Books about Poetry (sorted by popularity)
Cowley's Essays Abraham Cowley 295 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 2 : The English works John Gower 290 downloads
Poems, 1799 Robert Southey 289 downloads
Balady i romanse (Polish) Adam Mickiewicz 289 downloads
The Waste Land T. S. Eliot 288 downloads
35 Sonnets Fernando Pessoa 286 downloads
Mountain Idylls, and Other Poems Alfred Castner King 284 downloads
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley Ezra Pound 281 downloads
Moral Emblems Robert Louis Stevenson 280 downloads
The Poetical Works of William Collins; With a Memoir William Collins 276 downloads
Embankment at Night D. H. Lawrence 274 downloads
The complete works of John Gower, volume 4 : The Latin works (Latin) John Gower 272 downloads
Primavera: Poems by Four Authors Stephen Phillips, Laurence Binyon, Manmohan Ghose, and Arthur Shearly Cripps 272 downloads
Епопея на забравените (Bulgarian) Ivan Minchov Vazov 271 downloads
A Study of Poetry Bliss Perry 269 downloads
A line-o'-verse or two Bert Leston Taylor 268 downloads
Toward the Gulf Edgar Lee Masters 267 downloads
Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II Henry Vaughan 267 downloads
Threads of Grey and Gold Myrtle Reed 267 downloads
Three Sunsets and Other Poems Lewis Carroll 267 downloads
Collected Poems: Volume Two Alfred Noyes 263 downloads
Bloemlezing uit Guido Gezelle's Gedichten (Dutch) Guido Gezelle 262 downloads
Fringilla: Some Tales In Verse R. D. Blackmore 260 downloads
Poems & Poèmes; autres alliances (French) Natalie Clifford Barney 258 downloads
The Woman Who Dared Epes Sargent 256 downloads