Books in United Kingdom (sorted alphabetically)
Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of Its Causes Charles Babbage
Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) James Anthony Froude
Reign of Mary Tudor James Anthony Froude
Reise durch England und Schottland (German) Johanna Schopenhauer
Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys Dugald Butler
Shakespearean Playhouses Joseph Quincy Adams
Short History of England G. K. Chesterton
Short History of Scotland Andrew Lang
Short History of Wales Sir Owen Morgan Edwards
Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham Thomas T. Harman and Walter Showell
Six Years in the Prisons of England
Songs of the Ridings F. W. Moorman
South London Walter Besant
Strand District Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton
Survey of Cornwall Richard Carew
Tale of One City: the New Birmingham Thomas Anderton
Tour through the Eastern Counties of England Daniel Defoe
Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722 Daniel Defoe
Travels in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth; with Fragmenta regalia Sir Robert Naunton and Paul Hentzner
Travels in England in 1782 Karl Philipp Moritz
Vanishing England P. H. Ditchfield
Wars Between England and America Theodore Clarke Smith
Westminster Walter Besant, G. E. Mitton, and Mrs. A. Murray Smith
What to See in England Gordon Home
Yorkshire Gordon Home