Books about United States -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
A Struggle For Life Thomas Bailey Aldrich 132 downloads
A Romance of Tompkins Square Thomas A. Janvier 130 downloads
A Summer Evening's Dream Edward Bellamy 129 downloads
In the Sixties Harold Frederic 128 downloads
From the Land of the Snow-Pearls: Tales from Puget Sound Ella Higginson 128 downloads
Juggernaut: A Veiled Record George Cary Eggleston and Dolores Marbourg 128 downloads
The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann Joel Chandler Harris 127 downloads
Tattle-tales of Cupid Paul Leicester Ford 127 downloads
One thousand dollars a day. Studies in practical economics Adeline Knapp 126 downloads
More "Short Sixes" H. C. Bunner 125 downloads
The Point of View Henry James 124 downloads
Our New Neighbors At Ponkapog Thomas Bailey Aldrich 124 downloads
Men, Women, and Ghosts Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 124 downloads
The Wisdom of Fools Margaret Wade Campbell Deland 124 downloads
Under the Skylights Henry Blake Fuller 121 downloads
Quaker idyls Sarah M. H. Gardner 120 downloads
Jersey Street and Jersey Lane: Urban and Suburban Sketches H. C. Bunner 120 downloads
Lemorne Versus Huell Elizabeth Stoddard 119 downloads
If, Yes and Perhaps Edward Everett Hale 119 downloads
To Whom This May Come Edward Bellamy 117 downloads
The Missionary Sheriff Octave Thanet 112 downloads
Whom the Gods Destroyed Josephine Daskam Bacon 112 downloads
Quodlibet: containing some annals thereof ... John Pendleton Kennedy 112 downloads
Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski Thomas Bailey Aldrich 111 downloads
Our Pirate Hoard Thomas A. Janvier 111 downloads