Books about Love stories (sorted alphabetically)
Coast of Adventure Harold Bindloss
Coast of Chance Esther Chamberlain and Lucia Chamberlain
Coelebs: The Love Story of a Bachelor F. E. Mills Young
College Girl Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
Colony of Girls Kate Livingston Willard
Comedies of Courtship Anthony Hope
Convict B 14: A Novel R. K. Weekes
Coquette Frank Swinnerton
Counsel for the Defense Leroy Scott
Countess from Canada: A Story of Life in the Backwoods Bessie Marchant
Cowardice Court George Barr McCutcheon
Cronus of the D. F. C. Jr. Lloyd Biggle
Crucible (Spanish) Mark Lee Luther
Cruise of the Make-Believes Tom Gallon
Cupid's Understudy Salisbury Field
Cursed by a Fortune George Manville Fenn
Cynthia's Chauffeur Louis Tracy
Daddy-Long-Legs Jean Webster
Daddy-Long-Legs Jean Webster
Daddy-Long-Legs Jean Webster
Dainty's Cruel Rivals; Or, The Fatal Birthday Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
Daisy Brooks; Or, A Perilous Love Laura Jean Libbey
dama de las camelias; Una familia corsa (Spanish) Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas
Damaged Reputation Harold Bindloss
dame aux camélias (French) Alexandre Dumas