The Ohio Naturalist, vol. II, no. 2, December, 1901
Ohio State University. Biological Club
Political and commercial geology and the world's mineral resources
Text book of veterinary medicine, Volume 1 (of 5)
James Law
The Ohio naturalist, Vol. 1, No. 3, January, 1901
Ohio State University. Biological Club
The agricultural and forest products of British West Africa
Gerald C. Dudgeon
Hand-book on cheese making
George E. Newell
Journal of a tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas
Joseph Dalton Hooker and John Ball
The glamour of prospecting : wanderings of a South African prospector in search of copper, gold, emeralds, and diamonds
Fred C. Cornell
The course of creation
John Anderson
A true & exact history of the island of Barbados
Richard Ligon
Maantiede ja löytöretket 4 : Uusin aika 17.-vuosisadan alusta nykyaikaan (loppupuoli) (Finnish)
Into Konrad Inha
Historia natural y moral de las Indias (vol. 1 of 2) (Spanish)
José de Acosta
En avion vers le pôle nord (French)
Roald Amundsen
Freak trees of the State of New York
Gurth Adelbert Whipple
Report on the lands of the arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah
John Wesley Powell, Grove Karl Gilbert, Clarence E. Dutton, A. H. Thompson, and Willis Drummond
Stock and stalks : A book for the dairy farmer
James Russel Roberts
The English Husbandman (The Second Booke)
Gervase Markham
Dairying exemplified, or, The business of cheese-making
J. Twamley
The farm and the woodlot
J. E. Barton
Zetetic astronomy: Earth not a globe!
My experiments with volcanoes
Thomas Augustus Jaggar
Gardening for women
Viscountess Frances Garnet Wolseley
The Italian Alp-bee; or, The gold mine of husbandry
H. C. Hermann
Instrvcçam sobre a cvltvra das amoreiras, & criaçaõ dos bichos da seda
Rafael Bluteau
Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, or, A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp
John Parkinson