Books about Love stories (sorted alphabetically)
Grandissimes George Washington Cable
Graustark George Barr McCutcheon
Great Accident Ben Ames Williams
Greatheart Ethel M. Dell
Great short stories, Volume 3 (of 3) : Romance & Adventure
green hat Michael Arlen
Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest W. H. Hudson
Guarded Heights Wadsworth Camp
Half A Chance Frederic Stewart Isham
Happy-go-lucky Ian Hay
Happy Hypocrite: A Fairy Tale for Tired Men Sir Max Beerbohm
Harilek : A romance Martin Louis Alan Gompertz
Harum Scarum's Fortune Esmè Stuart
Haukansilmä (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper
Heart of Hyacinth Onoto Watanna
Heart of the Desert (Kut-Le of the Desert) Honoré Morrow
Heart of Una Sackville Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
Helena Mrs. Humphry Ward
Helena's Path Anthony Hope
Hellé (Finnish) Marcelle Tinayre
Helmet of Navarre Bertha Runkle
Henrietta Temple: A Love Story Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Her kingdom : A story of the Westmoreland Fells Amy Le Feuvre
Hermit Doctor of Gaya: A Love Story of Modern India I. A. R. Wylie
Her Serene Highness: A Novel David Graham Phillips