Books in United Kingdom (sorted alphabetically)
Description of Modern Birmingham Charles Pye
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts Rosalind Northcote
Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire James Jennings
Early English Meals and Manners
Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes Robert Louis Stevenson
England Charles Dudley Warner
England, My England D. H. Lawrence
England Over Seas Lloyd Roberts
England under the Tudors Arthur D. Innes
Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England Mary Platt Parmele
Exeter Sidney Heath
Fifty Years of Railway Life in England, Scotland and Ireland Joseph Tatlow
Forest of Dean: An Historical and Descriptive Account H. G. Nicholls
From London to Land's End Daniel Defoe
Froude's History of England Charles Kingsley
Great Britain and Her Queen Anne E. Keeling
Great Britain and the American Civil War Ephraim Douglass Adams
Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney G. E. Mitton and John Cunningham Geikie
Handbook to English Heraldry Charles Boutell
Harbours of England John Ruskin
Henry of Monmouth, Volume 1 James Endell Tyler
Henry of Monmouth, Volume 2 James Endell Tyler
Henry the Second Alice Stopford Green
Henry VIII. A. F. Pollard
Henry VIII and His Court: A Historical Novel L. Mühlbach