Books about Dakota Indians -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–17
Old Indian Days Charles A. Eastman 255 downloads
A Daughter of the Sioux: A Tale of the Indian frontier Charles King 210 downloads
The Story of Red Feather: A Tale of the American Frontier Edward Sylvester Ellis 205 downloads
The Heritage of the Sioux B. M. Bower 204 downloads
Golden Face: A Tale of the Wild West Bertram Mitford 187 downloads
The Lost Trail Edward Sylvester Ellis 150 downloads
The Lost Trail Edward Sylvester Ellis 139 downloads
The Great Sioux Trail: A Story of Mountain and Plain Joseph A. Altsheler 138 downloads
Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: A Story of the Great Prairie Sir William Francis Butler 130 downloads
Sioux-intiaanien kynsissä : Kertomus Texasista (Finnish) Emil von Nord 130 downloads
With Sully into the Sioux Land Joseph Mills Hanson 127 downloads
Tom Terror, the Outlaw James Jackson 123 downloads
The Boy Ranger; or, The Heiress of the Golden Horn Oll Coomes 116 downloads
Dusky Dick: or, Old Toby Castor's great campaign Jos. E. Badger 108 downloads
Old Bear-Paw, the trapper king; or, The love of a Blackfoot queen Henry M. Avery 100 downloads
Midnight Jack, or The road-agent T. C. Harbaugh 100 downloads
Dead Shot; Or, The White Vulture: A Romance of the Yellowstone Albert W. Aiken 96 downloads
Displaying results 1–17