Books about Poverty -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Randy of the River; Or, The Adventures of a Young Deckhand Jr. Horatio Alger 257 downloads
Corrie active approximately 1876-1880 Ruth Lynn 207 downloads
Cast Upon the Breakers Jr. Horatio Alger 202 downloads
"No place like home" Hesba Stretton 198 downloads
Rivers of Ice R. M. Ballantyne 185 downloads
Jessica's First Prayer; and, Jessica's Mother Hesba Stretton 183 downloads
Ester Ried Yet Speaking Pansy 181 downloads
Witch Winnie: The Story of a "King's Daughter" Elizabeth W. Champney 178 downloads
The Unseen Hand; or, James Renfew and His Boy Helpers Elijah Kellogg 172 downloads
Christie's old organ : or, Home, sweet home Mrs. O. F. Walton 167 downloads
Lost Gip Hesba Stretton 158 downloads
Little Meg's Children Hesba Stretton 156 downloads
Alone in London Hesba Stretton 151 downloads
Dick and His Cat Mary Ellis 149 downloads
Some Little People George Kringle 149 downloads
Mark Manning's Mission: The Story of a Shoe Factory Boy Jr. Horatio Alger 148 downloads
Clarice Egerton's life story : or, What she could Annette Lyster 146 downloads
Scamp and I: A Story of City By-Ways L. T. Meade 146 downloads
Karl Krinken, His Christmas Stocking Susan Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner 144 downloads
Dan, the Newsboy Jr. Horatio Alger 142 downloads
The Carpenter's Daughter Susan Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner 142 downloads
Molly and Kitty, or Peasant Life in Ireland; with Other Tales Olga Eschenbach and Maria Burg 141 downloads
Bertha Weisser's wish : A Christmas story Mary L. Bissell 139 downloads
The Orphans of Glen Elder Margaret M. Robertson 135 downloads
The Bishop's Shadow I. T. Thurston 135 downloads
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