Books about Voyages and travels -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Rajah of Dah George Manville Fenn
Ran Away to Sea Mayne Reid
Ranch Girls in Europe Margaret Vandercook
Real Gold: A Story of Adventure George Manville Fenn
Red Miriok Annie Maria Barnes
Red Mustang William O. Stoddard
Red Rooney: The Last of the Crew R. M. Ballantyne
Rick Dale, A Story of the Northwest Coast Kirk Munroe
- Risto setän kirjeet, lasten hyödyksi (Finnish) Thekla von Gumpert
Road to Oz L. Frank Baum
Road to Oz L. Frank Baum
Road to Oz L. Frank Baum
Robinson Crusoëus (Latin) Daniel Defoe and Joachim Heinrich Campe
Roger Willoughby: A Story of the Times of Benbow William Henry Giles Kingston
Rover of the Andes: A Tale of Adventure on South America R. M. Ballantyne
Ruby at School Mrs. George A. Paull
Runaway Brig; Or, An Accidental Cruise James Otis
Ruth Fielding Down in Dixie; Or, Great Times in the Land of Cotton Alice B. Emerson
Sailor in Spite of Himself Harry Castlemon
Scarecrow of Oz L. Frank Baum
Scarecrow of Oz L. Frank Baum
Scheepsjongen van "De Gouden Leeuw" (Dutch) Johannes Hendrik Been
School Friends; Or, Nothing New William Henry Giles Kingston
Search for the Silver City: A Tale of Adventure in Yucatan James Otis
Seven Frozen Sailors George Manville Fenn