Books about Astronomy -- Juvenile literature (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–12
Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know Julia Ellen Rogers 346 downloads
The Children's Book of Stars G. E. Mitton 212 downloads
Astronomy for Young Folks Isabel Martin Lewis 193 downloads
Star-land: Being Talks With Young People About the Wonders of the Heavens Robert S. Ball 177 downloads
The Star People Gaylord Johnson 170 downloads
Astronomy in a nutshell : The chief facts and principles explained in popular language for the general reader and for schools Garrett Putman Serviss 168 downloads
Popular lessons in astronomy, on a new plan : in which some of the leading principles of the science are illustrated by actual comparisions, independent of the use of numbers Francis J. Grund 166 downloads
Stories of Starland Mary Proctor 145 downloads
The Book of Stars: Being a Simple Explanation of the Stars and Their Uses to Boy Life A. Frederick Collins 137 downloads
Was mir das Sternenlicht erzählt: Eine populäre Himmelskunde für die Jugend (German) Felix Erber 130 downloads
Peter Parley's Wonders of the Earth, Sea, and Sky Samuel G. Goodrich 125 downloads
Astronomy for Young Australians James Bonwick 78 downloads
Displaying results 1–12