Books in Browsing: Sociology (sorted alphabetically)
- Elements of Child-protection Sigmund Engel
- Elements of Foreign Exchange: A Foreign Exchange Primer Franklin Escher
- Emerson on Sound Money Willis George Emerson
- Emma Goldman: Biographical Sketch Charles Allan Madison
- Empty churches : The rural-urban dilemma Charles Josiah Galpin
- Endowed Charities of Kensington: By Whom Bequeathed, and How Administered Edward Morton Daniel
- English Peasantry and the Enclosure of Common Fields Gilbert Slater
- English Poor Law Policy Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
- English Prison System Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise
- Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at Tyburn (1725) Bernard Mandeville
- Entwicklung des gutsherrlich-bäuerlichen Verhältnisses in Galizien (1772-1848) (German) Ludwig Von Mises
- En Virginie, épisode de la guerre de sécession (French) Jean de Villiot
- Equality Edward Bellamy
- Essai sur l'éducation des aveugles (French) Valentin Haüy
- essay in defence of the female sex Mary Astell and active 1696-1707 Judith Drake
- Essay on the Principle of Population T. R. Malthus
- Essays in eugenics Francis Galton
- Essays in medical sociology, Volume 1 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
- Essays in medical sociology, Volume 2 (of 2) Elizabeth Blackwell
- Essays on Mankind and Political Arithmetic Sir William Petty
- Estudos sobre criminalidade e educação (philosophia e anthropagogia) (Portuguese) Manuel Antonio Ferreira-Deusdado
- Ethics of Coöperation James Hayden Tufts
- Ethics of Drink and Other Social Questions; Or, Joints In Our Social Armour James Runciman
- Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies R. G. Latham
- Ethnology of the British Islands R. G. Latham