*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 23479 *** ILLUSTRATIONS TO SHAKESPEARE'S TEMPEST BY WALTER CRANE 1893 +Mr Dallas's reproductions of my pen drawings for this work appear to me to be very faithful & successful in preserving the touch & general character of the originals.+ +Walter Crane+ _I have to certify that I have printed 650 copies of each of these eight subjects designed by WALTER CRANE, and engraved in Dallastype Facsimile by myself._ _Six Hundred Copies are for sale, viz.:--400 for the United Kingdom and 200 for America._ _This Copy is No. +417+, and I certify that since printing the above number the Plates have been destroyed._ +Duncan C. Dallas.+ [Illustration] EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS TO SHAKESPEARE'S TEMPEST: DESIGNED BY WALTER CRANE ENGRAVED & PRINTED BY DUNCAN C DALLAS PUBLISHED BY J M DENT & CO LONDON & COPELAND & DAY BOSTON MASS 1894 [Illustration] THE TEMPEST PROSPERO.--By accident most bountiful Fortune, now my dear lady, hath mine enemies brought to this shore. _Act 1. Scene II._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST The Dance of the Nymphs and the Reapers. _Act 4. Scene I._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST _A noise of hunters is heard. Enter divers spirits in the shape of hounds, and hunt them about: PROSPERO and ARIEL setting them on._ _Act 4. Scene I._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST MIRANDA.--If you'll sit down I'll bear your logs the while. Pray give me that, I'll carry it to the pile. _Act 3. Scene I._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST BOATSWAIN.--Hence! what care these roarers for the name of king? _Act 1. Scene I._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST FERDINAND.--Most sure, the goddess on whom these airs attend. _Act 1. Scene II._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST CALIBAN.--As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer. _Act 3. Scene II._ [Illustration] THE TEMPEST MIRANDA.--Sweet lord, you play me false. FERDINAND.--No, my dearest love, I would not for the world. _Act 5. Scene I._ Transcriber's Note: Handwritten sections of the text are identified with plus signs, +like this+. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 23479 ***