeing a fresh notice of this great book in No. 124. of "N. & Q.," I venture to forward a few particulars concerning Bowyer, who was an old friend, even of between thirty and forty years' standing. He is long since gone to his rest; he has left neither widow nor child, scarcely a distant relative, so that the following can neither "give offence nor grieve." He has often told me particulars of his early career. Being a poor youth in search of employment, and withal moody enough at his prospects, he was one day walking down Newgate Street, and pausing to look at a print or two in a shop-window, it struck him he could take a likeness; so he went home to his indifferent lodging, having procured implements suitable, seated himself before a glass, and took his own portrait, which he considered was as successful as a first effort could be. Encouraged thereby, he was soon employed to paint others, and such note did he acquire that his miniatures were carried into court-circles, so that he became a sort of celebrity in that line, and Queen Charlotte appointed him her official miniature-painter--if such be the proper term. He soon struck out much more important occupation, planning various publications, the most promising of which was his large edition of Hume's _History of England_; and this was so ponderous an undertaking that it was only at last disposed of by a lottery. His fondness for taking portraits never left him, and a very few years before his death he gratified my family by volunteering to paint a miniature of my father, and a capital likeness it was. He was much pleased with one of his successes, of which he has more than once told me with great glee. Just before George III. was secluded finally from public view, he and another artist, an old acquaintance, went one Sunday together to the Chapel-Royal at Windsor, and during the service each sketched the King on _one of his nails_: they adjourned to an inn, and while the impression was yet fresh, transferred to a sheet of paper the likeness of the venerable monarch. On returning with it to London, Bowyer sent it for the inspection of the Prince Regent, who was so pleased with this rough pencil-drawing, that he sent word back he would never part with it, and begged to know Bowyer's price. The latter said 105_l._, which the Prince Regent immediately forwarded. I once found Bowyer drawing at a table, a wig placed on a stick before him, and he was taking the likeness of a very old friend, who was dead and gone, from memory. In this attempt he entirely succeeded, even to the surprise of all who knew the deceased. About ten years ago a little book, called _Henry VIII. and his Contemporaries_, by B. Bensley, contained, concerning the earlier impressions of the Bible, the following note:-- "I trust to be pardoned for introducing a little anecdote relative to the Bible, exactly three hundred years after the period about which I am writing, that is not the less appropriate for being likewise illustrative of _episcopal shrewdness_. [The text is recording an instance of the then Bishop of London being bitten in an arrangement with a bookseller.] The most splendid Bible ever issued was that published by Macklin, printed by my late father, and the execution of which even his son may say, would alone hand down his name to posterity. _Bowyer_, publisher of another great national work--the folio edition of Hume's _History of England_, also a splendid specimen of my father's typography--had a copy of Macklin's Bible, which he employed his leisure during many years to illustrate, having the best opportunities, from his pursuits as an artist, publisher of prints, &c. On the completion of his labours, he valued the massy product, consisting of an immense number of prints, at 2500_l._; and, after unsuccessful efforts to procure a purchaser, he put it up to be raffled for, issuing proposals to the nobility and gentry, &c. Among others, an aged _bishop_ sent his name as a subscriber to this kind of lottery, and shortly after called at the rooms in Pall Mall to pay the two guineas; but, before he did so, he drew Mr. Bowyer apart, and gravely told him he could not quite make out how, by paying that sum, he could _ensure_ possession of the great work. Upon its being explained to his lordship, that he could only take a chance with 1249 others, he expressed surprise and vexation, and declined to pay two guineas for the chance, which he _then_, probably, saw was objectionable in a moral point of view, as a species of gambling! The parties are all long since dead." B. B. Pembroke. Replies to Minor Queries. _Exeter Controversy_ (Vol. v., p. 126.).--Your correspondent A. N. will find, probably, that the "Exeter Controversy," to which Gifford alludes, was that between John Agate, of St. Mary Arches Church, in Exeter, and John Withers, a Presbyterian. The controversy commenced in 1707, and was carried on with great violence till 1715. The tracts are numerous, but many very scarce. Agate's chief tract was entitled _Plain Truth_, and is in three parts, Exon, 1708. Withers replied in a work of three parts also: _Truth Try'd, or Mr. Agate's pretended Plain Truth proved an Untruth_, Exon, 1708-9-10. This of course called forth a rejoinder, and so on. Although carried on with great personalities, the controversy shows considerable ability on both sides. I possess almost all the tracts, and shall be happy to send a list to A. N., if required. Withers, Trosse, and Pierce are all well-known Dissenting names in the history of Exeter at the beginning of last century, when that city was the stronghold of Arianism. RICHARD HOOPER. _Coleridge's "Friend"_ (Vol. v., p. 297.).--The passage quoted by your correspondent J. M. can refer to one man only, viz. Thomas Wedgewood. His introduction to that gentleman, and his brother Josiah, is related by Cottle. (_Recollections of Coleridge_, 1837, vol. i. p. 305.) Coleridge might well call the former his "munificent co-patron;" for we learn from Cottle that these brothers, soon after making the poet's acquaintance, settled upon him 150_l._ per annum, in order to prevent him sinking the man of letters in the Unitarian minister. Cottle adds: "Mr. C. was oppressed with grateful emotions to these his liberal benefactors. He always spoke, in particular, of the late Mr. Thomas Wedgewood as being one of the best talkers, and as possessing one of the acutest minds of any man he had known." The following details, which J. M. will not find in any book, may be interesting, to him:--Joseph Wedgewood, the illustrious potter, lived at _Etruria_, in Staffordshire; for such was the appropriate name of the house he built for himself. He had six children,--three sons, John, Thomas, and Josiah; and three daughters, Sarah, Catherine, and ****. John married a Miss Allen (one of four Devonshire lasses), who was accounted one of the most accomplished and excellent ladies in the county. Joshua married another of the sisters. Thomas never married. He was indisposed, both from ill health and taste, towards the pottery business, and took to philosophy. He was endowed with a rare genius, and enjoyed the society of the first _literati_ of his day. But he died while he was still a man of _promise_. Of his sisters, Sarah was an accomplished lady with a strong intellect, which captivated Basil Montagu, without reciprocity. Catherine was a first-rate horse-woman. The third daughter married the celebrated Dr. Darwin, of Shrewsbury. All of them, I believe, are dead. C. MANSFIELD INGLEBY. Birmingham. _Praying to the Devil_ (Vol. v., p. 273.).--Bishop Hall, in his _Cases of Conscience_ (Decade iii. Case 2. Lond. 1654), alludes to the fact of Satanic compacts, as indeed do many others of our old divines. The master work on the subject is, I believe, that entitled _Disquisitiones Magicæ_ by Martinus Delrio. Let me particularly refer your correspondent R. S. F. to Lib. ii. of said volume, Quæst. 4. pp. 99., &c., and to Lib. v. sect. xvi. pp. 759., &c. (_Coloniæ Agrippinæ_, 1633, 4to.) In turning over the leaves fortuitously, I stumbled upon the name of Catherine de Medicis, and perhaps in a connexion that will render the legend of the steel box not incredible: "Sic ille ipse, Bodino non ignotus, faciebat Italus Parisiis, tam carus Catharinæ Mediceæ, qui chirothecis, globulis, vel pulveribus suave fragrantibus, alios solo necabat odore illæsus ipse, et hoc pacto à se interfectam Navarræ Reginam Albretham, veneni vi per nares in cerebrum penetrante, gloriabatur. Vera causa est, hæc ex pacto fieri per dæmonem," &c.--Lib. iii. pars i. quæst. 3. sect. 2. p. 394. RT. Warmington. _The Word "shunt"_ (Vol. iii., p. 204.).--I can confirm what MR. WAY says on this word. I have looked for the word in all the dictionaries and glossaries I could lay my hands upon, both in this country and abroad, but in vain. Singular enough, however, I have found it in the small edition of Bailey, and in Dr. Ash's _Dictionary_. In reading the other day Victor Hugo's _Notre Dame_, I met with the word _Pignon_, which has exactly the same signification as the Welsh word _Piniwn, the gable or pine end of a house_. Is the French word derived from the Welsh, or the Welsh from the French? or is the coincidence in sound and sense purely accidental? Perhaps some of your Welsh correspondents can explain this. E. JONES. Aberayron, Cardiganshire. _St. Paul's Quotation of Heathen Writers_ (Vol. v., p. 278.).--Acts xiv. 17. Ὑετὸς does not occur, according to the Indexes, in Sophocles, Euripides, or Pindar. The style of the Hellenizing Jews was sometimes very poetical, as in the Wisdom of Solomon: but in one of the most inflated passages in that book, it does not go so far as οὐρανόθεν. It says only ἀπ' οὐρανῶν. Nor does Wetstein quote οὐρανόθεν from any author but Homer. Hesiod might have been added (Passow), but that is the same thing. It seems a word unfit for prose. Καιρὸς καρποφόρος is quoted by Wetstein from _Achmet_. C. B. _Rex Lucifer._--It would be a most horrid barbarism to impute to such a Latin poet as Milton the use of this word for the devil; although in his theological poem he may have adopted that popular and discreditable gloss upon Isaiah xiv. The palace of the light-bringing king is no other than that known to our earliest school-days, in Ovid 1. ad fin. 2. ad init. Phaëthon passes the "positos sub ignibus Indos," and then "patrios adit impiger ortus," where "Regia Solis erat sublimibus alta columnis," &c. Milton uses the word as an adjective, as in Ovid, "luciferos, Luna regebat equos." Otherwise it would necessarily signify the Planet Venus, or morning star. A. N. _Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative_ (Vol. v., p. 185.).--Miss Porter's letter speaks of the piety and domestic concord of the Seawards. Your readers may be amused to know that this piety affords one proof of the fiction of the narrative. They sometimes give the dates both of the day of month and week, and derive together much comfort from the singular applicability of passages in the lessons for the day. When I was reading the book, the days of the month and week fell the same as in the narrative, and as it happened to be at the same time of year too, I made the unpalatable discovery, that, however suitable the passages might be, they were not as they professed to be, at least not always, from the lesson of the day. P. P. _Spanish Verses on the Invasion of England_ (Vol. v., p. 294.).--L. H. J. T. will find the Spanish verses which form the subject of his Query in Southey's _Quarterly Review_ article on Lord Holland's _Life and Writings of Lope de Vega_ (_Quarterly Review_, vol. xviii. p. 6.), together with the following lively version: "My brother Don John To England is gone, To kill the Drake, And the Queen to take, And the heretics all to destroy; And he will give me, When he comes back, A Lutheran boy With a chain round his neck; And Grandmamma From his share shall have A Lutheran maid To be her slave." Southey's reference is, _Romancero General_. _Medina del Campo_, 1602, ff. 35. The lines form part of "a child's poem, or, more properly, a poem written in the character of a child (a species of playful composition at that time popular among the Spaniards)," and are quoted by Southey, together with an Ode by Luis de Gongora, to show the exultant anticipation with which the success of the Armada, in which expedition Lope de Vega had entered himself as a volunteer, was expected by the Spaniards. E. V. In the second volume of Mr. Ticknor's admirable _History of Spanish Literature_ will be found an English translation of the Spanish ballad referred to by your correspondent L. H. J. T. I am not quite sure whether the Spanish ballad is given by Mr. Ticknor or not; but the following is a part of the English translation:-- "And Bartolo, my brother, To England forth is gone, Where the Drake he means to kill; And the Lutherans every one, Excommunicate from God. Their Queen among the first He will capture and bring back, Like heretics accurs'd: And he promises, moreover, Amongst his spoils and gains, A heretic young serving-boy To give me, bound in chains; And for my lady grandmamma, Whose years such waiting crave, A little handy Lutheran, To be her maiden slave." These stanzas are cited by Mr. Ticknor to illustrate the state of public feeling which prevailed in Spain respecting Sir Francis Drake and his countrymen. Lope de Vega was also, it will be remembered, the author of a poem on Drake's last expedition and death, entitled _La Dragontea_. F. L. Temple. _Templars_ (Vol. v., p. 295.).--With respect to the somewhat modern imposture of the Paris Templars, E. A. H. L. had better consult Thilo's _Codex Apocryphus_. In the generality of foreign masonic books he will find the derivation of the Freemasons from the Templars asserted as being their tradition. As to "the succession of Grand Masters kept up" by them, I question whether that is asserted by them, or elsewhere than in the Parisian imposture. The masonic formularies called _Thuileur_, and M. de Bonneville's _Maçonnerie Ecossaise_, may be consulted. But the history of the order subsequent to that worthy, Jacques de Molai, will not there, or elsewhere, be traced. The facts of common external history which relate to the abolition of that order, such as the foundation of the Portuguese Order of Christ, will all be found in Wilke's _German History of the Temple Order_. A. N. E. A. H. L. will find a valuable Note, with reference to the principal authorities, in Hallam's _Supplemental Notes_, p. 48. ff. See also Mill's _History of Chivalry_. The Grand Masters, since the suppression, seem to have been principally Frenchmen. The chief authority is, I believe, the _Manuel des Templiers_, which is only sold to members of the society. E. S. JACKSON. Saffron-Walden. _Story of the Greek referred to by Jeremy Taylor_ (Vol. iv., pp. 208. 262. 326.).--It may interest those correspondents of "N. & Q." who, in answer to my Query on the above point, have given references to similar stories in _Don Quixote_, and the life of St. Nicholas in the _Legenda Aurea_, to learn that I have lately traced the story to its real source, on which probably the parallel versions in question were based. The name of the Greek was Archetimus of Erythræa; that of the victim of the artifice Cydias of Tenedos. The story is given at length in the _Loci Communes J. Stobæi, Antonii Melissæ, et Maximi Monachi_, cura Gesner, Serm. cxvi. p. 362. ed. fol. Francof. 1581. ALEXANDER TAYLOR. _Emaciated Monumental Effigies_ (Vol. v., p. 247.).--The legend repeated to me whilst viewing the tomb of John Baret, some few years since, is somewhat different from that related by your correspondent BURIENSIS. A portion of the roof over the tomb is elaborately diapered with stars of lead gilt, collars of SS., and a monogram of the letters I.B., together with the motto, "Grace me governe." (A specimen of the diaper is given in Collings' _Gothic Ornaments_, 4to., London, 1848.) The sexton informed me that the person commemorated by the emaciated figure had undertaken to diaper the whole roof of the church in a manner similar to the work above his tomb; but, on discovering that his life would be insufficient for the task, was so affected that he starved himself to death. I presume that Ba_n_t is a misprint for Ba_re_t, in p. 247. of your present volume. The tradition alluded to by your correspondent has been, I believe, attached by some to the emaciated figure at St. Saviour's, Southwark. A good example of this kind of memorial is found in the ante-chapel of St. John's College Chapel, Cambridge. What foundation is there for the account, that the superb roof of St. Mary's, Bury St. Edmund's, was constructed in France, and put together after it was brought to England? W. SPARROW SIMPSON. _Deaths from Fasting_ (Vol. v., pp. 247. 301.).--In the _Oxford Manual of Sepulchral Brasses_, pp. 168-175., will be found a curious list of monumental representations of skeletons and emaciated figures in shrouds (1472-1598), which may, perhaps, prove interesting to BURIENSIS. It is by no means improbable that some of the examples are intended to commemorate persons whose deaths occurred in consequence of fasting. E. N. _London Genealogical Society_ (Vol. v., p. 297.).--I presume your correspondent W. P. A. refers to the Heraldic and Genealogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland for the Elucidation of Family Antiquity, which issued a prospectus a few years ago; but whether or not it is still in existence I am unable to say. Gentlemen desirous of joining the society were requested to transmit their names to the secretary, "William Downing Bruce, Esq., K.C.J., F.S.A., United Service Institution, Whitehall, London," _to whom all communications respecting it were to be addressed_. E. N. Shortly after its establishment, I was appointed corresponding member to the London Genealogical Society, but on going to their rooms one morning, found the concern had "vanished into thin air." METAOUO. _Martinique_ (Vol. v., p. 11.).--There must be some inaccuracy in the reply of MR. PHILIP S. KING (p. 165.) to the Query of your correspondent W. J. C. A reference to the few authorities to which I have access leads me to suppose that the period of the actual discovery of this island is involved in some obscurity. Washington Irving assumes its identity with the island called by its inhabitants "Mantinino," and that it was the first land made by Columbus on his fourth voyage to the West Indies in 1502. Mr. Major, in his Introduction to the _Select Letters of Columbus_, published for the Hakluyt Society, inclines to the same opinion. It is extremely probable that Columbus had heard reports of this island when he was among the group of the Caribbees in 1493, but he does not appear to have been then further south than the latitude of Dominica. Peter Martyr, however, alludes to Mantinino, an island of Amazons, as having been passed by the admiral to the _north_ of Guadaloupe, when on his course to Hispaniola. Assuming this to be an error of position, and that the discovery of the island did not really take place until the year 1502, the period at which Columbus was there (June) could have had no influence on its new name, since the days of the two Saints Martin are in November. I am inclined to think that the name "Martinico" may have been conferred by the Spaniards at some subsequent period; and, supposing it to be a diminutive of _Martin_, in honour of the lesser St. Martin, pope and martyr, and not him of Tours. _Martinique_ is, of course, the same word Gallicised. R. W. C. _"The Delicate Investigation," &c._ (Vol. v., p. 201.).--In answer to the Query of ELGINENSIS, as to the book which he calls _The Trial of the Princess of Wales_, meaning, I presume, the book generally known at the time by the name of _The Delicate Investigation_, I beg to inform him, that several years ago I was present when the sum of five hundred pounds was paid for a copy of it by an officer high in the service of the then government. H. B. _Miserrimus_ (Vol. iv., p. 37.).--It may be interesting to your correspondent F. R. A. to learn that there is a notice of the demise of the Rev. Thomas _Maurice_, not _Morris_, in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for 1748; but whether this is a typographical error of our old friend Sylvanus Urban or not I am unable to discover, although I have made every research in my power. The celebrated Wordsworth, with other minor poets, have drawn fanciful pictures of the old divine; but, from what little may be learned of his history in the paragraph of his decease above referred to, it is quite evident that all are very far from depicting the real character of the individual who chose such an eccentric epitaph as the sole word "MISERRIMUS;" for he is there said to have been "a gentleman very charitable to the poor, and much esteemed." The original stone which covered his remains, having the word "Miserrimus" spelt with a single _r_, being nearly obliterated, was renewed many years since by, I believe, one of the gentlemen connected with the cathedral. Your correspondent is correct in stating the work alluded to as being written by the late F. M. Reynolds. I should feel obliged if any one could furnish further particulars of this individual. J. B. WHITBORNE. _Cynthia's Dragon-yoke_ (Vol. v., p. 297.).--For the satisfaction of your Boston correspondent H. T. P., I have been unable to find anything but the following note from Bishop Newton's edition of Milton's works:-- "Dragon-yoke.--This office is attributed to dragons on account of their watchfulness." So Shakspeare, in _Cymbeline_, Act II. Sc. 2.: "Swift, swift, you _dragons_ of the night." And in _Troilus and Cressida_, Act V. Sc. 14.: "The _dragon_ wing of night o'erspreads the earth." Milton has somewhat of the same thought again in his Latin poem, _In Obitum Præsulis Eliensis_: "Longeque sub pedibus deam Vidi triformem, dum coercebat suos Frænis _dracones_ aureis." TYRO. Dublin. I apprehend that Cynthia's Dragon-team is given to her as the reward of her concern in magical rites; of which especially she is the goddess, and the dragon the beast of burden and locomotion. SAX. _Cromwell's Skull_ (Vol. v., p. 275.).--I believe that, by inquiry at Mr. Donovan's the phrenologist, in or near the Strand, something may be heard of Cromwell's skull. I saw, sometime ago, a drawing of it in his window, in a serial publication on phrenology with which he was concerned. SAX. _Almas-Cliffe_ (Vol. v., p. 296.).--In the parish of Innerwick, East Lothian, is a farm named Aimlescleugh, supposed to be a corruption of _Elms_-cleugh, which may possibly have a common origin with the locality referred to by your Harrowgate correspondent. Strange to say, the first meaning of the word _cleugh_, or _cleuch_, as given in Jamieson's _Dictionary_, is "a precipice, or rugged ascent." E. N. _Artificial Memory_ (Vol. v., p. 305.).--The hexameters on English counties given by C. S. P. remind me of the following verses, which used to assist the oblivious student at Oxford when preparing for an examination on Scripture history. It will be observed that the prosody is not strictly correct. 1. _The five Cities of the Philistines._ (Josh. xiii. 3.) Askelon, Azotus, Gath, Gazæque additur Ekron. (Azotus is the same as _Ashdod_.) 2. _The six Cities of Refuge._ (Josh. xx. 7-9.) Bezer, Golan, Gilead, urbes _oriente_ locatæ; _Solis ab occasu_, Kadesh, Hebronque, Shechem. 3. _The seven Deacons._ (Acts vi. 5.) Diaconi Septem, Stephanus, Philipque, Nicanor, Parmenas et Prochorus, Nicholas atque Timon. 4. _The seven Churches of Asia._ (Rev. i. 11.) Septem Smyrna, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Laodicea; Pergamos et Sardis, nec Thyatira deest. E. N. _Punishment of Boiling to Death_ (Vol. v., pp. 32. 112. 184.).--It may not be uninteresting to adduce an instance in this town: "1531. _This year here was a maid boiled to death in the Market-place for poisoning her mistress._" J. N. C. King's Lynn. _Barnard's Church Music_ (Vol. v., p. 176.).--In addition to the "odd parts" mentioned by your correspondent AMANUENSIS, may be included a tenor, and a counter-tenor part, in my possession. MR. BERIAH BOTFIELD, in his _Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England_, p. 439., mentioning the music-books in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, says: "I may here notice Day's _Service Book_, 1565, with music; the tenor, _Morning and Evening Prayer_, imperfect, but of which only three or four copies are known; Barnard's _Cathedral Music_, only found elsewhere at Berlin; and several English Music Books of great rarity." I am tolerably well acquainted with the contents of the Westminster Library, but have not been fortunate enough to discover the copy here mentioned. Perhaps AMANUENSIS may be more lucky. At present I am under the impression that MR. BOTFIELD is in error as to the existence of a copy of _Barnard_ at Westminster. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Portrait of Baskerville_ (Vol. iv., p. 211.).--For the information of your correspondent W. CORNISH, I am enabled to inform him that there is a beautiful portrait of that celebrated typographist Baskerville in the possession of the Messrs. Longman of Paternoster Row, and painted too by that most exquisite of English artists, Gainsborough. Of this portrait there is also a private plate (copper), from which I happen to possess, through the kindness of a very old friend, an impression to add to a collection of Worcestershire portraits. A former correspondent, Vol. iv., p. 40., states that Mr. Merridew assured him there was no portrait of Baskerville; but Mr. M., in his catalogue of _Engraved Warwickshire Portraits_, p. 4., notices a "woodcut" from an original picture in the possession of the late Thomas Knott, Esq. J. B. WHITBORNE. _Autograph Music by Handel_ (Vol. v., p. 247.).--I have the pleasure to inform the Rev. W. SPARROW SIMPSON, that the duet mentioned by him: "Và, và, speme infida pur va non ti credo," forms the Fifth Number of Handel's celebrated _Chamber Duets_, and was first printed, I believe, by the late Dr. Samuel Arnold, in his noble edition of the _Works of Handel_. The circumstances attending the composition of these chamber duets are thus alluded to in the anonymous _Memoirs of Handel_, 8vo., 1759, p. 85.: "Soon after his [Handel's] return to Hanover [in the year 1711], he made twelve Chamber Duettos, for the practice of the late Queen, then Electoral Princess. The character of these is well known to the judges in music. The words for them were written by the Abbate Mauro Hortensio, who had not disdained on other occasions to minister to the masters of harmony." I must, however, beg leave to express my opinion that MR. SPARROW's MS. is _not_ an _autograph_ of the great composer, on the ground that the _original_ MSS. of the _Chamber Duets_ are preserved in the Queen's library at Buckingham Palace. Handel used not to make more than one copy of his various pieces, unless (as was seldom the case) he made additions or alterations. I should mention that a new edition of the _Chamber Duets_ is now in the course of publication by the Handel Society. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT. _Dr. Fell_ (Vol. v., p. 296.).--Your correspondent, who inquires about the lines of which the above is the subject, may find some answer to his question in _Life of Canning_, by R. Bell, p. 193., where, after describing the various attempts of the Pitt party to get Addington to resign the premiership, it is said: "In vain Sheridan exhausted his wit upon Addington, and threw the House into convulsions by his parody on Martial: "'I do not like thee, Doctor Fell,' &c." E. B. The author of the lines is Tom Brown, the witty and facetious writer of _Dialogues of the Dead, in imitation of Lucian_, &c., who being about to be expelled the University of Oxford for some fault, was pardoned by the Dean of Christchurch on the condition that he should translate extempore the epigram from Martial, xxxiii.: "Non amo te, Zabidi, nec possum dicere quare; Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te;" which he instantly rendered: "I do not love thee, Dr. Fell," &c. R. I. S. [We are indebted to BOSQUECILLIO VIEGO, and other correspondents, for similar replies.] _Fernseed_ (Vol. v., p. 172.).--This was considered a charm of the highest potency. It not only preserved the fortunate possessor against the malignant influences of demon, witch, and sorcerer, but enabled him to render himself invisible at pleasure: "We have the receipt of fern-seed, we walk invisible," quoth _honest_ Gadshill (_Henry IV._, Part I. Act II. Sc. 1.). The difficulty and danger with which it could only be obtained, apparently tended much to enhance its magical value in the estimation of the cabalist. It was to be gathered, after solemn fasting, and the performance of mystic ceremonies now unknown, on Midsummer Eve, at the very instant in which the Baptist's birth took place. The spiritual world was arrayed in fierce hostility against the daring gatherer. The fairies used every effort to preserve it from human possession, with an inveteracy which showed what high value they put upon it. As to the danger resulting from their hostility, Richard Bovet, in his _Pandæmonium_ (p. 217., London, 1684), gives curious evidence:-- "Much discourse hath been about gathering of fern-seed (which is looked upon as a magical herb) on the night of Midsummer Eve; and I remember I was told of one who went to gather it, and the spirits whisk't by his ears like bullets, and sometimes struck his hat, and other parts of his body; in fine, though he apprehended he had gotten a quantity of it, and secured it in papers, and a box besides, when he came home he found all empty. But, most probable, this appointing of times and hours is of the devil's own institution, as well as the fast; that having once ensnared people to an obedience to his rules, he may with more facility oblige them to stricter vassalage." The fern-seed charm is amply discussed in Brand's _Popular Antiquities_, vol. i. p. 314. (Bohn's edition.) R. S. F. Perth. Any of your readers who have access to an amusing book called _The Radical_, by Samuel Bamford, may see most appalling account of an adventure connected with the gathering of fern-seed, and other superstitions. P. P. _Longevity and Rejuvenescency_ (Vol. v., p. 276.).--I beg to refer your sceptical correspondent to Fuller's _Worthies_ (county of Northumberland) for a remarkable instance of longevity; viz. Patrick Machell Vivan, Vicar of Lesbury, near Alnwick. Percival Stockdale, in his _Memoirs_, gives some further particulars respecting his predecessor; and I extract from that work (vol. i. p. 149.) a letter written by the venerable old man, wherein he gives an account of himself. It is dated Oct. 9, 1657, and addressed to one William Lialkus, a citizen of Antwerp. "Whereas you desired a true and faithful messenger should be sent from Newcastle to the parish of Lesbury, to inquire concerning John Maklin; I gave you to understand that no such man was known ever to be, or hath lived there for these fifty years past, during which time I, Patrick Makel Wian, have been minister of that parish, wherein I have all that time been present, taught, and do yet continue to teach there. But that I may give you some satisfaction, you shall understand that I was born in Galloway in Scotland, in the year 1546, bred up in the University of Edinburgh, where I commenced Master of Arts, whence, travelling into England, I kept school, and sometimes preached, till in the first of King James I was inducted into the church of Lesbury, where I now live. As to what concerns the change of my body, it is now the third year since I had two new teeth, one in my upper, the other in my nether jaw, as is apparent to the touch. My sight, much decayed many years ago, is now, about the 110th year of my age, become clearer; hair adorns me heretofore bald skull. I was never of a fat, but a slender mean habit of body. My diet has ever been moderate, nor was I ever accustomed to feasting and tippling: hunger is the best sauce; nor did I ever use to feed to satiety. All this is most certain and true, which I have seriously, though overhastily, confirmed to you, under the hand of PATRICK MAKEL WIAN, Minister of Lesbury." Mr. Stockdale adds, that there is a tradition that when the Plague visited Lesbury, in the reign of Charles II., those who were infected were removed to tents on the neighbouring moor, where the venerable pastor attended them with great assiduity, ministering to their wants temporal and spiritual. The date of his death is unknown. E. H. A. _Indignities on the Bodies of Suicides_ (Vol. v., p. 272.).--I much doubt whether burying in cross roads was originally meant as an indignity. I think this is nearly connected with my still unanswered Query, _What is a Tye?_ Vol. iii., p. 263. I suspect suicides were buried in a cross road, because that was a place where a cross or crucifix stood, and only second in sanctity to the churchyard; and the stake driven through the body was perhaps first intended not as an insult, but to keep the ghost of the suicide from walking on the earth again. I would willingly believe our ancestors were not always such savages as R. S. F. shows us the Scotch once were in this respect. I fear at that time we were not much better. A. HOLT WHITE. To my previous Note, I beg leave to append a passage from Arnot's _Criminal Trials_ (p. 368.), which may tend to throw some light on this subject. In speaking of the witch prosecutions in Scotland, this writer says: "If an unfortunate woman, trembling at a citation for witchcraft, ended her sufferings by her own hand, she was dragged from her house at a horse's tail, and buried under the gallows." R. S. F. Perth. _Large Families_ (Vol. v., pp. 204. 304.).--To the instances of unusually large numbers of children by one mother given in "N. & Q." may be added that of a Lady Elphinstone, who is said, by tradition, to have had no less than thirty-six children, of whom twenty-seven were living at one time. There is a story told of this lady and her husband, Lord Elphinstone, which seems to corroborate the tradition; it is, that they once asked a new and somewhat bashful acquaintance to visit them, telling him that he should meet no one but their family circle. Their guest arrived shortly before dinner, and, being shown through the dining-hall on his way to the drawing-room, was much disconcerted at seeing a long table laid for about twenty people. On remonstrating with his host and hostess for having taken him in, as he thought, he was quietly informed that he had been told no more than the truth, for that their family party, when all assembled, only fell short of _thirty_ by _one_. I believe that John eighth Lord Elphinstone and his lady, a daughter of the Earl of Lauderdale, who lived in the latter part of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries, are the pair to whom this story refers; and, though the Scotch peerages make no mention of any such phenomenon in the Elphinstone family, yet I am strongly inclined, from the goodness of the authority from which I derive the tradition, to believe it to be true; the more so, as it is now acknowledged that the Scotch peerages, not excepting Douglas's, which has hitherto been the chief book of reference respecting the noble families of Scotland, are so full of errors and omissions, that very little reliance can be placed on them. Can any of your readers inform me whether any documentary evidence exists that a lady Elphinstone had this extraordinary number of children? C. E. D. _Twenty-seven Children, &c._--About fifty years ago, Mrs. Edwards, residing in Quickset Row, New Road, had her twenty-eighth child, each a single birth; they were all born alive, and all lived several months, but she never had more than ten living at a time. A former pupil of mine knew a lady, of whom he wrote to me, that she had borne thirty children, all single births; seven only of them arrived at the age of manhood. He says, "This statement may be relied upon with the utmost confidence as a fact." S. M. _The last of the Palæologi_ (Vol. v., p. 280.).--This is a most interesting subject; I beg to refer your readers to _Archæologia_, vol. xviii. p. 93., and to Burn's _History of Foreign Refugees_, p. 230. J. S. B. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. The readers of "N. & Q." who are lovers of Folk Lore are, we well know, very numerous; those who take an interest in that subject, and are at the same time acquainted with the great philological acquirements of the learned editor of the _Ancient Laws and Institutes of England_, we have no doubt shared our satisfaction at the announcement that Mr. Thorpe had undertaken a work, comprehensive yet not too voluminous, in which he would exhibit the ancient mythology and principal mythologic traditions of Scandinavia and the North of Germany. The book is now before us; and in three small volumes, entitled _Northern Mythology, comprising the principal popular Traditions and Superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands_, Mr. Thorpe has presented us with such an amount of information illustrative of the intimate connexion subsisting between the heathenism of the Germanic nations of the Continent and that of our Saxon forefathers, gathered from the writings of the best scholars of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and the Low Countries, as was never before within the reach of the mere English student, and, in so doing, has produced a book which the general reader will devour for the sake of the amusement to be found in it, the philosopher for the view of the human mind which it presents, and the antiquary for the abundance of new light which it throws upon many of the most obscure points in the Folk Lore of Merry England. We shall probably often have occasion to refer to it, in illustration of communications upon a subject which is yet far from exhausted. We were reminded, by the excellent explanation of the word _Bigot_, quoted by a correspondent in our last Number (p. 331.) from the Rev. R. Chevenix Trench's Lectures _On the Study of Words_, of a duty we owed to our readers, namely, that of calling their attention more directly to this admirable little volume. The Lectures, which are "On the Morality in Words," "On the History in Words," "On the Rise of New Words," "On the Distinction of Words," and "The Schoolmaster's Use of Words," may be said to be a continuous and well-digested series of proofs of the truth of the remark, that "there are cases in which more knowledge of more value may be conveyed by the history of a word, than by the history of a campaign." The book is, indeed, altogether a delightful one, calculated not only to delight the understanding, but do so in such a spirit as shall leave the reader a better as well as a wiser man. _Fraser's Magazine_ for the present month opens with an article on a subject which will doubtless interest many of our readers. It is entitled _The Colleges of Oxford_, and exhibits, with much clearness, a sketch of their origin and history, and is obviously introductory to the consideration of their future policy. _The Afghans, the Ten Tribes, and the Kings of the East. The Druses, the Moabites_, by the Right Hon. Sir G. H. Rose, is, as the ample title shows, an endeavour to establish the identity of the Afghans with the Ten Tribes, and of the Druses with the Moabites; and the argument is carried on in a manner which reflects the highest credit upon the learning and reverent spirit of the writer. _The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero literally translated_, by C. D. Yonge, vol. iii., is the new volume of Bohn's _Classical Library_, and contains the orations for his house, Plancius, Sextius, Cælius, Milo, Ligarius, &c. _A few Remarks on the Emendation "Who Smothers her with Painting," in the Play of Cymbeline, discovered by Mr. Collier in a corrected Copy of the Second Edition of Shakspeare_, by J. O. Halliwell. A pamphlet in which Mr. Halliwell defends the old reading, "Whose mother was her painting," against the ingenious suggestion of the anonymous emendator of Mr. Collier's second folio. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. BACK'S VOYAGE OF THE TERROR, 8vo. BACK'S OVERLAND JOURNEY IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS, 8vo. L'HISTOIRE DE LA SAINCTE BIBLE, par ROYAUMONDE: à Paris, 1701. JOHNSON'S (DR. S.) WORKS, by MURPHY. Trade Edition of 1816, in 8vo. Vol. XII. only. SCOTT'S CONTINUATION OF MILNER'S CHURCH HISTORY. Vol. II. Part II. 8vo. WINKELMAN'S REFLECTIONS ON THE PAINTING OF THE GREEKS, translated by FUSELI. London, 1765, 8vo. ROYAL PROCLAMATIONS IN ENGLAND IN THE YEAR 1688, EXTENDING TO AND INCLUDING THE YEAR 1707. London, folio. TYRWITT'S SOLID REASONS FOR PHILOSOPHIZING. Winchester, 1652. BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY. The first two Volumes. In Numbers preferred. MARVELL'S WORKS. 3 Vols. 4to. MARVELL'S (ANDREW) LIFE. KINGSTON-ON-HULL, any work upon. EDWIN AND EMMA. Taylor, 1776. 5_s._ will be given for a perfect copy. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Vol. V. Part I. ---- ---- ---- ---- Vols. VIII. and IX. in Numbers. POPE'S WORKS, BY WARTON, 1797. Vol. IV. ROSCOE'S NOVELIST'S LIBRARY.--TRISTRAM SHANDY. Vol. II. LINGARD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 4to. edit. Vol. VII. LEBEUF, TRAITE HISTORIQUE SUR LE CHANT ECCLESIASTIQUE. [Star symbol] Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, _carriage free_, to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street. Notices to Correspondents. REPLIES RECEIVED.--_As we have been compelled to go to press a day earlier this week, in consequence of Good Friday, we have to request the indulgence of our Correspondents for the omission of our usual list of Replies Received._ C. S. _We have a letter waiting for this Correspondent. Where can we forward it?_ H. G. S. _We have forwarded your Note to_ E. D. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. C. S. _will be happy to give_ E. A. H. L. _much information on this subject, if he will put himself in communication with_ C. S., _whose address the Editor is in possession of._ _The Nos. of_ Quarterly Review _advertised for can be had on application to_ George Bell, _186. 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Post 8vo. pp. 240, half-bound in morocco, 6_s._ ---- Antique Ballads, sung to crowds of old, Now cheaply bought for thrice their weight in gold. BIBLIOTHECA MADRIGALIANA: a Bibliographical account of the Music and Poetical Works published in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c. By DR. RIMBAULT. 8vo. cloth, 5_s._ CONSUETUDINES KANCIÆ. A History of GAVELKIND, and other remarkable Customs in the County of KENT, by CHARLES SANDYS, Esq., F.S.A. (Cantianus), illustrated with fac-similes, a very handsome volume, 8vo. cloth, 15_s._ BRUCE'S (REV. J. C.) HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF THE ROMAN WALL FROM THE TYNE TO THE SOLWAY. Thick 8vo. 35 plates and 194 woodcuts, half morocco, 1_l._ 1_s._ Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.--Saturday, April 10, 1852. [Transcriber's Note: List of volumes and content pages in "Notes and Queries", Vol. I.-V.] +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. I. | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 1 | November 3, 1849 | 1 - 17 | PG # 8603 | | Vol. I No. 2 | November 10, 1849 | 18 - 32 | PG # 11265 | | Vol. I No. 3 | November 17, 1849 | 33 - 46 | PG # 11577 | | Vol. I No. 4 | November 24, 1849 | 49 - 63 | PG # 13513 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 5 | December 1, 1849 | 65 - 80 | PG # 11636 | | Vol. I No. 6 | December 8, 1849 | 81 - 95 | PG # 13550 | | Vol. I No. 7 | December 15, 1849 | 97 - 112 | PG # 11651 | | Vol. I No. 8 | December 22, 1849 | 113 - 128 | PG # 11652 | | Vol. I No. 9 | December 29, 1849 | 130 - 144 | PG # 13521 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 10 | January 5, 1850 | 145 - 160 | PG # | | Vol. I No. 11 | January 12, 1850 | 161 - 176 | PG # 11653 | | Vol. I No. 12 | January 19, 1850 | 177 - 192 | PG # 11575 | | Vol. I No. 13 | January 26, 1850 | 193 - 208 | PG # 11707 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 14 | February 2, 1850 | 209 - 224 | PG # 13558 | | Vol. I No. 15 | February 9, 1850 | 225 - 238 | PG # 11929 | | Vol. I No. 16 | February 16, 1850 | 241 - 256 | PG # 16193 | | Vol. I No. 17 | February 23, 1850 | 257 - 271 | PG # 12018 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 18 | March 2, 1850 | 273 - 288 | PG # 13544 | | Vol. I No. 19 | March 9, 1850 | 289 - 309 | PG # 13638 | | Vol. I No. 20 | March 16, 1850 | 313 - 328 | PG # 16409 | | Vol. I No. 21 | March 23, 1850 | 329 - 343 | PG # 11958 | | Vol. I No. 22 | March 30, 1850 | 345 - 359 | PG # 12198 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 23 | April 6, 1850 | 361 - 376 | PG # 12505 | | Vol. I No. 24 | April 13, 1850 | 377 - 392 | PG # 13925 | | Vol. I No. 25 | April 20, 1850 | 393 - 408 | PG # 13747 | | Vol. I No. 26 | April 27, 1850 | 409 - 423 | PG # 13822 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 27 | May 4, 1850 | 425 - 447 | PG # 13712 | | Vol. I No. 28 | May 11, 1850 | 449 - 463 | PG # 13684 | | Vol. I No. 29 | May 18, 1850 | 465 - 479 | PG # 15197 | | Vol. I No. 30 | May 25, 1850 | 481 - 495 | PG # 13713 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. II. | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 31 | June 1, 1850 | 1- 15 | PG # 12589 | | Vol. II No. 32 | June 8, 1850 | 17- 32 | PG # 15996 | | Vol. II No. 33 | June 15, 1850 | 33- 48 | PG # 26121 | | Vol. II No. 34 | June 22, 1850 | 49- 64 | PG # 22127 | | Vol. II No. 35 | June 29, 1850 | 65- 79 | PG # 22126 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 36 | July 6, 1850 | 81- 96 | PG # 13361 | | Vol. II No. 37 | July 13, 1850 | 97-112 | PG # 13729 | | Vol. II No. 38 | July 20, 1850 | 113-128 | PG # 13362 | | Vol. II No. 39 | July 27, 1850 | 129-143 | PG # 13736 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 40 | August 3, 1850 | 145-159 | PG # 13389 | | Vol. II No. 41 | August 10, 1850 | 161-176 | PG # 13393 | | Vol. II No. 42 | August 17, 1850 | 177-191 | PG # 13411 | | Vol. II No. 43 | August 24, 1850 | 193-207 | PG # 13406 | | Vol. II No. 44 | August 31, 1850 | 209-223 | PG # 13426 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 45 | September 7, 1850 | 225-240 | PG # 13427 | | Vol. II No. 46 | September 14, 1850 | 241-256 | PG # 13462 | | Vol. II No. 47 | September 21, 1850 | 257-272 | PG # 13936 | | Vol. II No. 48 | September 28, 1850 | 273-288 | PG # 13463 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 49 | October 5, 1850 | 289-304 | PG # 13480 | | Vol. II No. 50 | October 12, 1850 | 305-320 | PG # 13551 | | Vol. II No. 51 | October 19, 1850 | 321-351 | PG # 15232 | | Vol. II No. 52 | October 26, 1850 | 353-367 | PG # 22624 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 53 | November 2, 1850 | 369-383 | PG # 13540 | | Vol. II No. 54 | November 9, 1850 | 385-399 | PG # 22138 | | Vol. II No. 55 | November 16, 1850 | 401-415 | PG # 15216 | | Vol. II No. 56 | November 23, 1850 | 417-431 | PG # 15354 | | Vol. II No. 57 | November 30, 1850 | 433-454 | PG # 15405 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 58 | December 7, 1850 | 457-470 | PG # 21503 | | Vol. II No. 59 | December 14, 1850 | 473-486 | PG # 15427 | | Vol. II No. 60 | December 21, 1850 | 489-502 | PG # 24803 | | Vol. II No. 61 | December 28, 1850 | 505-524 | PG # 16404 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. III. | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 62 | January 4, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 15638 | | Vol. III No. 63 | January 11, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 15639 | | Vol. III No. 64 | January 18, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 15640 | | Vol. III No. 65 | January 25, 1851 | 49- 78 | PG # 15641 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 66 | February 1, 1851 | 81- 95 | PG # 22339 | | Vol. III No. 67 | February 8, 1851 | 97-111 | PG # 22625 | | Vol. III No. 68 | February 15, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 22639 | | Vol. III No. 69 | February 22, 1851 | 129-159 | PG # 23027 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 70 | March 1, 1851 | 161-174 | PG # 23204 | | Vol. III No. 71 | March 8, 1851 | 177-200 | PG # 23205 | | Vol. III No. 72 | March 15, 1851 | 201-215 | PG # 23212 | | Vol. III No. 73 | March 22, 1851 | 217-231 | PG # 23225 | | Vol. III No. 74 | March 29, 1851 | 233-255 | PG # 23282 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 75 | April 5, 1851 | 257-271 | PG # 23402 | | Vol. III No. 76 | April 12, 1851 | 273-294 | PG # 26896 | | Vol. III No. 77 | April 19, 1851 | 297-311 | PG # 26897 | | Vol. III No. 78 | April 26, 1851 | 313-342 | PG # 26898 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 79 | May 3, 1851 | 345-359 | PG # 26899 | | Vol. III No. 80 | May 10, 1851 | 361-382 | PG # 32495 | | Vol. III No. 81 | May 17, 1851 | 385-399 | PG # 29318 | | Vol. III No. 82 | May 24, 1851 | 401-415 | PG # 28311 | | Vol. III No. 83 | May 31, 1851 | 417-440 | PG # 36835 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 84 | June 7, 1851 | 441-472 | PG # 37379 | | Vol. III No. 85 | June 14, 1851 | 473-488 | PG # 37403 | | Vol. III No. 86 | June 21, 1851 | 489-511 | PG # 37496 | | Vol. III No. 87 | June 28, 1851 | 513-528 | PG # 37516 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. IV. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 88 | July 5, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 37548 | | Vol. IV No. 89 | July 12, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 37568 | | Vol. IV No. 90 | July 19, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 37593 | | Vol. IV No. 91 | July 26, 1851 | 49- 79 | PG # 37778 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 92 | August 2, 1851 | 81- 94 | PG # 38324 | | Vol. IV No. 93 | August 9, 1851 | 97-112 | PG # 38337 | | Vol. IV No. 94 | August 16, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 38350 | | Vol. IV No. 95 | August 23, 1851 | 129-144 | PG # 38386 | | Vol. IV No. 96 | August 30, 1851 | 145-167 | PG # 38405 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 97 | Sept. 6, 1851 | 169-183 | PG # 38433 | | Vol. IV No. 98 | Sept. 13, 1851 | 185-200 | PG # 38491 | | Vol. IV No. 99 | Sept. 20, 1851 | 201-216 | PG # 38574 | | Vol. IV No. 100 | Sept. 27, 1851 | 217-246 | PG # 38656 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 101 | Oct. 4, 1851 | 249-264 | PG # 38701 | | Vol. IV No. 102 | Oct. 11, 1851 | 265-287 | PG # 38773 | | Vol. IV No. 103 | Oct. 18, 1851 | 289-303 | PG # 38864 | | Vol. IV No. 104 | Oct. 25, 1851 | 305-333 | PG # 38926 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 105 | Nov. 1, 1851 | 337-358 | PG # 39076 | | Vol. IV No. 106 | Nov. 8, 1851 | 361-374 | PG # 39091 | | Vol. IV No. 107 | Nov. 15, 1851 | 377-396 | PG # 39135 | | Vol. IV No. 108 | Nov. 22, 1851 | 401-414 | PG # 39197 | | Vol. IV No. 109 | Nov. 29, 1851 | 417-430 | PG # 39233 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 110 | Dec. 6, 1851 | 433-460 | PG # 39338 | | Vol. IV No. 111 | Dec. 13, 1851 | 465-478 | PG # 39393 | | Vol. IV No. 112 | Dec. 20, 1851 | 481-494 | PG # 39438 | | Vol. IV No. 113 | Dec. 27, 1851 | 497-510 | PG # 39503 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. V. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 114 | January 3, 1852 | 1- 18 | PG # 40171 | | Vol. V No. 115 | January 10, 1852 | 25- 45 | PG # 40582 | | Vol. V No. 116 | January 17, 1852 | 49- 70 | PG # 40642 | | Vol. V No. 117 | January 24, 1852 | 73- 94 | PG # 40678 | | Vol. V No. 118 | January 31, 1852 | 97-118 | PG # 40716 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 119 | February 7, 1852 | 121-142 | PG # 40742 | | Vol. V No. 120 | February 14, 1852 | 145-167 | PG # 40743 | | Vol. V No. 121 | February 21, 1852 | 170-191 | PG # 40773 | | Vol. V No. 122 | February 28, 1852 | 193-215 | PG # 40779 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 123 | March 6, 1852 | 217-239 | PG # 40804 | | Vol. V No. 124 | March 13, 1852 | 241-263 | PG # 40843 | | Vol. V No. 125 | March 20, 1852 | 265-287 | PG # 40910 | | Vol. V No. 126 | March 27, 1852 | 289-310 | PG # 40987 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 127 | April 3, 1852 | 313-335 | PG # 41138 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol I. Index. [Nov. 1849-May 1850] | PG # 13536 | | INDEX TO THE SECOND VOLUME. MAY-DEC., 1850 | PG # 13571 | | INDEX TO THE THIRD VOLUME. JAN.-JUNE, 1851 | PG # 26770 | | INDEX TO THE FOURTH VOLUME. JULY-DEC., 1851 | PG # 40166 | +------------------------------------------------+------------+ End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes and Queries, Vol. V, Number 128, April 10, 1852, by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 41171 ***