Books about Short stories (sorted alphabetically)
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$1,000 a Plate Jack McKenty
13th juror Leslie Waltham
1,492,633 Marlon Brandos Vance Aandahl
2 B R 0 2 B Kurt Vonnegut
4-1/2B, Eros Malcolm Jameson
4-D Doodler Graph Waldeyer
Aab Edward W. Ludwig
Aaron Trow Anthony Trollope
Abandoned of Yan Donald F. Daley
Abbé Aubain and Mosaics Prosper Mérimée
Abijah's Bubble Francis Hopkinson Smith
Absolutely no paradox Lester Del Rey
Accept no substitutes Robert Sheckley
Accidental Death Peter Baily
Acid Bath Bill Garson
Across the Years Eleanor H. Porter
Addicts Joseph Samachson
adelig Opdager (Danish) Richard Marsh
Advanced Chemistry Jack G. Huekels
Adventurer C. M. Kornbluth
Adventures in Many Lands Various
adventures of Alphonso and Marina: An Interesting Spanish Tale Florian
Adventures of a Sixpence in Guernsey by A Native Anonymous
Affinities, and Other Stories Mary Roberts Rinehart
After a Few Words... Randall Garrett
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