Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Japanese Prints John Gould Fletcher 231 downloads
Poems Denis Florence MacCarthy 229 downloads
Neue Gedichte (German) Rainer Maria Rilke 228 downloads
The Wild Swans at Coole W. B. Yeats 228 downloads
Flint and Feather: Collected Verse E. Pauline Johnson 227 downloads
El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections (Spanish) José de Espronceda 226 downloads
Dryden's Works Vol. 13 John Dryden 225 downloads
Le Laude (Italian) da Todi Jacopone 225 downloads
Ionica William Johnson Cory 223 downloads
Jumalainen näytelmä (Finnish) Dante Alighieri 222 downloads
Poems Chiefly from Manuscript John Clare 222 downloads
A Harpa do Crente (Portuguese) Alexandre Herculano 222 downloads
Black Beetles in Amber Ambrose Bierce 221 downloads
Gedichte (German) Friederike Kempner 221 downloads
Romanz De L'estoire Dou Graal (French) active 13th century de Boron Robert 220 downloads
Point Lace and Diamonds George Augustus Baker 220 downloads
Lyrics of Earth Archibald Lampman 219 downloads
The Divine Vision, and Other Poems George William Russell 219 downloads
The Hidden Servants and Other Very Old Stories Francesca Alexander 218 downloads
The Angel of Death Johan Olof Wallin 217 downloads
Nothing to Eat Jr. Horatio Alger and Thomas Chandler Haliburton 217 downloads
Silhouettes Arthur Symons 217 downloads
Ahasvero nell'Isola del Diavolo: versi (Italian) David Levi 216 downloads
Folhas cahidas, apanhadas na lama por um antigo juiz das almas de Campanhan (Portuguese) Camilo Castelo Branco 214 downloads
Poesie scelte (Italian) Silvio Pellico 213 downloads