Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
The Poems of Schiller — Suppressed poems Friedrich Schiller 185 downloads
Cobwebs from a Library Corner John Kendrick Bangs 184 downloads
Der Neuen Gedichte: Anderer Teil (German) Rainer Maria Rilke 184 downloads
Cottage Poems Patrick Brontë 184 downloads
Studies in Song Algernon Charles Swinburne 184 downloads
Queen Berngerd, The Bard and the Dreams, and Other Ballads 183 downloads
Songs for a Little House Christopher Morley 183 downloads
Emblems of Love Lascelles Abercrombie 183 downloads
A Song of the English Rudyard Kipling 183 downloads
The Voyageur and Other Poems William Henry Drummond 182 downloads
A Pushcart at the Curb John Dos Passos 182 downloads
Dreaming of Dreaming Peter E. Williams 182 downloads
L'aeroplano del papa: Romanzo profetico in versi liberi (Italian) F. T. Marinetti 182 downloads
Poems of London, and Other Verses John Presland 181 downloads
Poemata : Latin, Greek and Italian Poems by John Milton John Milton 181 downloads
The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and Two Rambler papers (1750) Samuel Johnson 181 downloads
Poems Matilda Betham 181 downloads
Ang mga Anak Dalita (Tagalog) Patricio Mariano 180 downloads
By Still Waters: Lyrical Poems Old and New George William Russell 180 downloads
Sonnets from Hafez & Other Verses Elizabeth Bridges Daryush and active 14th century Hafiz 180 downloads
Rimas (Spanish) Bartolomé Mitre 180 downloads
Songs of Labor, and Other Poems Morris Rosenfeld 179 downloads
The mermaid's prophecy, and other songs relating to Queen Dagmar George Borrow 178 downloads
Duas Paginas Dos Quatorze Annos (Portuguese) Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro 178 downloads
Pobudka: zbiorek poezji (Polish) Adam Asnyk 177 downloads