Books about English fiction -- 20th century (sorted alphabetically)
Commentary John Galsworthy
confessions of a well-meaning woman Stephen McKenna
Countess of Lowndes Square, and Other Stories E. F. Benson
Count Zarka: A Romance Sir William Magnay
Cruise of the "Scandal", and other stories Victor Bridges
day's play A. A. Milne
Dead letters Maurice Baring
Debits and credits Rudyard Kipling
Dumpling : A detective love story of a great labour rising Coulson Kernahan
emerald of Catherine the Great Hilaire Belloc
exploits of Captain O'Hagan Sax Rohmer
Gilead Balm, knight errant : His adventures in search of the truth Bernard Capes
girl from nowhere Mrs. Baillie Reynolds
Glory of Clementina Wing William John Locke
golden windmill, and other stories Stacy Aumonier
great Skene mystery Bernard Capes
Happy-go-lucky Morgans Edward Thomas
Hepplestall's Harold Brighouse
holiday round A. A. Milne
House of Baltazar William John Locke
House of Quiet: An Autobiography Arthur Christopher Benson
In the Wilderness Robert Hichens
Isles of Sunset Arthur Christopher Benson
Jeanne of the Marshes E. Phillips Oppenheim
Joan and Peter: The story of an education H. G. Wells