Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically)
Lord William Beresford, V.C., Some Memories of a Famous Sportsman, Soldier and Wit Mrs. Stuart Menzies
Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, Including Trick Photography Albert A. Hopkins
Making a Tennis Court George E. Walsh
making of a mountaineer George Ingle Finch
Making the Nine Albertus T. Dudley
Mancala, the National Game of Africa Stewart Culin
Master of Game: The Oldest English Book on Hunting count of Foix Gaston III Phoebus and of Norwich Edward
Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and Other Matters Richard Penn
Men We Meet in the Field; or, The Bullshire Hounds A. G. Bagot
Méthode d'équitation basée sur de nouveaux principes (French) François Baucher
Mirror of the Turf; Or, The Machinery of Horse-Racing Revealed, Showing the Sport of Kings as It Is To-Day James Glass Bertram
Model Aeroplanes and Their Engines: A Practical Book for Beginners George Anthony Cavanagh
Modern American Pistol and Revolver Arthur Corbin Gould
Modern Bicycle and Its Accessories Alex Schwalbach and Julius Wilcox
Modern Billiards Benjamin Garno
Modern Pistol and How to Shoot It Walter Winans
More Cricket Songs Norman Gale
Motor Boys; or, Chums Through Thick and Thin Clarence Young
Motor Camping J. C. Long and John D. Long
Mountain Craft
Mr. Punch Awheel: The Humours of Motoring and Cycling
Mr. Punch's Book of Sport
Mr. Punch's Golf Stories
Mr. Punch with Rod and Gun: The Humours of Fishing and Shooting
Musk-Ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat Owen Wister, George Bird Grinnell, and Caspar Whitney