Books about Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
- Mananayaw (Tagalog) Rosauro Almario
- Man and a Woman Stanley Waterloo
- Man and the Moment Elinor Glyn
- Man: A Story of To-day Elbert Hubbard
- Mandarín (Spanish) Eça de Queirós
- Manifest Destiny Julia Magruder
- Man in the Open Roger Pocock
- Man in the Reservoir Charles Fenno Hoffman
- Man Next Door Emerson Hough
- Man's World Albert Edwards
- Man Thou Gavest Harriet T. Comstock
- Manual of the Art of Fiction Clayton Meeker Hamilton
- Man Who Could Not Lose Richard Harding Davis
- Man Who Fell Through the Earth Carolyn Wells
- Man Who Lived in a Shoe Henry James Forman
- Man Who Wins Robert Herrick
- Man with a Shadow George Manville Fenn
- Man with the Double Heart Muriel Hine
- Many Kingdoms Elizabeth Garver Jordan
- Marcof le Malouin (French) Ernest Capendu
- Marcus O'Brienin kohtalo (Finnish) Jack London
- Margarita's Soul: The Romantic Recollections of a Man of Fifty Josephine Daskam Bacon
- Margherita Pusterla: Racconto storico (Italian) Cesare Cantù
- Margret Howth: A Story of To-day Rebecca Harding Davis
- Marion Arleigh's Penance Charlotte M. Brame