Coal and Candlelight, and Other Verses
Helen Parry Eden
October, and Other Poems; with Occasional Verses on the War
Robert Bridges
Le Témoin: 1914-1916 (French)
Jean Aicard
Geoffrey Dearmer
The Young Guard
E. W. Hornung
War's Embers, and Other Verses
Ivor Gurney
Rookie rhymes, by the men of the 1st and 2nd provisional training regiments, Plattsburg, New York
Plattsburgh Barracks
Gloucestershire Friends: Poems From a German Prison Camp
F. W. Harvey
The Belgian Mother, and Ballads of Battle Time
Thaddeus A. Browne
Sorrow of War: Poems
Louis Golding
Songs of Heroic Days
Thomas O'Hagan
Elinor Jenkins
A Gloucestershire Lad at Home and Abroad
F. W. Harvey
With the Colors
Everard Jack Appleton
The Great War in Verse and Prose
Lauds and libels
Charles L. Graves
The Dawn Patrol, and other poems of an aviator
Paul Bewsher
'Hello, soldier!' : Khaki verse
Edward Dyson
Our Boys, and Other Poems
Alan L. Strang
Rhymes of the Rookies: Sunny Side of Soldier Service
W. E. Christian
Verkettung: Gedichte (German)
Martin Gumpert
Moments of Vision
Thomas Hardy