Books about American essays -- 19th century (sorted by popularity)
A Breeze from the Woods, 2nd Ed. W. C. Bartlett 138 downloads
The Service Henry David Thoreau 133 downloads
Facts and Fictions of Life Helen H. Gardener 132 downloads
This Then is Upland Pastures Adeline Knapp 130 downloads
My study windows James Russell Lowell 129 downloads
Reveries of a Bachelor; or, A Book of the Heart Donald Grant Mitchell 128 downloads
Varia Agnes Repplier 126 downloads
Shadows and sunbeams: Being a second series of Fern leaves from Fanny's portfolio Fanny Fern 119 downloads
Impressions and experiences William Dean Howells 119 downloads
Goose-Quill Papers Louise Imogen Guiney 116 downloads
In the Dozy Hours, and Other Papers Agnes Repplier 109 downloads
Observations of a Retired Veteran Henry C. Tinsley 104 downloads