Books about Children's stories (sorted alphabetically)
Shen of the Sea: A Book for Children Arthur Bowie Chrisman
Shining Hours Anonymous
Sing a Song of Sixpence Mary Holdsworth
Singing Mouse Stories Emerson Hough
Six giants and a griffin, and other stories Sarah Elizabeth Birdsall Otis
Skating Party and Other Stories Unknown
Small Means and Great Ends
Snap-Dragons; Old Father Christmas Juliana Horatia Ewing
Snövit barnens julkalender 1918 (Swedish) Various
Snowdrop & Other Tales Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
snow-image: a childish miracle Nathaniel Hawthorne
Soap-bubble stories : for children Fanny Barry
sociable Sand Witch Thomas Lambert Sappington
Sparrow the tramp: A fable for children Lily F. Wesselhoeft
Spinning-Wheel Stories Louisa May Alcott
Starlight Wonder Book Henry Beston
Sternenkind und andere Geschichten: Naturgeschichtliche Märchen (German) Carl Ewald
Stories and ballads for young folks Ellen Tracy Alden
Stories from Switzerland César Malan
Stories from the Ballads, Told to the Children Mary Macgregor
Stories from the Faerie Queen, Told to the Children Edmund Spenser and Jean Lang
Stories of Animal Sagacity William Henry Giles Kingston
Stories of Enchantment Jane Pentzer Myers
Stories of Heroic Deeds for Boys and Girls James Johonnot
Stories of Many Lands Grace Greenwood