Books about Brothers -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Golden Boys on the River Drive L. P. Wyman
Golden Boys Rescued by Radio L. P. Wyman
Golden Boys With the Lumber Jacks L. P. Wyman
Grit A-Plenty: A Tale of the Labrador Wild Dillon Wallace
Hartley brothers : or, The Knights of Saint John A. L. O. E.
Hold fast A. L. O. E.
house on the cliff Franklin W. Dixon
Hunting for hidden gold Franklin W. Dixon
Kapinapäällikön pojat: Seikkailuja Etelä-Afrikan rajaseuduilla (Finnish) Mayne Reid
Ken Ward in the Jungle Zane Grey
King's Sons George Manville Fenn
Lakewood boys in the frozen North L. P. Wyman
Lakewood boys in the South Sea islands L. P. Wyman
Lakewood boys on the Lazy S L. P. Wyman
Little Frankie and his Mother Madeline Leslie
Little Peter: A Christmas Morality for Children of any Age Lucas Malet
Little Queen of Hearts: An International Story Ruth Ogden
Lord of Dynevor: A Tale of the Times of Edward the First Evelyn Everett-Green
Marcus; or, The Boy-Tamer Walter Aimwell
Mercer Boys at Woodcrest Capwell Wyckoff
Mercer Boys in the Ghost Patrol Capwell Wyckoff
Mercer Boys' Mystery Case Capwell Wyckoff
Mercer Boys on a Treasure Hunt Capwell Wyckoff
missing chums Franklin W. Dixon
Miss Mouse and Her Boys Mrs. Molesworth