Books about London (England) -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Los Ladrones de Londres (Spanish) Charles Dickens 354 downloads
Oliver Twist, Vol. 2 (of 3) Charles Dickens 352 downloads
The Odd Women George Gissing 348 downloads
The Three Clerks Anthony Trollope 343 downloads
El caso extraño del Doctor Jekyll (Spanish) Robert Louis Stevenson 342 downloads
All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible Story Walter Besant 333 downloads
The Grand Babylon Hôtel Arnold Bennett 330 downloads
Antic Hay Aldous Huxley 329 downloads
The Terror: A Mystery Arthur Machen 321 downloads
Phineas Finn Anthony Trollope 318 downloads
With Edged Tools Henry Seton Merriman 315 downloads
Oliver Twist, Vol. 3 (of 3) Charles Dickens 305 downloads
Bardell v. Pickwick Charles Dickens and Percy Fitzgerald 301 downloads
Linnet: A Romance Grant Allen 301 downloads
Alexander's Bridge Willa Cather 298 downloads
The King of Schnorrers: Grotesques and Fantasies Israel Zangwill 298 downloads
The Romance of a Shop Amy Levy 297 downloads
Fraternity John Galsworthy 291 downloads
De avonturen van Oliver Twist (Dutch) Charles Dickens 290 downloads
The Duke's Children Anthony Trollope 287 downloads
The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4 George W. M. Reynolds 284 downloads
The Masterfolk : wherein is attempted the unravelling of the strange affair of my Lord Wyntwarde of Cavil and Miss Betty Modeyne Haldane Macfall 276 downloads
Der Wendekreis - Erste Folge: Novellen (German) Jakob Wassermann 275 downloads
Living Alone Stella Benson 274 downloads
The Prince and the Pauper, Part 1. Mark Twain 271 downloads