Books about Man-woman relationships -- Drama (sorted by popularity)
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A Doll's House : a play Henrik Ibsen 43891 downloads
Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen 5852 downloads
The Sea-Gull Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 4919 downloads
Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy Bernard Shaw 2114 downloads
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 1844 downloads
Arms and the Man Bernard Shaw 1374 downloads
A Woman of No Importance Oscar Wilde 1020 downloads
Reigen: Zehn Dialoge (German) Arthur Schnitzler 686 downloads
The Belle's Stratagem Hannah Cowley 637 downloads
Candida Bernard Shaw 543 downloads
The Lady from the Sea Henrik Ibsen 497 downloads
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets Bernard Shaw 481 downloads
Scorn of Women: A Play In Three Acts Jack London 433 downloads
A Doll's House Henrik Ibsen 424 downloads
It pays to advertise : A farcical fact in three acts Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett 357 downloads
The Philanderer Bernard Shaw 341 downloads
The Vortex: A Play in Three Acts Noel Coward 338 downloads
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 329 downloads
A Woman of No Importance Oscar Wilde 299 downloads
What Every Woman Knows J. M. Barrie 272 downloads
The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 259 downloads
Nora: Näytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä (Finnish) Henrik Ibsen 232 downloads
A kiss for Cinderella: A comedy J. M. Barrie 195 downloads
Captain Brassbound's Conversion Bernard Shaw 176 downloads
A message from Mars : A fantastic comedy in three acts Richard Ganthony 174 downloads
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