Books about Children's stories (sorted alphabetically)
Counterpane Fairy Katharine Pyle
Court of Boyville William Allen White
Cousin Lucy's Conversations Jacob Abbott
Cricket's Friends: Tales Told by the Cricket, Teapot, and Saucepan Virginia W. Johnson
Cruise of the "Lively Bee"; Or, A Boy's Adventures in the War of 1812 John De Morgan
cup of sweets, that can never cloy: or, delightful tales for good children active 1804-1816 Elizabeth Semple and Elizabeth Sandham
Curly Locks Anonymous
Daddy Jake the Runaway, and Short Stories Told after Dark Joel Chandler Harris
Daddy's Bedtime Bird Stories Mary Graham Bonner
Danger Cliff, and other stories Pansy
David's Little Lad L. T. Meade
Deaf Shoemaker: To Which Are Added Other Stories for the Young Philip Barrett
Denslow's Three Bears W. W. Denslow
Denslow's Three Bears W. W. Denslow
Dimple Dallas : The further fortunes of a sweet little maid Amy Ella Blanchard
Diving Bell; Or, Pearls to be Sought for Francis C. Woodworth
Doctor Dolittle in the Moon Hugh Lofting
Doctor Papa Sophie May
Doll and Her Friends Julia Charlotte Maitland
Dooryard Stories Clara Dillingham Pierson
Dreamland Julie M. Lippmann
Dubbele Twee: Leesboek voor het vierde leerjaar (Dutch) Jacob van der Klei
Early candlelight stories Stella C. Shetter
Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers
Edith and Her Ayah, and Other Stories A. L. O. E.