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Displaying results 1–12
Four Arthurian Romances
active 12th century de Troyes Chrétien
One Hundred Merrie And Delightsome Stories
Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systematized and interpreted
Rasmus Björn Anderson
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages
S. Baring-Gould
Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, vol. II (Italian)
Arturo Graf
Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, vol. I (Italian)
Arturo Graf
El conde Lucanor (Spanish)
Infante of Castile Juan Manuel
Legends of the Middle Ages
H. A. Guerber
Aucassin & Nicolette, and Other Mediaeval Romances and Legends
Old French Romances, Done into English
William Morris
Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, tome II (French)
Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, tome I (French)
Displaying results 1–12