Books about Hunting -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Adventures in Many Lands Various
Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack Thornton W. Burgess
Afar in the Forest William Henry Giles Kingston
Battle and the Breeze R. M. Ballantyne
Battling the Bighorn; or, The Aeroplane in the Rockies H. L. Sayler
Beaufort Chums Edwin L. Sabin
Black Panther of the Navaho Warren H. Miller
Blown to Bits; or, The Lonely Man of Rakata R. M. Ballantyne
Blown to Bits: The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago R. M. Ballantyne
Boris the Bear-Hunter Frederick Whishaw
Boy Hunters Mayne Reid
Boys of The Fort; Or, A Young Captain's Pluck Edward Stratemeyer
Boy Travellers on the Congo Henry M. Stanley and Thomas Wallace Knox
Bunyip Land: A Story of Adventure in New Guinea George Manville Fenn
Camp and Trail: A Story of the Maine Woods Isabel Hornibrook
Camping in the Winter Woods: Adventures of Two Boys in the Maine Woods Elmer Russell Gregor
Camp in the Foot-Hills; or, Oscar on Horseback Harry Castlemon
Carl the Trailer Harry Castlemon
Cattle-Ranch to College: The True Tales of a Boy's Adventures in the Far West Russell Doubleday
Cliff Climbers Mayne Reid
Dick o' the Fens: A Tale of the Great East Swamp George Manville Fenn
Elam Storm, the Wolfer; Or, The Lost Nugget Harry Castlemon
Four Boy Hunters; Or, The Outing of the Gun Club Edward Stratemeyer
Fritz and Eric John C. Hutcheson
Fur-Seal's Tooth: A Story of Alaskan Adventure Kirk Munroe
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