Books in Native America (sorted by popularity)
The Substance of a Journal During a Residence at the Red River Colony, British North America John West 122 downloads
Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe William Apess 120 downloads
Shadows of Shasta Joaquin Miller 116 downloads
Indian Legends and Other Poems Mary Gardiner Horsford 113 downloads
An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians H. C. Yarrow 101 downloads
The Last of the Chiefs: A Story of the Great Sioux War Joseph A. Altsheler 97 downloads
Aleutian Indian and English Dictionary (Aleut) Charles A. Lee 96 downloads
Report of Mr. W. E. Cormack's journey in search of the Red Indians in Newfoundland W. E. Cormack 94 downloads
Tecumseh : a Drama Charles Mair 80 downloads