Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Sonety Adama Mickiewicza (Polish) Adam Mickiewicz 249 downloads
A Poetical Cook-Book Maria J. Moss 247 downloads
Livro de Máguas (Portuguese) Florbela Espanca 246 downloads
The Literature of Ecstasy Albert Mordell 245 downloads
Cape Cod Ballads, and Other Verse Joseph Crosby Lincoln 245 downloads
The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies John Buchan 244 downloads
Embankment at Night D. H. Lawrence 243 downloads
The Singing Caravan: A Sufi Tale Baron Robert Gilbert Vansittart Vansittart 241 downloads
Sagittulae, Random Verses Edward Woodley Bowling 240 downloads
The Phoenix and the Turtle William Shakespeare 239 downloads
Laatste verzen (Dutch) Guido Gezelle 237 downloads
Mein Lied (German) Peter Rosegger 237 downloads
The Lord of Misrule, and Other Poems Alfred Noyes 237 downloads
Songs of the Silent World, and Other Poems Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 235 downloads
The Rose of Dawn: A Tale of the South Sea Helen Hay Whitney 235 downloads
Thomas Davis, selections from his prose and poetry Thomas Davis 234 downloads
Poems Denis Florence MacCarthy 233 downloads
The Poetical Works of Henry Kirk White : With a Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas Henry Kirke White 233 downloads
English Critical Essays: Nineteenth Century 232 downloads
Ballads of a Bohemian Robert W. Service 232 downloads
Poems By The Way & Love Is Enough William Morris 232 downloads
A Heap o' Livin' Edgar A. Guest 231 downloads
The Fairy Changeling and Other Poems Dora Sigerson Shorter 231 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 3 : The English works John Gower 231 downloads
The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years Elizabeth Atkins 229 downloads