Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
- "The Santa Fe Trail," and Other Poems Joseph Robert Wilson 49 downloads
- Twenty Stella Benson 49 downloads
- Ban and Arriere Ban: A Rally of Fugitive Rhymes Andrew Lang 49 downloads
- Landscape and Song 49 downloads
- Valikoima Jaakko Juteinin runoja (Finnish) Jaakko Juteini 49 downloads
- Poems William Anderson 48 downloads
- Heart of Man George Edward Woodberry 48 downloads
- West-östlicher Divan: Ten Lyrics with Friulian Translation (German) (Friulian) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 48 downloads
- Perpetual Light : a memorial William Rose Benét 48 downloads
- Signelil, A Tale from the Cornish, and Other Ballads George Borrow 48 downloads
- Faust: Ein Gedicht (German) Woldemar Nürnberger 48 downloads
- Rain and roses Jeannette Fraser Henshall 48 downloads
- Il Quadriregio (Italian) Federico Frezzi 48 downloads
- Snowflakes Esther Nelson Karn 48 downloads
- DIR: Gedichte (German) Heinrich Vogeler 48 downloads
- Deadly Pollen Stephen Oliver 48 downloads
- Lyyrillisiä runoelmia 2 (Finnish) Johan Ludvig Runeberg 48 downloads
- The Call of the Mountains, and Other Poems James E. Pickering 48 downloads
- La Mort Amoureuse: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand 48 downloads
- Across the Sea and Other Poems. Thomas S. Chard 48 downloads
- Unser täglich Gift: Gedichte (German) Otfried Krzyzanowski 47 downloads
- De Liereman (Dutch) Lieuwe Schipper 47 downloads
- Drifting Thomas Buchanan Read 46 downloads
- Cintra (Portuguese) Mário Pires Gomes Beirão 46 downloads
- Jusqu'à l'extrême regard: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand 46 downloads