Books about Animals -- Juvenile literature (sorted by popularity)
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Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy Frank R. Stockton 641 downloads
The Animal World, A Book of Natural History Theodore Wood 481 downloads
The Boys' and Girls' Pliny the Elder Pliny 275 downloads
Mrs. Loudon's Entertaining Naturalist Mrs. Loudon 235 downloads
The Child's Book of Nature Worthington Hooker 234 downloads
Book about Animals Rufus Merrill 233 downloads
Friends in Feathers and Fur, and Other Neighbors: For Young Folks James Johonnot 219 downloads
Chatterbox Stories of Natural History Anonymous 209 downloads
History of Beasts Unknown 201 downloads
Tiere und Pflanzen in Wald und Feld (German) Arabella B. Buckley 179 downloads
A Pet Reader Edith Wilhelmina Lawson 172 downloads
Followers of the Trail Zoe Meyer 169 downloads
Inmates of My House and Garden Mrs. Brightwen 146 downloads
Little Frank and other tales : Chiefly in words of one syllable Anonymous 143 downloads
Little Present Unknown 143 downloads
King Mombo Paul B. Du Chaillu 140 downloads
Book of cats and dogs, and other friends, for little folks James Johonnot 134 downloads
A Book of Nimble Beasts: Bunny Rabbit, Squirrel, Toad, and "Those Sort of People" Douglas English 134 downloads
The winners in life's race : Or, the great backboned family Arabella B. Buckley 133 downloads
A Short History of Birds & Beasts, for the Amusement and Instruction of Children Anonymous 129 downloads
Our Pets Anonymous 122 downloads
The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey Anonymous 121 downloads
L'Arche de Noé (French) André Hellé 117 downloads
Wild Kindred Jean M. Thompson 114 downloads
Children of the Wild Sir Charles G. D. Roberts 102 downloads
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