Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Sata runoa: Valikoituja maailmankirjallisuudesta (Finnish) 165 downloads
Irradiations; Sand and Spray John Gould Fletcher 165 downloads
In the Land of Dakota: A Little Book of North Dakota Verse Huldah Lucile Winsted 165 downloads
Opera nova amorosa, vol. 3 (Italian) Napolitano Notturno 165 downloads
Lyra da Mocidade (Portuguese) Faustino Fonseca Júnior 164 downloads
Les trophées (French) José-Maria de Heredia 164 downloads
Moja Beatrice (Polish) hrabia Zygmunt Krasiński 164 downloads
The Grey Brethren, and Other Fragments in Prose and Verse Michael Fairless 164 downloads
Anatomie Du Mouvement: Poésie (French) Huguette Bertrand 164 downloads
All That Matters Edgar A. Guest 164 downloads
Nothing to Say Q. K. Philander Doesticks 163 downloads
The New Morning: Poems Alfred Noyes 163 downloads
The Tale of Brynild, and King Valdemar and His Sister: Two Ballads George Borrow 163 downloads
A Jongleur Strayed Richard Le Gallienne 163 downloads
Raios de extincta luz (Portuguese) Antero de Quental 163 downloads
Some Broken Twigs Clara Frances McKee Beede 162 downloads
The Secret of the Creation Howard D. Pollyen 162 downloads
A Book for the Young Sarah French 162 downloads
The Death-Wake Thomas Tod Stoddart 162 downloads
Florence on a Certain Night, and Other Poems Coningsby Dawson 161 downloads
Poems Mary Baker Eddy 161 downloads
The Verner Raven, The Count of Vendel's Daughter, and Other Ballads George Borrow 161 downloads
La femme du diable (French) Joseph Lafon-Labatut 161 downloads
Pepper & Salt; or, Seasoning for Young Folk Howard Pyle 160 downloads
Memorial Day, and Other Verse (Original and Translated) Helen Leah Reed 160 downloads