Books in Browsing: Sociology (sorted alphabetically)
- Broke," The Man Without the Dime Edwin A. Brown
- Brook Farm: Historic and Personal Memoirs John Thomas Codman
- Bucholz and the Detectives Allan Pinkerton
- Burglar's Fate, and The Detectives Allan Pinkerton
- business career in its public relations Albert Shaw
- Business of Being a Woman Ida M. Tarbell
- Bygone Punishments William Andrews
- Camel and the Needle's Eye Baron Arthur Ponsonby Ponsonby
- Canadian Commonwealth Agnes C. Laut
- Canadian Girl at Work: A Book of Vocational Guidance Lady Marjory MacMurchy Willison
- capital: Resumido y acompañado de un estudio sobre el Socialismo científico (Spanish) Karl Marx and Gabriel Pierre Deville
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 2 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 3 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 4 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 5 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 6 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes and Tribes of Southern India. Vol. 7 of 7 Edgar Thurston
- Castes In India B. R. Ambedkar
- Catalogue of books on philately in the Public Library of the city of Boston Boston Public Library and Boston Philatelic Society
- Catastrophe and Social Change Samuel Henry Prince
- Catéchisme libertin (French) Théroigne de Méricourt
- causes of prostitution James Peter Warbasse
- Celebrated Crimes (Complete) Alexandre Dumas
- Cenci Alexandre Dumas
- Census in Moscow graf Leo Tolstoy