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Displaying results 1–14
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Walter Scott
Demonologia : or, natural knowledge revealed; being an exposé of ancient and modern superstitions, credulity, fanaticism, enthusiasm, & imposture, as connected with the doctrine, caballa, and jargon, of amulets, apparitions, astrology, charms, demonology, devils, divination, dreams, deuteroscopia, effluvia, fatalism, fate, friars, ghosts, gipsies, hell, hypocrites, incantations, inquisition, jugglers, legends, magic, magicians, miracles, monks, nymphs, oracles, physiognomy, purgatory, predestination, predictions, quackery, relics, saints, second sight, signs before death, sorcery, spirits, salamanders, spells, talismans, traditions, trials, &c. witches, witchcraft, &c. &c. the whole unfolding many singular phenomena in the page of nature
J. S. Forsyth
The secrets of black arts! : A key note to witchcraft, devination [sic], omens, forwarnings, apparitions, sorcery, dæmonology, dreams, predictions, visions, and the Devil's legacy to earth mortals, compacts with the Devil! With the most authentic history of Salem witchcraft
Satan's Invisible World Discovered
George Sinclair
The Superstitions of Witchcraft
Howard Williams
The displaying of supposed witchcraft : Wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of deceivers and impostors, and divers persons under a passive delusion of melancholy and fancy. But that there is a corporeal league made betwixt the devil and the witch, or that he sucks on the witches body, has carnal copulation, or that witches are turned into cats, dogs, raise tempests, or the like, is utterly denied and disproved. Wherein also is handled, the existence of angels and spirits, the truth of apparitions, the nature of astral and sydereal spirits, the force of charms, and philters; with other abstruse matters
John Webster
The book of witches
Oliver Madox Hueffer
Among My Books. First Series
James Russell Lowell
Notes on witchcraft
George Lyman Kittredge
Le sabbat des sorciers (French)
Bourneville and E. Teinturier
An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts and Apparitions, and Popular Superstitions
James Thacher
La strega, ovvero, degli inganni de' demoni: dialogo (Italian)
Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola
Discours prodigieux et espouventable de trois Espaignols et une Espagnolle,
Curiosités Infernales (French)
P. L. Jacob
Displaying results 1–14