Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
Michael Faraday
The Preparation of Illustrations for Reports of the United States Geological Survey
John L. Ridgway
Entretiens (1998-2001) (French)
Marie Lebert
The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4)
J. Arthur Thomson
Science and hypothesis
Henri Poincaré
Heads and tales : or, Anecdotes and stories of quadrupeds and other beasts, chiefly connected with incidents in the histories of more or less distinguished men.
The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla
Thomas Commerford Martin
Amusements in Mathematics
Henry Ernest Dudeney
Physiologie du goût (French)
Some Constituents of the Poison Ivy Plant (Rhus Toxicodendron)
William Anderson Syme
The Story-book of Science
Jean-Henri Fabre
The Mechanical Properties of Wood
Samuel J. Record
Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics
Richard Folkard
Jerome Cardan: A Biographical Study
W. G. Waters
The Book of the Damned
Charles Fort
Nature Books Popular and Scientific from The Franklin Bookshop, 1910
Samuel N. Rhoads
The Book of the Sword
Sir Richard Francis Burton
Galen: On the Natural Faculties (Ancient Greek (to 1453))
"The United Seas"
Robert W. Rogers
Comparative Breeding Behavior of Ammospiza caudacuta and A. maritima
Glen Everett Woolfenden
Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics
J. Willard Gibbs
Mathematical Recreations and Essays
W. W. Rouse Ball
Jane's All the World's Aircraft. 1913
Relativity: The Special and General Theory
Albert Einstein