Books about Great Britain -- Economic conditions (sorted alphabetically)
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Displaying results 1–10
condition of England Charles F. G. Masterman
Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 Friedrich Engels
English Economic History: Select Documents
Industrial History of England Henry de Beltgens Gibbins
inquiry into the permanent causes of the decline and fall of powerful and wealthy nations : Designed to shew how the prosperity of the British empire may be prolonged William Playfair
Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England Edward Potts Cheyney
Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Melbourne on the Cause of the Higher Average Price of Grain in Britain than on the the Continent Sir George Grant Suttie
Rusticus : or, The future of the countryside Martin S. Briggs
Source-Book of English Social History M. E. Monckton Jones
Zur Geschichte der englischen Volkswirthschaftslehre (German) Wilhelm Roscher
Displaying results 1–10