Books about Autobiographical fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Our Nig; Or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, in a Two-story White House, North Harriet E. Wilson
Paul Kelver Jerome K. Jerome
Personal History of David Copperfield Charles Dickens
petit chose (French) Alphonse Daudet
Petit Chose (Histoire d'un Enfant) Alphonse Daudet
Pierre; or The Ambiguities Herman Melville
Pikku naisia (Finnish) Louisa May Alcott
Pointed Roofs: Pilgrimage, Volume 1 Dorothy M. Richardson
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce
Prisonnière (Sodome et Gomorrhe III) (French) Marcel Proust
Redburn. His First Voyage Herman Melville
Revolving Lights: Pilgrimage, Volume 7 Dorothy M. Richardson
Sarrasine Honoré de Balzac
Sarrasine Honoré de Balzac
Sister Gertrude: A Tale of the West Riding D. F. E. Sykes
Sleeping Fires: a Novel Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Sodome et Gomorrhe - Deuxième partie (French) Marcel Proust
Sodome et Gomorrhe - Première partie (French) Marcel Proust
Solitary Summer Elizabeth Von Arnim
Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence
Studies and Essays: Quality, and Others John Galsworthy
Studies and Essays: The Inn of Tranquility, and Others John Galsworthy
Swann's Way Marcel Proust
Syrjästäkatsojan tarina (Finnish) Charlotte Brontë