Books in Music (sorted by popularity)
Vocal Mastery Harriette Brower 206 downloads
Musicians of to-day Romain Rolland 205 downloads
Indian Story and Song, from North America Alice C. Fletcher 205 downloads
On the Execution of Music, and Principally of Ancient Music Camille Saint-Saëns 204 downloads
Observations on the Florid Song; Or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers Pier Francesco Tosi 202 downloads
Chopin and Other Musical Essays Henry T. Finck 197 downloads
Essentials in Conducting Karl Wilson Gehrkens 195 downloads
Portraits et études; Lettres inédites de Georges Bizet (French) Georges Bizet and Hugues Imbert 193 downloads
The Eurhythmics of Jaques-Dalcroze Émile Jaques-Dalcroze 191 downloads
The Pianolist: A Guide for Pianola Players Gustav Kobbé 191 downloads
Edward MacDowell: A Study Lawrence Gilman 190 downloads
Haydn J. Cuthbert Hadden 188 downloads
Beethoven, a character study; together with Wagner's indebtedness to Beethoven George Alexander Fischer 185 downloads
Old Fogy: His Musical Opinions and Grotesques James Huneker 183 downloads
Cardinal Newman as a Musician Edward Bellasis 183 downloads
The Pianoforte Sonata J. S. Shedlock 181 downloads
Mozart: The Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 179 downloads
St. Gregory and the Gregorian Music E. G. P. Wyatt 174 downloads
Sketch of Handel and Beethoven Thomas Hanly Ball 172 downloads
The Head Voice and Other Problems: Practical Talks on Singing D. A. Clippinger 168 downloads
Slavery's Passed Away and Other Songs Various 167 downloads
Music as a Language: Lectures to Music Students Ethel Home 167 downloads
The Child-Voice in Singing Francis E. Howard 164 downloads
Entwurf einer neuen Ästhetik der Tonkunst (German) Ferruccio Busoni 162 downloads
The Voice: Its Production, Care and Preservation Frank E. Miller 154 downloads